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Questions tagged [vote-to-delete]

The process by which users can vote to delete a post from the site.

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48 votes
2 answers

Delete vote retraction logic is confusing

This has happened to me a couple of times: I vote to delete a question or an answer and move on. Later, I come across the same post forgetting that I have voted for its deletion before, so I vote ...
-13 votes
1 answer

Deleting answer deletes... post? question? answer? [duplicate]

Here, the user intends to delete (just) his answer. but is shocked as it turns out the "Delete" button shown actually refers to the entire "post" (which presumably means "...
206 votes
11 answers

Can we slow down on the deletes on Meta, folks?

I had the privilege of reading this meta post just now (screenshot in case it's deleted again). It was created 36 minutes ago. It was closed 20 minutes ago. It was deleted 1 minute ago. Meta is the ...
-1 votes
2 answers

When is it acceptable to delete a post?

Question inspired by this post as well as this one. This applies to users with privileges to cast delete votes. In some cases, a post may be off-topic. Here's some situations: It's blatantly off-...
4 votes
2 answers

Someone voted to delete my answer - what's wrong with it?

After reading this and a few others, I can't fathom what's prompted the deletion vote on this answer I posted yesterday. I took time, went into detail about the two most common reasons why OpenCart ...
15 votes
0 answers

Questions with three close/delete votes are STILL not closed or deleted

I saw this question: Multiple questions with three close votes are still open or three delete votes aren't deleted I also saw that the question was marked as status-completed, so the staff ...
20 votes
0 answers

Multiple questions with three close votes are still open or three delete votes aren't deleted

I opened a question that already had 3 close votes but was nevertheless active. I refreshed my browser couple of times but it had no effect. I was even allowed to submit another close request. And ...
23 votes
6 answers

Under what conditions is a non-mod allowed to vote to delete content for suspicion of violating the AI-generated-content policy?

There's a network-wide policy for mods in (Interim) Policy on AI-content detection reports that states: [...] it is expected that if the CM team reaches out to contact a moderator to discuss an ...
19 votes
2 answers

Similar answers but different scores (+21 vs -1), failed audit [duplicate]

When I compare this answer to the now deleted answer #52135796 on the question How to simulate POST request? I consider them very similar. Just a link with which both attempt answer the question asked....
38 votes
0 answers

Low-rep users should not see usernames of people who voted for deletion of their question or answer in the banner

In this feature request I would like to propose that the usernames of delete-voters get hidden from low-rep users in the deletion banner, similarly to how the usernames of close-voters already are not ...
22 votes
1 answer

Should low-rep users really see who voted for deletion? [duplicate]

When a question was closed, the list of who voted for closure is shown only to users with close/reopen privileges, at least it says so in the banner - and that makes sense to me. I was then quite ...
8 votes
1 answer

How do I close or delete a question that I have asked?

How do I close or delete a question that I have asked? Because I have found answers to it already and would not want to be downvoted...
17 votes
2 answers

Should reproducible questions that become non-reproducible be closed and/or downvoted?

Should reproducible questions that become non-reproducible be closed and/or downvoted? For example, I answered question Error using Google Studio Formula with Case back in 2020 and it was closed today ...
-30 votes
1 answer

How can I remove an answered question which is receiving a lot of downvotes?

I have recently posted two questions: one on SO and one on Meta. One of the users started to abuse me and I received a lot of downvotes. I deleted my meta question, but it was undeleted and still ...
20 votes
0 answers

Strange deletion warning trying to clean up old questions (that aren't mine)

Occasionally I encounter old questions that got popular, but which are actually pretty bad. One common case is that the question Needs More Focus due to really being two questions in one, each of ...
169 votes
6 answers

What should we do when one person tries to delete every duplicate?

