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Questions tagged [reputation]

Reputation is a measurement of a user's contributions to the site, and the extent to which the community "trusts" that user with extra privileges.

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30 votes
22 answers

Staging Ground Reviewer Motivation

With the general availability launch of Staging Ground in June, we monitored several reviewer engagement metrics: the number of unique reviewers, the average number of reviewers per day, the adoption ...
Bella_Blue's user avatar
  • 101
-2 votes
0 answers

Was Reputation Ranking by Time Period removed from profiles? [duplicate]

User Profiles used to (sometimes?) have some text below the reputation score, saying something like "Top 10% overall" or "Top 5% this year" to describe the user's reputation ...
Woodrow Barlow's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Should we align reputation requirements for review queue access and edit privileges?

TL;DR: make the reputation needed to access review queues and to make edits the same, to spare anyone below 2,000 rep the frustration of not being able to do reviews properly. It takes 500 reputation ...
A-Tech's user avatar
  • 1,051
7 votes
1 answer

Users with more than 1,000,000 reputation make scrollbars in UI

On Linux, superfluous scrollbars may be visible in the UI at: I imagine we didn't have any 1M+ rep users when the stylesheets for this page ...
wim's user avatar
  • 357k
2 votes
1 answer

When is reputation actually regained from deleting a downvoted answer/question?

According to many posts here (like this accepted answer) you will regain reputation when you delete your downvoted answer to a question. I just deleted a downvoted answer to test and the score I have ...
Ivan Petrov's user avatar
  • 2,307
33 votes
0 answers

What does "not currently ranked" mean?

When viewing a user in the reputation leagues, what does it mean when the user is noted as "Not currently ranked"? Note that the not currently ranked message is being seen on stackoverflow....
cssyphus's user avatar
  • 39.6k
-30 votes
3 answers

Is it time to end the allure of acquiring SO "rep points"?

Context: This page directs any who would answer a low-quality question with (abridged): Not all questions can or should be answered here ... avoid trying to answer questions which... ...are unclear......
Fe2O3's user avatar
  • 8,268
1 vote
1 answer

Reason for lost rep where multiple posts were removed in short timeframe

I just lost rep for these seven posts that were removed: My initial assumption was that these were edits I made when I was a <2k rep user, and they were all associated with a single deleted ...
L Tyrone's user avatar
  • 5,829
48 votes
0 answers

What is the distribution of voting fraud over user rep and account age?

Since voting fraud is a big focus of the discussion of the 1-rep voting experiment, I'm curious to get some more informed estimates of how much more voting fraud would occur if users could vote at 1-...
starball's user avatar
  • 44k
8 votes
0 answers

Why is the Half Bounty awarded on Post Answer but not showing in Reputation Score?

This just seems like strange behavior on SO. Can someone explain? If an answer gets awarded the half bounty (automatically) when the OP neglects to award the bounty after the grace period ends, ...
jottin's user avatar
  • 408
3 votes
0 answers

Reputation changes after +100 site bonus displayed wrong. Upvotes temporarily displayed with 120 too much rep

I recently achieved more than 200 rep. This triggered the +100 site bonus for stackoverflow, meta, and superuser. When I checked my stackoverflow reputation activity I saw my latest upvote rep gain to ...
Bart McEndree's user avatar
-11 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't the OP earn any reputation when their discussion becomes upvoted?

People on SE earn reputation when their answer gets upvoted/accepted. But why doesn't the OP earn any reputation when their discussion becomes upvoted?
Kastet6398's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Only honor reputation earned on open pages when calculating Collection Leaderboard scores

In recent months, I've observed a revitalized energy to answer new low-hanging fruit duplicate (and otherwise closable) questions tagged with php. I am a Recognized Member of the PHP Collective and I ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How could dealing with bad tag wikis be improved for <20k user?

Sometimes, I find tag information that is marketing talk, or in other ways, problematic. I usually try to fix it. But, being a below 2k user, I frequently cannot make an edit suggestion, and as there ...
A-Tech's user avatar
  • 1,051
24 votes
1 answer

How can a voting correction reach -6060 points?

Yesterday, a vote correction was applied to my account, and I don't understand how a vote correction could reach -6060 points. Does it mean only one person votes for me (without serial voting)? The ...
Corralien's user avatar
  • 120k
2 votes
1 answer

Should we prioritize in-review suggest-edits?

