I have recently posted two questions: one on SO and one on Meta. One of the users started to abuse me and I received a lot of downvotes. I deleted my meta question, but it was undeleted and still receives a lot of downvotes. How can I stop it?
1 Answer
One of the users started abuse me…
This is a serious claim, and it's one that moderators take seriously, but you're making the accusation without evidence and without basis (I checked). I see no evidence that anyone has abused you.
If you have evidence of this, you should not provide it here (e.g., in the comments). Instead, you should raise a moderator flag to report it—see below.
I received lot of negative reviews.
What do you mean by this? None of your recent questions have had any reviews at all. (One, the very latest one, has now entered the Reopen review queue, but it hasn't had anyone review it yet.)
I closed one of the questions, but it was reopened and still receive a lot of dovnvotes.
I really have no idea what you're talking about. You have not closed any of your questions. In fact, it is not possible for you to single-handedly close one of your questions without any other users being involved. Also, none of your recently-closed questions has ever been reopened.
In my opinion the question is very good quality and meet all stack overflow guidelines.
Great! Then you don't need to do anything else.
Downvotes, like upvotes, are just the expression of someone's opinion. Each user has the privilege of casting one vote per post, based on their own subjective assessment of the post's quality, suitability, clarity, usefulness, interestingness, and a variety of other individual factors. A post's score serves as feedback to both the post's author and (mainly) future viewers. It represents the aggregate assessment of the community at large regarding the quality of that post. If you receive downvotes, but think your post is high quality, then it is reasonable to ignore the feedback provided by the downvotes. There is no need to take any action.
I would like to remove it.
We do not allow users to delete questions that have been answered, as this is detrimental to our goal of building a knowledge base. As the system message tells you when you attempt to do this, deleting the question would also hide the associated answer(s), which people took time to write and may prove useful to future viewers. This is the whole goal/philosophy of Stack Exchange. We would only allow users to delete their own questions under exceptional circumstances. I see nothing exceptional here, just you making up random accusations because you received some downvotes...
See also: I've thought better of my question; can I delete it?
I will report that abusing user to moderator, but will do it later, not now
Sure, yes; if you feel someone is abusing you, then raising a moderator flag on one of your posts (preferably one where the abuse happened) and reporting it would be the appropriate thing to do. One or more of the moderators will look into it and decide how to handle the situation. Make sure that you present actual evidence in your moderator flag (the "in need of moderator intervention" flag option will give you a free-form textbox that you can type into); otherwise, your flag will be summarily declined.
See also: How do I report harassment?
1"I closed one of the questions" I think OP was referring to them deleting their meta question before 3 other people voted undelete it.– Dharman ModCommented Feb 23, 2023 at 15:18
Ok, thanks for the clarification. I will read it carefully and use it of course with an evidence. I have an account here since 10 years, and this is the first time ever when I got a lot harassment (downvotes, a lot of fixes, closing questions, threatening me that my account will be deleted, appealing to my reputation) mostly from one specific user. Thank you one more time. Your answer is very helpful. However I dont understand why the question you answered gets downvoted. Commented Feb 23, 2023 at 15:20
22Downvotes, edits, and closing questions are not harassments!. These are just normal everyday actions on the site. It's the same as upvotes or reopening closed questions are not harassment. Please do not take things so personally.– Dharman ModCommented Feb 23, 2023 at 15:25
Ok, so lets allow everyone to downvote my last 3 questions. No problem... Who has threatened me? I was for example warned like this:
high-rep users who believe they can be exempted from the rules will get very short shrift.
I do not think like this I can do anything, but it is ok? Also I cannot find similar comments now🤷🏼♂️ Have no idea whether they have been deleted by the user or it was just my imagination (I hope not). Commented Feb 23, 2023 at 15:53 -
2I mean... some random person saying something wrong on the internet... isn't really that surprising, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ When you bring attention to yourself via posting on meta, some people do look to the users recent questions to see if there's some kind of trend with regard to question quality that can be leading to you receiving more downvotes. People shouldn't be also voting on posts found in that way, but there's nothing stopping users from doing so.– Kevin BCommented Feb 23, 2023 at 16:03
@KevinB you are right, it is quite positive;) Commented Feb 23, 2023 at 16:09
11@BartłomiejSemańczyk at 20K+ reputation site gave you all powers available to non-moderator users. It is not a harassment to remind you (or anyone at that level) that site put huge amount of trust in you and expect you to set an example of how to one is expected to behave/post/edit/moderate. It is extremely frustrating to see "trusted" users openly flouting the rules (missing MRE, images instead of code, claiming "my post is f**ing clear" and the like). While it is possible to ChatGPT such comment to make it nicer it is not really possible to soften the message: trusted users == higher bar. Commented Feb 23, 2023 at 17:39
@AlexeiLevenkov thank you. You are right. I try to improve everything and do my best in next questions and answers;) Commented Feb 23, 2023 at 17:48
question why it is not closed? Leaving it open for downvoting is fair for the author?