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Some questions with 2 tags can't be found by [tag1][tag2], why?

By searching hana and isolation level, three question and answers are shown; all of them also have the tag isolation-level: If I search with the two tags hana and isolation-level, there are no ...
Sandra Rossi's user avatar
  • 13.5k
14 votes
0 answers

In the redesigned [Watched tags], the 'see all' link incorrectly(?) opens the edit window

The redesigned [Watched tags] doesn't show all my watched tags but it does have a 'see all' link. There is a gear icon which opens an edit window where tags can be added and removed from being watched....
Jonathan Dodds's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

The followed tags are now not highlighting the questions anymore. How to set them as they were before the redesign? [duplicate]

So, as I asked in the title, I don't know why the highlights disappeared. For example, I follow the CSS, JavaScript and HTML tag, and the questions were highlighted, until 2-3 days ago. As you can ...
iorgu's user avatar
  • 2,344
11 votes
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Askers blocked from editing details due to "spam"

There were a few occasions where askers weren't able to include details in their questions because the system blocked their post due to "spam". Examples: Here, the system seems to prevent ...
dan1st's user avatar
  • 16k
10 votes
0 answers

I now get an editing-impossible popup (due to timeout?) when answering - due to new human verification?

Seemingly since the introduction of a new human verification check a day or two ago (the check: just click the checkbox), I have the problem that when I try to answer a question I get a red-background ...
Drew's user avatar
  • 30.6k
4 votes
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Strange -200 "voting reversed", -426 "voting corrected" yesterday - a glitch?

At some point today, I looked at my "chalice" icon, and noticed that yesterday, I lost 200 reputation. The cause: "Serial voting was reveresed". I scratched my head, as over the ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 130k
17 votes
0 answers

Why does the developer's survey banner keep showing up? [closed]

Over the last couple of days, I've been seeing the banner that invites me to take the developer's survey even though I already have taken it. What's up with that?
RobH's user avatar
  • 1,641
8 votes
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Staging ground question title display issues

Question titles in staging-ground can display below the review sidebar when they contain long strings. Link to the question in the screenshot: This ...
MrUpsidown's user avatar
  • 22.4k
2 votes
0 answers

Disturbing ad with black circles and crosses [duplicate]

This ad has been showing a lot in the ads column to the right: It's massive, ugly and disturbing with its crosses in circles. I have tried using the "report this ad" link but nothing has ...
GSerg's user avatar
  • 78.1k
11 votes
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Unable to answer own question in Stack Overflow

In site like Mathematics Stack Exchange and Meta Stack Overflow, I am able to find the checkbox But the option is missing in Stack Overflow I do have more than 15 reputation, which is required for ...
Andhavarapu Balu's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Typographical errors in the Stack Overflow User Survey. ​

Tl;dr in the Stack Overflow User Survey, capitalize "Github" as "GitHub" and add a hyphen in "AI-powered". See this screenshot (click for full-res screenshot): However, ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 654
9 votes
1 answer

Why is the Half Bounty awarded on Post Answer but not showing in Reputation Score?

This just seems like strange behavior on SO. Can someone explain? If an answer gets awarded the half bounty (automatically) when the OP neglects to award the bounty after the grace period ends, ...
jottin's user avatar
  • 419
19 votes
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DMCA deleted question still reviewable and displays original content

I was reviewing in the First Questions queue and I was given the question Java String Questions to review, which can't be viewed now. Whatever the reasons that made this question be deleted due to a ...
Skunka's user avatar
  • 615
2 votes
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Serial Voting Bug? [duplicate]

Disclaimer: This is not a rant nor am trying to get the points back. Today I noticed an alert which says Serial Voting reversed. I am quite familiar with this concept and I am totally in sync why this ...
Siddharth Rout's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why didn't I receive the association bonus for Stack Overflow?

I read this question who seems to have a problem similar to mine, but the answer just points to the fact that the problem didn't exist in the first place. It seems to me that, in my case, the problem ...
Mauro Giliberti's user avatar
4 votes
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Viewing tag feeds is broken

I'm clicking on some of my Watched Tags on StackOverflow and getting an intermittent error for some (not all) of them: No questions found. Perhaps you'd like to select a different tab? When viewing ...
Remy Lebeau's user avatar
3 votes
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How long must I endure this AI Search: "Try it now" popup? [duplicate]

I have seen and dismissed this popup so many times it's getting annoying. It is being presented to me many times per day. It goes away for a session or two, but a few windows and tabs later, it gets ...
Wyck's user avatar
  • 11.7k
-5 votes
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Why were my votes reset?

