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Questions tagged [voting]

Peer voting on questions and answers is the primary way users gain reputation, and also how many items are sorted to the top.

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-24 votes
0 answers

Can only contributors of particular tag be allowed to vote or close a question [duplicate]

I have observed several times where questions which are specific to a particular tags being vote down or closed yet these questions are clear to contributors of that tag. E.g. why should someone be ...
Eric's user avatar
  • 516
57 votes
3 answers

Is the voting culture on SO different than other SE sites?

I've only recently really begun to answer questions on Stack Overflow after having only asked questions. I've spent a large portion of my time in Chemistry Stack Exchange where one typically easily ...
Melanie Shebel's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

"Vote as duplicate" remains available even after I "Vote[d] as off-topic", but then it fails at the last step of voting

I just voted a non-programming question as off-topic but when I looked up the resolution I realized that the target, while also being off-topic, is available on Stack Overflow, so I wen't back to the ...
cafce25's user avatar
  • 25.8k
268 votes
10 answers

Pausing the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow: reflecting on the feedback and rethinking the approach

I acknowledge the feedback shared by community members and by moderators. We felt that this experiment was important because it allowed users to participate and engage in a low-effort core action on ...
SpencerG's user avatar
  • 101
-211 votes
24 answers

We will launch the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow for 4–6 weeks, along with account creation prompts [duplicate]

Moderator note: - This experiment has been postponed. Please see the duplicate post above for the explanation and discussion. It's been a while since we last talked about the one-reputation voting ...
SpencerG's user avatar
  • 101
13 votes
1 answer

Vote buttons are distractingly bright in dark mode

I sincerely don't know why the design was changed. The current coloring is too light, making me feel that the button is "focused" and I will look at it unintentionally. I feel it really ...
NeoZoom.lua's user avatar
  • 2,703
-14 votes
1 answer

How does one spoil their moderator election vote?

It's common in elections around the world for one to have the ability to spoil their vote. This is the action of deliberately filing a vote which cannot be counted. It is not a fraudulent vote, as ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
  • 191
-11 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't the OP earn any reputation when their discussion becomes upvoted?

People on SE earn reputation when their answer gets upvoted/accepted. But why doesn't the OP earn any reputation when their discussion becomes upvoted?
Kastet6398's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Why were my votes reset?

This morning, I got the Civic Duty badge on Stack Overflow (for 300 votes cast total) but when I looked at my votes just now, I only have my 2 most recent votes. Is this a bug or were they reset for a ...
Ryley's user avatar
  • 243
47 votes
12 answers

Replace question downvotes and closure with a roomba-enabled "no community value" flag

I know how to mitigate the "fall of Stack Overflow". The site should be made newbie-friendly Or, rather, question-friendly. I realize that such a blunt suggestion is likely to be met with ...
Your Common Sense's user avatar
-20 votes
1 answer

New buttons - "Click again to undo" instead of just clicking the opposite button -- what is the support for it?

I recently voted on a question on SO, then reconsidered my vote as there was subtleties that were not needed. When I went to retract my vote in the normal way by clicking the opposite arrow, the vote ...
David C. Rankin's user avatar
-31 votes
1 answer

Serial Downvoting Reversal mechanism not working

I downvoted this question and upvoted it in a flash of an eye. I thought about downvoting to undo the action, but then I left that job for the serial voting mechanism to do its job and reverse the ...
user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How can I determine when I cast a specific upvote?

Is there a way to filter the profile votes list to determine when I voted for a specific question and answer? The reason I'm asking is I just ran across an eight-year old question showing that I ...
Jim Garrison's user avatar
  • 86.6k
2 votes
0 answers

Inaccurate reputation increase in profile reputation tab [duplicate]

I understand that normally one upvote would reward 10 reputations to user, however, I noticed that when I clicked into the reputation tab under my profile after getting upvotes, the reputation ...
benson23's user avatar
  • 18.9k
6 votes
0 answers

Reputation bug when sorting votes by time

I've been seeing this voting bug pretty frequently. When viewing ?tab=reputation tab and sorting by "Time", the upvote score is incorrect. For example, according to my tab I earned 60 points ...
cs95's user avatar
  • 399k
-8 votes
1 answer

How do I report bugs in Stack Exchange (e.g., a voting bug in Area 51)?

How would I report bugs in Stack Exchange (e.g., a voting bug on Area 51)? See printscreen after voting:
JIST's user avatar
  • 1,339
-35 votes
5 answers

Why aren't incorrect close votes discouraged with technical measures?

