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Questions tagged [vote-to-close]

Voting to close is the process by which users can vote to close a question as off-topic or otherwise disallowed by the FAQ.

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-12 votes
1 answer

How to deal with extremely out of date questions [duplicate]

I recently was searching around to see if there had been any discussion on what I thought was a strange "feature" of django, and my DuckDuckGo query gave as the first result this question. ...
daphtdazz's user avatar
  • 8,099
6 votes
0 answers

"Vote as duplicate" remains available even after I "Vote[d] as off-topic", but then it fails at the last step of voting

I just voted a non-programming question as off-topic but when I looked up the resolution I realized that the target, while also being off-topic, is available on Stack Overflow, so I wen't back to the ...
cafce25's user avatar
  • 25.5k
22 votes
2 answers

Why was the threshold to mark an SG post as off-topic/duplicate changed from 2 to 3? Can it be changed back?

The Staging Ground's environment is a bit different. Typically, two users can together vote a question as being off-topic or as a duplicate. This means that reviewers can expediently handle questions ...
Spevacus's user avatar
  • 604
-2 votes
4 answers

Started bounty on someone else's interesting question, then question has been closed before end of bounty

I have found this interesting question (I am not the author) : Cut a video in between key frames without re-encoding the full video using ffpmeg?. It was quite upvoted, which shows interest by other ...
Basj's user avatar
  • 45.3k
2 votes
0 answers

Warning about no more close votes should be on 'close' button

This post is only slightly related to this one, and I am aware of the vote count at the bottom right corner of the close window. And, while I completely agree that disabling or hiding the 'close' ...
Vega's user avatar
  • 28.5k
5 votes
1 answer

Vote option says I can't vote to close after retracting my vote, but I didn't retract my vote [duplicate]

I voted to close this question because it's not about programming. It was re-opened. The question is still not about programming and I would like to vote to close it, but when I try, it says "You ...
devlin carnate's user avatar
-29 votes
2 answers

Someone downvotes and votes to close my questions [closed]

All my last questions on SO with tag java were downvoted and voted to close as "Needs details or clarity". Always similar behavior: downvote + close "Needs details or clarity". I ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Are there valid reasons for the "Other" close reason in the Staging Ground?

In the Staging Ground, I sometimes see questionable votes as off-topic (like using pretty much any of the close reasons in cases when "Requires Major Changes" would be more appropriate). ...
dan1st's user avatar
  • 15.5k
10 votes
0 answers

Can't dupe hammer question because I added a tag, but I could have done it _before_ the edit

Convert raw string (having escape characters) to unicode/utf8 string Convert "\x" escaped string into readable string in python When voting to close 1) as duplicate of 2), the system didn't ...
wim's user avatar
  • 357k
5 votes
1 answer

How should I flag "what does this code do" questions? [duplicate]

A user posted a question asking, "What does this code do?" (along with a code snippet). There was nothing in the question to indicate that the user did any research or otherwise exerted any ...
Cardinal System's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Drop vote-to-migrate threshold to 2 of the 3 VTC's?

As @Shog9 mentioned when originally implementing 3-vote-close: [Previously], migrating a question to another site require[d] that 4 of the 5 votes all agree that the question should be migrated to a ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 19.4k
-24 votes
3 answers

What can we do when a close-reason requires an explanation?

Suppose you have this question: Which is better: X or Y? or What is the best way to do Z? You could close it using the "opinion-based" close-reason. However, this is not very helpful for ...
anatolyg's user avatar
  • 28k
15 votes
0 answers

Questions with three close/delete votes are STILL not closed or deleted

I saw this question: Multiple questions with three close votes are still open or three delete votes aren't deleted I also saw that the question was marked as status-completed, so the staff ...
CPlus's user avatar
  • 4,480
20 votes
0 answers

Multiple questions with three close votes are still open or three delete votes aren't deleted

I opened a question that already had 3 close votes but was nevertheless active. I refreshed my browser couple of times but it had no effect. I was even allowed to submit another close request. And ...
PM 77-1's user avatar
  • 13.2k
-29 votes
2 answers

Stop closing duplicate pages; instead withhold rep on signposts

The Pain Points: For askers who treat SO as a help desk, a dupe closure is a point of frustration because they want to receive answers specifically tailored to their question. For answerers who ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
  • 46.9k
4 votes
2 answers

Getting stats on my questions I've asked on Stack Overflow or Stack Exchange overall

I would like to see stats on my questions, in particular, to see how many of them were: voted for closure with at least one close vote, or closed, or downvoted, or closed and then reopened. Is it ...
Gabriel Staples's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it ever ok to put an image of code in a question? [duplicate]

I have been staunch in my opinion of Posting images of code I will 100% of the time either downvote the question or flag to be closed. My question is, am I being too rigid? We've given plenty of ...
Zak's user avatar
  • 7,437
-9 votes
2 answers

Is OP's stubornness a valid reason to close a post on Meta?