Issue Reviewing for a lower-reputation user is frustrating. When reviewing with less than 2000 reputation, one has to do a suggest-edit, when trying to improve a post. This leads to several issues: I ...
A-Tech's user avatar
  • 1,051
12 votes
0 answers

Explain why "voting corrected" may only include one vote in the Help Center article

Today I asked question Serial Voting Bug? which was correctly closed as a duplicate of -10 Serial voting was reversed. I consider myself a guy who reads documentation before asking a question. ...
Siddharth Rout's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why didn't I receive the association bonus for Stack Overflow?

I read this question who seems to have a problem similar to mine, but the answer just points to the fact that the problem didn't exist in the first place. It seems to me that, in my case, the problem ...
Mauro Giliberti's user avatar
44 votes
3 answers

Should the reputation that is required for making a rollback to improve dealing with vandalism be changed?

I recently flagged this post (screenshot as it is now deleted) for moderator attention, which had been obviously vandalized by the asker himself. Given that I am below the threshold of 2000 reputation,...
A-Tech's user avatar
  • 1,051
11 votes
2 answers

Unusual Voting Correction: -2033 Reputation Points

Recently, my account experienced a significant voting correction of -2033 reputation points, which could also be a mistake given its unusual magnitude. It stands out from the typical reputation drops ...
jay.sf's user avatar
  • 71.1k
-18 votes
1 answer

Is it a bug that I can gain reputation by unaccepting and reaccepting when starting at 1 reputation?

I have 1 reputation to start, I previously accepted some answers and gained reputation from that, but I lost that reputation due to downvotes, so I still only have 1 reputation. I unaccept an answer ...
maybeJosiah's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow Blog top bar flair does not use thousands separators

The flair in the top bar of the new blog site is missing a thousands separator: My reputation is showing as 21988 while on the Q&A sites, it's shown as 21,988:
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.5k
10 votes
0 answers

Nonsensical reputation gain for individual answers in the reputation history UI

For some answers, the displayed reputation gain in the UI is nonsensical and doesn't match what I see under /reputation: These numbers don't even add up, and are way off. The actual /reputation ...
Jan Schultke's user avatar
  • 36.6k
5 votes
1 answer

Reputation decreased by more than 2600 points. How I can find the reason for this? [duplicate]

I have been a Stack Overflow volunteer for more than 9 years and over the years I have built up a reputation of almost 10,000. Suddenly my reputation decreased by 2600+ for no apparent reason. How can ...
Slava Rozhnev's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Lost reputation from deleted bountied answers doesn't automatically get counted

I recently cast the last delete-vote required to delete a user's GPT-generated answer. The answer had a bounty of 500 reputation. The user's reputation counters still show their rep as if they were ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.4k
2 votes
0 answers

Inaccurate reputation increase in profile reputation tab [duplicate]

I understand that normally one upvote would reward 10 reputations to user, however, I noticed that when I clicked into the reputation tab under my profile after getting upvotes, the reputation ...
benson23's user avatar
  • 18.9k
-40 votes
1 answer

Should questions with high views but few upvotes get reputation?

I saw this question and thought about a few times I've seen questions that are old like this question and have a few thousand views, but almost no upvotes. Should questions like this get some form of ...
Michael Hearn's user avatar
77 votes
3 answers

The Stack Overflow 1 Million Points Club!

One million points is a LOT of points on Stack Overflow. It represents a small handful of people, and it's a testament to those who have dedicated themselves to helping others. We do want to celebrate ...
5 votes
5 answers

We are no longer allowing congratulatory posts on Meta for users reaching 1 million rep or less [duplicate]

This is an announcement that we have made the decision to disallow congratulatory posts on Meta for users reaching a million rep. We understand that reaching a million reputation is an impressive ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
  • 78.6k
66 votes
1 answer

Voting reversal for smaller tags with few answerers

Today I received a Voting reversal and after investigating using the reputation-history API, I found that almost all of the votes were for the algolia tag, which only had a couple of active answerers, ...
cmgchess's user avatar
  • 9,524
14 votes
4 answers

Why is it easier to write answers than comments without enough reputation? [duplicate]

As someone who isn't confident enough to provide answers, I often find myself wanting to post a comment. Why is posting answers easier than posting comments? I've been struggling to get enough ...
user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Reputation threshold for the first election [duplicate]

I just noticed that in the first SO moderator election the minimum reputation was set to 65,882. All following elections have the threshold set to 3,000. What's the source of that weird (65882) value?...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

If you delete a post with downvotes, will you get your reputation back? [duplicate]

What happens when someone downvotes your post and you delete the post? Will you get your reputation back? I have been losing a lot of reputation (from 17 to 9) and lost privileges.
Aun Zaidi's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

What do the numbers next to user avatars mean?