Time and again I have seen that someone adds a close vote incorrectly (sometimes they mark it as opinion-based even when there is a clear objective question, sometimes they mark it as a duplicate of ...
Lone Learner's user avatar
  • 20.2k
-5 votes
1 answer

Vote counts and badge's vote counts aren't the same

This seems to be a bug. I can't possibly have made 223 votes and 227!
Ben the Coder's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Add datetime type information to a post that I voted on

Would it be possible to have somewhere the information on when we upvoted or downvoted a post (in case of post was edited by OP or someone else)? For example, see the tooltip below. It's a feature I'...
Ɛɔıs3's user avatar
  • 7,443
-31 votes
2 answers

Is it OK to ask others to upvote own answer as a "thank you"? [duplicate]

Sometimes I have a situation that a single comment solves the whole problem. The person who asked the question is thankful for the solution and often says that they will delete their question (because ...
underfrankenwood's user avatar
-30 votes
2 answers

Community reward for correct and unaccepted answers?

It is frustrating to witness something like this answer. Someone invested time and effort into someone else problem, and it seems too much to ask for a button click. I know life isn't fair. And the ...
Thingamabobs's user avatar
  • 7,935
16 votes
3 answers

Can we make the answer score and up/downvote buttons sticky so it scrolls with you for long answers?

Currently, if I'm reading a long answer and by the end of it decide it was a good one and is worth an upvote (or the other way around and a downvote), I need to scroll all the way back up to the start ...
matronator's user avatar
-42 votes
2 answers

Why do some bad questions not have negative votes?

Take a look at this question: Import .bk file into oracle db It is terrible with the user having done no research either. But yet it did not get any downvotes, and I am wondering why. Is it because ...
Sami's user avatar
  • 45
11 votes
1 answer

Results of the vote arrows styling experiment

TL;DR: Overall, the experiment was a success with a positive lift in overall votes in the variant group, however, we will not be graduating the experiment. In June, we conducted an experiment to test ...
tanj92's user avatar
  • 101
5 votes
0 answers

Voting corrected for a single vote [duplicate]

Today I got -10 with label "voting corrected". Its page says: When a single user continually votes (up or down) on many of your posts within a short period of time, the system considers ...
Qwertiy's user avatar
  • 21k
-334 votes
21 answers

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

This experiment has concluded. We've gathered and analyzed the results in Results of the voting arrow experiment. This week, we're rolling out a test to update the appearance of voting arrows for ...
Cesar M's user avatar
  • 101
0 votes
3 answers

Why was my question about a difference in behavior between .NET 4.7.1 and .NET 6 poorly received?

I recently got question banned and as a result I am very careful when writing a question. Today, I was once again downvoted when asking what I felt was a solid, well written question. As I have ...
user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to request a newbie user to accept and upvote? [duplicate]

There are multiple questions related to this case - here and here. Some of them suggests that it is okay to comment with the SO link. But, I have my doubts due to the following reasons. Today, I ...
akrun's user avatar
  • 884k
35 votes
0 answers

New design: "X votes" should be "X score"

Apparently, we have a new design for the question list. The left block, containing a summary of the question's "statistics", looks like this: That line that says "38 votes" is ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.4k
-18 votes
1 answer

I don't understand how reputation works [duplicate]

There's somebody with one closed question with a score of zero and 27 reputation. I clearly don't understand how reputation works. Could someone explain it to me?
user avatar
-15 votes
1 answer

Retracting the downvote even if the answer was not edited [duplicate]

At the moment it is not possible to retract a downvote when the answer was not edited. I have DV-ted the answer by mistake (I wanted to upvote it). But system does not let me change it. You last ...
0___________'s user avatar
  • 64.4k
2 votes
1 answer

Should "Hot Meta Posts" also include highly active but controversial meta posts with many downvotes?

On meta, there are many times where downvotes don't reflect that the question/answer is badly written, factually incorrect, or generally off-topic, but that there is some form of disagreement between ...
user000001's user avatar
  • 33.1k
46 votes
6 answers

Is it okay to advise people not to vote on a certain answer to your question?