There is a user (whom I'm obviously not going to name) who frequently appears in the comment sections of my posts and whom I'm frequently in disagreement with. Shortly after they join the discussion, ...
Jan Schultke's user avatar
  • 36.6k
5 votes
0 answers

How to vote to close as a "duplicate" after votes for "needs details/clarity" are no longer relevant? [duplicate]

Here's the question that gives more context: internet connectivity status with react js. The question was first asked without including any relevant code (see revision 1). Later, code is added (see ...
Wing's user avatar
  • 9,513
-34 votes
2 answers

Closing a question for lack of clarity or focus or objectivity should require elaboration from the closer

I see a lot of questions about, "Why was this issue closed for lack of clarity/focus/opinion-based?" I'd like to propose something that could preemptively answer these questions before they'...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
33 votes
4 answers

How can I handle questions which provide an MCVE or "what I tried" generated by ChatGPT?

I came across the following question: Is it possible to import dcm files into Next.js?. It says the following in the body: is there anyway i can solve this issue? i tried to ask chat-gpt and it didn'...
Amit Joshi's user avatar
  • 16.2k
-10 votes
1 answer

At what point does "Search and Research" become too much to ask? [duplicate]

The guidelines specify that we should "Search and Research" before asking a question. I recently asked a question which someone downvoted and voted to close. Their reason to close was "...
Steven's user avatar
  • 1,789
4 votes
1 answer

Review system keep question in review but not close votes

A question can only be in the close vote review queue is someone already vote for. I just came on this review for How to Rewrite Custom Post URL With Taxonomy or Category Slug Appended Before the Post ...
Elikill58's user avatar
  • 4,773
5 votes
1 answer

If I already close-voted, why doesn't it say "Close (1)"?

It seems I already voted on this question, although the text below the question says Share Edit Follow Close Flag where I expect it to show Share Edit Follow Close(1) Flag or a higher number.
Thomas Weller's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Close vote modal thinks I retracted my vote, but the question was closed and then reopened [duplicate]

The close modal that is shown for questions you have successfully closed but which have since been reopened is showing the wrong header: The text says: You cannot vote to close again after ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
14 votes
1 answer

Add option to search for posts that were voted to be deleted, closed, etc by the user

I frequently come across questions that are very similar to questions that I voted to "closed as duplicate" or "delete" etc. So currently I have to manually go to the votes tab and ...
user12002570's user avatar
  • 49.7k
22 votes
0 answers

"List of close voters is only viewable by users with the close/reopen votes privilege" notice is misleading

On closed questions, this message is shown to users with the close/reopen votes privilege (except for the asker): The list of close voters, however, is viewable by anyone, including anonymous users. ...
Adam Millerchip's user avatar
37 votes
0 answers

Let gold badge holders assign a duplicate, after already voting to close

If a gold badge holder for a tag votes to close a question normally, and then later discovers a duplicate of it, can they be allowed to "cast a second close vote" as a duplicate? In the &...
David Maze's user avatar
  • 153k
24 votes
0 answers

Fix timeout for the "You may only open the close dialog every 3 seconds" notification

Several of the interactions with the site are rate-limited and will bring up a warning notice if you do them repeatedly. For example, you can only flag comments every 3 seconds. Typically, these ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 187k
-32 votes
1 answer

How can I appeal unfairly closed questions?

How can I appeal unfairly closed questions? I noticed that difficult and annoying* questions often get closed, not because they are unclear or lack details, but because the voter finds it difficult to ...
Pavel Stepanek's user avatar
49 votes
4 answers

Closing a question as a duplicate of 5 other questions that were all answered by the closing user

Today, I answered a question which later got closed by a user with the Gold Badge, as a duplicate of 5 other questions, which were all answered by that close-voting user. While I understand not every ...
MrUpsidown's user avatar
  • 22.2k
-18 votes
1 answer

Disable Close votes if no more votes possible

If I don't have any more votes to close a question, the dialog should be disabled or at least show the information more visible. At the moment I can browse through the windows, write a text why I want ...
Jens's user avatar
  • 69.2k
-10 votes
1 answer

Adding "lack of effort" as a close vote reason [duplicate]

I frequently come across SO questions that have code snippets just copy/pasted from poor online sites and asking what is the problem with that code and why it doesn't work. The main problem with these ...
user12002570's user avatar
  • 49.7k
25 votes
1 answer

What should I do if there are two duplicate close votes that I think are wrong, and the question is not clear?