This morning, I got the Civic Duty badge on Stack Overflow (for 300 votes cast total) but when I looked at my votes just now, I only have my 2 most recent votes. Is this a bug or were they reset for a ...
Ryley's user avatar
  • 231
-13 votes
1 answer

Programmatically reading reproducible markdown data tables now results in Forbidden HTTPError

As of at least September 12, 2023, it was possible to use pd.read_html to easily read Markdown tables used to create minimal reproducible examples. However, as of this posting, it no longer seems ...
Trenton McKinney's user avatar
7 votes
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OAuth2 not working

Today I'm unable to log in to my web application with Stack Overflow OAuth2. I receive the following error on Keycloak: 2023-09-22 12:46:28,800 ERROR [
alexanoid's user avatar
  • 25.7k
11 votes
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I need help to merge two profiles I have

I need help to merging my two profiles. I removed the email from one of them, so now I don't have any access to it. I was trying with Help Center → Contact, but unfortunately I get the following error:...
Edson C.'s user avatar
38 votes
1 answer

I somehow got 2000 reputation out of nowhere and now I own somebody else's questions?

I never wrote these questions nor the comments in the questions. What is going on?
Anm's user avatar
  • 796
7 votes
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Review-banned users might be having issues with viewing suggested edits from a question page

I'm currently review banned (this is not by any means a complaint about my ban, it's necessary background info), and I've noticed a while ago that when I try to view pending suggested edits from a /...
starball's user avatar
  • 48k
15 votes
1 answer

Census page link is broken?

When I clicked the “Learn more” button in my profile from recent badge section, the landing page is broken.
Arun Vinoth PrecogTechnologies's user avatar
16 votes
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Edited questions should not be used as review audits in Close Review queue

I just encoutered this audit that I failed. The concerned post is I can not connect my api with the oracle database. When reviewing, I saw everything I'm looking for: A clear issue: There are error ...
Elikill58's user avatar
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-22 votes
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How can just a few votes bring an alert to my privilege of asking questions? [duplicate]

I am now getting this message when I try to ask a question on SO: Wait! Some of your past questions have not been well-received, you're in danger being blocked from asking any more. My reputation is ...
Fred Cailloux's user avatar
8 votes
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Password change or reset applies to wrong address

I have two email addresses associated with my StackOverflow account: an old one which was used to create the account, and a new one. When I log out and I try to log back in, the new email address is ...
Corentin Schreiber's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How can I include Tailwind CSS as external source in a Stack Snippet?

The recommended way of directly including Tailwind CSS according to their documentation is to add <script src=""></script> to the HTML head. But when ...
andreas's user avatar
  • 16.9k
-5 votes
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Where do I send bug reports to Stack Overflow about the Stack Overflow app? [duplicate]

I just signed up to a new account because my old one is connected with Google who have dropped support for my favourite email client, and it’s simply easier to live without Google now. On signing up ...
SCFD's user avatar
  • 11
8 votes
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Filter conditions don't get preserved when moving to next page of the result

I have the following custom filter: Sometimes if I also want to mark No answers and Apply filter, this setting is preserved only for the first page of the result; when I click the next page, then the ...
David Leal's user avatar
  • 6,749
7 votes
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The Stack Overflow "Ask Wizard" option keeps crashing my page

Is it the "Ask Wizard" causing this? I can't turn it off. I am using Google Chrome Version 106.0.5249.119 (Official Build) (x86_64) on a MacBook (OS Version 12.6).
user avatar
11 votes
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Reply to Peter vs. Peter Cordes [duplicate]

In the comment section of my post, I have helpful comments from Peter and Peter Cordes. First Peter responds, then Peter Cordes. I want to reply to Peter. Peter: I'd question why... Peter Cordes: You ...
mbang's user avatar
  • 855
2 votes
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Cannot retract flag: what can be the reason? [duplicate]

I flagged a post whose quality was terrible, but the user improved it, so I decided to retract the pending flag: However, when I go on the post, there isn't the option to retract it: What could be ...
mikyll98's user avatar
  • 2,116
2 votes
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Bug on Safari: list starting with a code block fails to display the bullet point