There's a subject I'm pretty good with. I like to share my knowledge with others through answers. Unfortunately, there's another user active in the tag who makes participation extremely frustrating. ...
-14 votes
1 answer

How can I nominate one of my own questions for deletion? [duplicate]

Some of my old questions could even be misleading, since they ask about some software or framework that is completely different today, or my own subjective understanding that a question from my ...
12 votes
0 answers

How to prevent having a thorn in your side when you can't delete your old question? [duplicate]

I'm a low rep user, but active mostly on SE. I'm still working on it (can see that from recent question and answer), but I believe I now understand how to be decent when both asking and answering ...
40 votes
2 answers

Downvote in order to be able to vote to delete. Is it acceptable?

After reaching 20K, when browsing Stack Overflow (main or meta) I sometimes encounter posts that I believe merit deletion, but the "delete" link is not available because the post is not downvoted ...
25 votes
7 answers

How many duplicates (if any) are enough to justify deletion of a question?

A user asked this question recently. There's no doubt it's well-written, but it's extremely poorly researched. This question has been asked and answered hundreds of times (at least in my 5 years in ...
10 votes
1 answer

What parameters do we want when deleting duplicate questions?

Looking in the delete queue - there's always many duplicates. Now some truly bring no value to the site. They have no or one poor answer (if judging answers by votes) and they won't be missed being ...
115 votes
1 answer

Stop using our delete votes in the LQPRQ when 20k-rep users recommend deletion

EDIT: Now that the testing has been completed on changing the number of reviews required to delete a post I think this is even more needed. We only need 4 reviews to delete a post so using 3 20K ...
23 votes
0 answers

Some Reviewed Low Quality Answers are not being deleted

There's an odd thing going on with some NAA/LQP reviews. The reviews are being completed and the flags are clearing, but the post is not being deleted. Hat tip to CertainPerformance for noting the ...
8 votes
4 answers

What is the procedure for getting blatantly off-topic C or C++ answers deleted?

In the C tag wiki and C++ tag wiki we have established rules for how to deal with cross-tagging of posts with both c and c++ at once, as well as guidelines for user moderators. I was the one pushing ...
-22 votes
1 answer

Should I delete my question, which has been closed with an inappropriate reason?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Can you provide examples of a couple of elegant CMD/PowerShell/WSH Hybrid bash scripts (portable scripts)? I don't believe those who closed my question ...
15 votes
0 answers

Enhance close and delete links [duplicate]

While we are currently running A/B testing on button styling for vote arrows, I am wondering whether the Close and Delete links on posts could also be enhanced in terms of UX. Here is how the Close ...
20 votes
2 answers

How did OP delete his question which has an answer?

I have answered this question, and then after I went to improve my answer with more information of the problem then the question was deleted within some minutes of the question being asked. How is ...
39 votes
1 answer

Request for clarification on moderation policy regarding deletion of posts under Meta discussion

The following comment was posted on a Stack Overflow question: Moderator Note: We will not be deleting questions while they are under active discussion on Meta. Please note that having participated ...
-12 votes
1 answer

Immediate deletion of a closed question

What has happened to this question? It was asked by a newbie, and is definitely sub-standard. However, although I have only dabbled in Unity, it was pretty obvious from the posted code, what was wrong....
37 votes
0 answers

Why are we able to vote to delete or undelete over and over again? [duplicate]

Currently a delete/undelete war is going on on on this question:, which I've posted ...
54 votes
2 answers

Regex question getting closed as a dupe with a too broad target, and now receiving delete votes

Disclaimer: I have a stake in this question, as I'm the owner of the accepted answer. I'm disappointed with the process that's happening on this question about a regex-related error message in ...
42 votes
1 answer

Why am I not allowed to vote to delete or undelete another user's post more than once? [Obsolete]

Moderator note: The Stack Exchange software will no longer permit multiple delete or undelete votes as of Oct 26, 2021. This rule is now officially obsolete under these changes. A question or answer ...
38 votes
7 answers

Should posts that are actively being discussed on Meta be temporarily exempt from deletion?