I just voted to close How can I get the input argument of a function being called in Python?. The question doesn't really make any sense at all, so I voted to close the question as unclear. ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Close votes "invalidated" [duplicate]

I had voted to close this question as "not reproducible" and provided a CodeSandbox link to prove it. Today, I got pinged by a response from OP and noticed the vote was gone. I tried to vote ...
Phil's user avatar
  • 164k
15 votes
0 answers

Enhance close and delete links [duplicate]

While we are currently running A/B testing on button styling for vote arrows, I am wondering whether the Close and Delete links on posts could also be enhanced in terms of UX. Here is how the Close ...
MrUpsidown's user avatar
  • 22.2k
19 votes
2 answers

Is "because it is about elementary material that should be learned by reading a C primer" a valid close vote reason? [duplicate]

I just noticed someone voting to close a post with: I’m voting to close this question because it is about elementary material that should be learned by reading a C primer or textbook and working on ...
user438383's user avatar
  • 6,145
-12 votes
1 answer

Prevent flags from being marked helpful by your own close votes

I had flagged a question as duplicate before reaching 3k (the question itself isn't relevant here) and later came to it and close voted it. That marked my original recommend closure flag on the same ...
Eric Jin's user avatar
  • 3,906
22 votes
0 answers

Why did this question accept four close votes instead of three?

I visited this question and elected to vote to close it as a general computing question. As I clicked on the close link I noticed it read Close (3)*. I clicked on the close link and was able to cast ...
snakecharmerb's user avatar
-22 votes
2 answers

Chat with close voters about question closure

Read through the following scenario to see why I think being able to chat with the reviewing users of an issue is crucial: Scenario A question I posted recently (this one) was closed for needing to be ...
wlfbck's user avatar
  • 528
33 votes
0 answers

I did *not* retract my vote

I flagged / voted to close a question as duplicate. It did get closed for that. Someone else reopened the question. I tried to flag / close it as duplicate again but I can't and I'm told: You cannot ...
Kelly Bundy's user avatar
  • 27.1k
2 votes
0 answers

Is "I'm voting to close this question because it doesn't show any attempt or work" a valid custom close reason? [duplicate]

It was pointed out to me that "I'm voting to close this question because it doesn't show any effort" isn't a valid custom close reason. This was discussed in the comment section of How to ...
jabaa's user avatar
  • 6,558
68 votes
11 answers

Question Close Reasons - Definitions and Guidance

This community-wiki Q&A is a compiled set of guidance for the close reasons used on Stack Overflow. It's meant to be a canonical repository and a resource for the community – both for authors of ...
40 votes
5 answers

Question Close Reasons project - Introduction and Feedback

A few weeks after I joined Stack Overflow, I was given a project by my manager, Cesar, called “Question Close Reasons.” In short, the project was to create a community-wiki post on Meta Stack Overflow ...
Bella_Blue's user avatar
  • 101
0 votes
2 answers

Why does the close votes review queue have so many audits?

I just reached 3k reputation. So, I just started to review Reopen votes and Close votes. Especially while reviewing in close votes, I did a lot of review audits. I'm actually at 16 reviews, and I made ...
Elikill58's user avatar
  • 4,773
-21 votes
1 answer

Should questions with answers obvious to experienced programmers be closed?

We all see lots of questions where the answer is you didn’t initialize that counter to 0 that pointer was not initialized to NULL your if(!(a==10 || x= 11)) logic is inside out ..... If the poster ...
pm100's user avatar
  • 49.8k
13 votes
1 answer

What should I do if a question is not a duplicate just because of some tag, but the OP accepts an answer that does not use the tag?

To give a specific example, I recently came across this question which seems to involve a somewhat common problem, so I searched for duplicates. I found a similar question, but it didn’t have the java-...
Didier L's user avatar
  • 20.2k
30 votes
3 answers

Please add "tutorials" back to the off-site close reason text

The old close reason text for the off-topic close reason of 'off-site resources' used to explicitly enumerate "tutorial" in the list of examples of what wasn't allowed: Unfortunately, the ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
-8 votes
1 answer

What does Close (1) mean in Stack Overflow?

I posted a question on Stack Overflow 1 hour ago and I just checked back and found that there is a close(1) below my question. It looks something like this: When I click on the close button, it ...
James's user avatar
  • 2,787
-16 votes
1 answer

Is my question about a fake player in Minecraft not focused?

Some days ago, I posted Spawn fake player with Minecraft. Such as I see a flag as "Need more focus" (and the downvote), I was really waiting for some opinion about it. But, the close vote ...
Elikill58's user avatar
  • 4,773

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