I recently stumbled across a question about some setting in NetBeans. The original poster of the question had edited (revision 3) their post with the following: PLEASE DO NOT UPVOTE LenglBoy ANSWER ...
MC Emperor's user avatar
  • 22.8k
2 votes
8 answers

It is time to hide a user profile's total upvote/downvote count from public view

This has to do with the public statistics regarding a user's total upvoting and downvoting count, which can be seen by any visitor in the Activity menu. This feature request proposes to hide the up ...
E_net4's user avatar
  • 29.7k
0 votes
1 answer

Submitting an up vote to a question submits unposted answer too [closed]

I was writing an answer to a bounty question and was waiting for the OP's reply to my comments under the question. Meanwhile I had the answer written, I upvoted the question and in the result it ...
Muhammad Omer Aslam's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Voting on articles behaves differently from Q&A when you're not signed in

On article pages, e.g. this (unpopular) one, even though I wasn't signed in, I clicked the vote buttons. Instead of showing a dialog inviting me to join Stack Overflow like I'd see on a question/...
user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Tag badge scores gained from votes are lost without change in reputation

I've been trying to get the flutter silver badge and I'm pretty sure I had a score of 281. Yesterday, I noticed my score in flutter was reduced to 218 from the 281 that I had. There is absolutely no ...
Mobina's user avatar
  • 7,039
7 votes
1 answer

Can I upvote or downvote my own question?

Can I upvote or downvote questions and answers asked and given by me? And even if I am able to upvote them, will my reputation increase because of that? Also, if I answer my own question and then ...
Rahul Jakhar's user avatar
-28 votes
1 answer

Should vote count be hidden for new questions? [duplicate]

I noticed that when a question gets downvoted, it sometimes tends to attract 2 types of voters: the ones that go with the rest and downvote it too, and the ones that upvote just because of pity, to ...
Magnetron's user avatar
  • 8,333
-21 votes
1 answer

Could answer copy detection be included in the up-vote score for each answer?

An idea came to mind today, inspired by the recent April fools of having a limited amount of copy's available to an end-user. I would assume in general that far more people would copy and paste the ...
redorkulated's user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Why can duplicate questions be voted upon?

From what I know, duplicate questions are just there so that future visitors can find the original question faster through search engines. But then why can they be voted upon? The only quality that ...
Shambhav's user avatar
  • 863
7 votes
0 answers

When out of votes for the day, triage tricks you into thinking you have votes

I am out of votes today, but I decided to do 3 or 4 reviews in Triage. I saw a question which I wished to vote on. Normally, if you are out of votes and you click either the upvote or downvote button, ...
10 Rep's user avatar
  • 2,270
9 votes
1 answer

How to find how many votes I have cast on one user's posts?

Five months ago, I got to know about What is 'Serial voting was reversed'? when my reputation points went down by 382 points citing the reason as 'Serial voting was reversed'. Now, I'm a bit afraid ...
Arvind Kumar Avinash's user avatar
-52 votes
2 answers

Is it okay to tactically downvote (downvoting competing answers)?

When you downvote an answer, you lose 1 reputation. According to this post, this is to discourage tactical/strategic downvoting, where you downvote other competing answers to a question to bring you ...
CATboardBETA's user avatar
-29 votes
1 answer

Review queue for posts without any votes

There seems to be a lot of posts that don't get any up/down votes. I think it would be a good idea to have a review queue just for unvoted posts where the action options are just to upvote or downvote....
Connell.O'Donnell's user avatar
50 votes
5 answers

Why are proposed changes to voting, which limit or remove the use of downvotes, met with strong disagreement?

The comments and answers on many proposals to change the way voting works on Stack Overflow indicate there are strong opinions against many of these changes, mainly because such proposals alter the ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 4,489
-6 votes
2 answers

Is it against site rules for a sock-puppet to up-vote their own puppet's meta post? [duplicate]

We all know, and it should be obvious that sock-puppet accounts exist and in fact are allowed, as long as they don't perform actions that a single account couldn't do, such as up-voting itself (its ...
Hovercraft Full Of Eels's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Can a question marked as Duplicate still be voted on?

If I understand correctly, a question marked as Duplicate is a closed question. If someone had the link to a question like this could they still vote on it?
Rich's user avatar
  • 6,528
-19 votes
1 answer

Make text easier: "You last voted on this answer on DATE at TIME (/ x minutes ago). Your vote is now locked in unless this answer is edited."

Always confused me a bit when reading it, just because it is so brilliantly short: You last voted on this answer on DATE at TIME (/ x minutes ago). Your vote is now locked in unless this answer is ...
questionto42's user avatar
  • 9,027
4 votes
0 answers

Is it unethical to offer vote trades? [duplicate]

Recently, I provided a helpful comment on an answer. After adding its information to their answer, the author replied with a comment asking if I'd mind upvoting the answer (which I'd already done) and ...
CrazyChucky's user avatar
  • 3,479

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