With apologies to starball, who has waited more than their fair share of time for me to respond... Let’s think about this one in a bit more depth, as a fun exercise. Here are the core facts, ex ante information we need to come to a conclusion.
Dalija writes, “[regular] users are not bound by moderator agreement nor approved heuristics.” This is true.
Thom A writes, “[if] you encounter content you think is AI generated content, flag it using a custom moderator flag; we all know this is what you should be doing.” This is also true.
Delete votes remove the content from public view but, even when correctly cast, do not close the feedback loop and inform the author of a possible violation of standards.
As a matter of ‘sound policy’, casting delete votes without a solid reason to do so is a misuse of the trust placed in you with your access to moderator tools.
Spam is typically easy to verify. However, when it becomes difficult to adjudicate or requires a more comprehensive approach to review, such as when tech blogs seed their blog links, it’s recommended to flag for moderator attention, so a moderator can perform a longer evaluation of what’s taking place. (Spam flags, luckily, can serve a dual purpose here, but are imperfect as they may be cleared when a post is deleted.)
GPT and other LLM usage is typically not easy to verify; it can be shown definitively in a select number of cases but the vast majority are not readily verifiable with the tools available to regular users.
It’s synthesis time.
What can we say about flagging? Very easy - you should do it. Regular users do not have access to the policy (including the list of approved strong and weak heuristics) nor the moderation tools required to close the loop on conduct feedback. LLM usage is a situation that frequently requires clear, direct, and explicit conduct feedback. Deletion alone does not present as a long-term solution.
What can we say about deletion? Very hard. Let’s split this in two: deletion, under the belief that delete votes are typically very accurate (call it 95%+ accuracy); and deletion, under the belief that delete votes are not typically very accurate (do not meet 95%+ accuracy). I’m playing a little with the numbers here, but it bears out.
So, deletion, when votes are very accurate: In this scenario, a deletion vote may serve to delay some incorrect or unverified information from being consumed by a lay-user, if and only if the answer accrues enough votes to actually be removed. Enough deletion votes may save moderators a little bit of time when performing evaluation, or remove posts when moderators may not be able to act due to a lack of evidence. The benefit here is not overwhelming, but there is certainly utility.
And, deletion, when votes are not very accurate: In this scenario, a deletion vote will risk removal of answers that do not deserve to be removed. This risks impairing the knowledge base, levying misconduct allegations against honest contributors, and ultimately earning the site a reputation for false accusations (or, perhaps, worsening the one that already exists). There is only a benefit here insofar as one is willing to trade away honest contributors to quash the LLM problem – and I would strenuously argue that this site cannot afford to drive away honest contributors at the moment. Consider also that LLM posts look a lot like good content for the site, and it is a reasonable guess that if there are mistakes, they may hit folks who are very good at writing answers for the site first.
Here’s my recommendation. First, you should be flagging these situations when you see them regardless of what happens - to close the loop on conduct feedback, mods need to know.
Assuming you’ve already flagged, then the upside of a delete vote is that it could save moderators a smidge of time specifically at the step of going through and clicking the ‘delete’ button on a user’s content, and potentially delete an unknown amount of content that would otherwise not be removed. The downsides are that if we’re overestimating how good folks are at this task, and folks aren’t exceptionally good at this, it’s playing with fire over future contributors. We don’t really know for certain how many such delete votes are accurate, and LLM posts can look a hell of a lot like good content for the site. And if it turns out, in the end, that your delete votes are among the set of votes that had negative ramifications for an honest user’s participation, that outcome falls on you to own. On top of this, evaluating and casting delete votes on every one of a user’s posts takes a significant amount of your time, and only does anything if several other people with the privilege also see it and choose to do something about it.
So, honestly, I’d really recommend not casting delete votes on this content - just flag it. It’s safer, it’s easier, and it takes less of your time. Focus on the curation work that has impact at scale, and leave draining the lake to the folks with tools larger than a spoon. (Or join the work on detection at scale, and help build a bigger spoon.)