Given the below formatting, on a Mac Safari, version 15.6.1 (17613. as well as on an iPhone Safari, version 15.6.1 This Markdown: - ``` code ``` Loses the bullet on Safari: On your ...
β.εηοιτ.βε's user avatar
3 votes
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Editor automatically adds backslashes to escape square brackets of text with square brackets [duplicate]

Selecting text containing square brackets and adding a link (Ctrl + L) adds backslashes to escape the brackets in the text automatically. But the text is code and is surrounded by backticks, so it ...
The Amateur Coder's user avatar
11 votes
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Different Markdown rendering between preview and saved result

I have this Markdown content to render an asterisk in italic: In the preview it looks good and the result is as expected, but when I save the changes I get: Why doesn't it render correctly when I ...
anastaciu's user avatar
  • 23.8k
3 votes
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Text and code blocks under spoiler

I'm trying to ask a question and put additional information under the spoiler. The best solution I've found looks like this: >!Text block >! >!<pre><code> >!code block >!<...
vdshb's user avatar
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20 votes
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What tech is "Flow" in the 2022 Developer Survey?

In the Which developer tools have you done extensive development work in... question, there is a piece of tech listed named "Flow", however, it's very unclear which "Flow" this is ...
Taylor D. Edmiston's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Search company by technology is broken? [closed]

When I search the company by technology, e.g. if I click the button "python" I was directed to a broken link The same with any ...
Qiulang's user avatar
  • 12.2k
5 votes
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Daily review tasks don't warn about full edit queues, but editing the question directly does?

Whenever I try to do my daily review tasks on SO, and I see a newcomer ask a very poorly written question. I invest a lot of time to understand what they're trying to ask and then rewrite it with ...
Edito's user avatar
  • 3,658
22 votes
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Why did this question accept four close votes instead of three?

I visited this question and elected to vote to close it as a general computing question. As I clicked on the close link I noticed it read Close (3)*. I clicked on the close link and was able to cast ...
snakecharmerb's user avatar
2 votes
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How did someone manage to reply to this closed question? [duplicate]

See the question Please explain me the logic behind the given program. Also why case 2 will print 4 times [duplicate]. From there I can currently obtain the following info: "asked 3 hours ago&...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 212k
7 votes
2 answers

Post Question button not working on Stack Overflow

I'm trying to post a question and when clicking on Post your question it doesn't do anything. I've posted and deleted another question before. Maybe that is not letting me post a new one? I searched ...
Zaesar's user avatar
  • 582
15 votes
1 answer

"x questions with new activity" no longer available on the main site

I tend to search for [azure*] which enables me to keep tabs on current and new questions I might be able to answer. I've done so for quite some time, and the "x questions with new activity" ...
rickvdbosch's user avatar
  • 15.4k
35 votes
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Why are not reproducible/typo flags listed under "needs improvement"? [duplicate]

When you flag a question that was caused by a simple typo mistake, the option is listed under "needs improvement" which says: This question needs updates from the author in order to be ...
MFerguson's user avatar
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3 votes
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Kerning/spacing in Profile Activity (mobile)

In the profile -> summary tab of one's account (when you are not logged in), when the "top tag" and "next privilege" combination are displayed there is no kerning/spacing ...
etch_45's user avatar
  • 792
6 votes
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Research Assistant badge - text not displayed single line

In the "Select your next badge" page from one's profile, the formatting for the Research Assistant badge appears to be word-wrapping as opposed to displaying on a single line. Viewing from ...
etch_45's user avatar
  • 792
1 vote
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Why is my C# code block looking bland without syntax highlighting? [duplicate]

Just yesterday, I asked this question and all the C# code blocks look bland without any syntax highlighting. See the screenshot of that below. However, when I look at my earlier question I asked a ...
VivekDev's user avatar
  • 25.1k
10 votes
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Uneditable text in an answer? [duplicate]

I stumbled onto this answer. It has some fluff I wanted to edit out. Specifically, this "Hi @dany:" in the start. But, to my surprise, that phrase disappears when entering edit mode. It ...
Tomerikoo's user avatar
  • 19.4k
-10 votes
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Questions with a bounty but no answers can't be deleted, even after bounty has expired

The Problem: I tried to delete a question I posted that had not received any answers and no longer seems relevant. But the Stack Overflow software would not let me do so. (It says that is because I ...
mcgregor94086's user avatar

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