When a question on the Main site is brought up for discussion on Meta, I add the following comment on the Main question This question is being discussed on Meta. (the link is to the actual question ...
139 votes
20 answers

Rule proposal: one delete/undelete per post

This has now been crafted into a community rule It's becoming more and more evident that there are some users who feel very strongly about deletion on both sides of the issue. It's part of a larger ...
0 votes
4 answers

Is suspending users for voting to delete a question while being discussed on meta reasonable?

I found this question Why is only the first case statement applied in a Google Data Studio? which is discussed on meta here Regex question was closed as lacking details, but I think it was objective ...
44 votes
1 answer

How many times do questions go through a delete/undelete cycle by the same group of users?

A moderator of the site is proposing a new rule to limit the number of delete and undelete votes to one per user per post. Given that much discussion is happening there and the rhetoric is high, I ...
7 votes
4 answers

Should a question without source code in it be closed?

I'm seeking help from the community to understand the reasons for Close vote better. The question, Merge two one dimensional String arrays to a single array with delimiter was first closed with the ...
39 votes
2 answers

Deletion/undeletion battles - should moderators step in?

I think I'm not the first person to realize that there are often deletion/undeletion battles going on in a certain tag that has been discussed recently in a separate meta post. I was going through the ...
-18 votes
2 answers

Does the delete/undelete vote feature need to be revisited?

Compared to Downvote, Close-vote, and Reopen-vote, the Delete-vote and Undelete-vote lack some significant features For a question/answer, the Downvote, Close-vote, and Reopen-vote can be cast only ...
3 votes
1 answer

How many downvotes can a post get for it to be automatically closed or deleted?

I've seen a lot of posts with at least -20 downvotes, but they don't get deleted or closed. For example, this post. Would it not have been a duplicate, it most likely wouldn't have been closed or ...
4 votes
0 answers

Should famous questions stay around?

In the reopen queue, I came across What tools to automatically inline CSS style to create email HTML code? [closed]: Quoting to make sure content stays visible, even when that question might get ...
11 votes
1 answer

Is there a reputation requirement for deleting your own answer?

Earlier today, I came across an answer that was edited to "--- transformed to comment ---" by its author. I asked the author of that answer to delete it instead, but they answered that they ...
-4 votes
3 answers

Should a question marked as duplicate be deleted?

I will start this question with the following valuable guideline at How should duplicate questions be handled? Should duplicates be deleted? In general, no: most duplicates stay around. Having ...
6 votes
0 answers

Question deleted by original poster even though it has an answer from another user [duplicate]

I answered a question which later got deleted by the original poster. I thought threads couldn't get deleted if there had been at least one answer. Is that still true? If so, what happened to this ...
3 votes
0 answers

What to do with this orphaned [android] duplicate? [duplicate]

Recently there was a post with a case of android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException. In search of a fitting original for this almost certainly duplicate, I followed a link provided below this post and ...
6 votes
1 answer

Why are incorrect, downvoted answers not deleted? [duplicate]

I have come across many answers which are fundamentally incorrect and have been downvoted, but have not been deleted. I had flagged a few as NAA, but the flags were declined as flags should not be ...
-9 votes
1 answer

Why was this question locked? [duplicate]

A while ago I asked a rather unpopular question (which was subsequently auto deleted by the community) about this answer with 75 downvotes and which more or less only consists of an opinion and a ...
23 votes
1 answer

Remove Roomba's questions from the delete tools

I am refering to this tools page available at 10K Rep. I think it's a good idea if we only show questions that really deserve our delete votes and hide the ones that will get automatically deleted. It ...
20 votes
0 answers

Possible contradiction in whether to delete a question (with answers) closed as a duplicate

Today, I asked a question ... after doing a search that yielded no relevant questions ... that was flagged as duplicate. It was very helpful to go to the duplicate post, but I ran into contradicting ...
72 votes
4 answers

"Extremely low quality" guidance

The guidance on When should I vote to delete an answer? says The answer is extremely low quality: There is little to no scope for improvement The answer doesn't attempt to answer the question; it may ...