Next to the user's avatar (portrait) and underneath the name, there are 4 numbers. For example: I checked the Tour, but there is no explanation or definition for these numbers given. I think the ...
ray grant's user avatar
  • 101
6 votes
1 answer

"quarter" and "year" result in "Users" tab are wrong

The "quarter" and "year" tab in the "Users" tab results are incorrect. Since the tooltip says the range is calculated from "2023-01-01 to today", but the result ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 13.2k
-29 votes
3 answers

Why does Stack Overflow restrict almost any users activity without points? [duplicate]

I've been using Stack Overflow for a long time and constantly try to vote for my favorite answers to other people's questions, but for some reason Stack Overflow still limits my actions on the ...
KlayMen TV's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Reputation gains (+1) due to deletion of posts I have downvoted does not seem to be applied

Some days ago I noticed that, while a post I had downvoted was deleted and the deletion showed up in my reputation tab as +1, the single-point gain was not actually added to my total rep (which ends ...
desertnaut's user avatar
  • 59.9k
26 votes
0 answers

Congratulations Martijn Pieters for reaching a million reputation! [duplicate]

Today, on 07 December 2022, Martijn Pieters has reached a million reputation points! I wanted personally thank him for his contribution to python, where he had written outstanding answers and helped ...
Thingamabobs's user avatar
  • 7,925
-60 votes
1 answer

Only enable positive reputation to be awarded on Stack Overflow [duplicate]

I question how useful negative reputation is for meeting the needs of people using Stack Overflow and also for Stack Overflow meeting its objectives. I understand that negative reputation can be a ...
user3425506's user avatar
  • 1,385
1 vote
2 answers

Why do my questions often get upvoted while my answers get downvoted?

I'm an average Stack Overflow user. I ask some questions and I get some upvotes. I also thought about answering other people's questions. I don't know why, but I get downvoted every time I do that. ...
KianFakheriAghdam's user avatar
37 votes
2 answers

How was a new user under 10 reputation able to post an inline image?

Can this be stopped now, please? It's just getting ridiculous: Can we stop that silly experiment right now, please 🙏 I ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
-13 votes
1 answer

Double charged for serial voting - What do I do?

So I had a user that upvoted a bunch of my answers for gratitude. I understand that these points needs to be reversed, since it doesn't look like the user actually paid attention of the content in ...
Thingamabobs's user avatar
  • 7,925
14 votes
0 answers

Influx of poor quality questions from 1K+ users [closed]

Lately I notice a significant amount of really poor quality questions from users that, according to their rep, should know better. They barely state the problem and ask for solutions, sometimes "...
PM 77-1's user avatar
  • 13.2k
-15 votes
1 answer

Why is my meta reputation only synchronized every hour?

From the help center it says this: Your meta reputation is the same as your reputation on Stack Overflow (synchronized hourly) Why is it synchronized every hour? Why not every minute, or instantly?
Caleb Liu's user avatar
  • 727
4 votes
0 answers

Can we empower low-rep users with elevated privileges given that they have demonstrable moderating ability and know-how of Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

My biggest pet peeve about Stack Overflow's Gamification system is that it gives moderation privileges (which don't need any or very little technical knowledge) to people who have technical knowledge ...
Sabito's user avatar
  • 4,924
-22 votes
1 answer

Canceling points on answers to deleted users' questions acts as disincentive to answering to new and low-reputation users

I lost 35 reputation points received on an answer to a question posted by a deleted user. For an established SO user this is not much, but I am relatively new and reputation points do provide ...
PChemGuy's user avatar
  • 1,671
2 votes
0 answers

If a post I edited gets downvoted, will I lose reputation too? [duplicate]

The question title pretty much says it all. What would happen if I edited some user's post on Stack Overflow and said post gets downvoted? Would both the original poster and I lose reputation, or ...
Nicholas Obert's user avatar
-4 votes
0 answers

Congratulations Darin Dimitrov for reaching a million reputation [duplicate]

Today, Thursday, 11 August 2022, I just noticed that Darin Dimitrov reached 1 million points of reputation on Stack Overflow. Darin Dimitrov loves writing code and is really passionate about it. And ...
KUMAR's user avatar
  • 1,991
-9 votes
1 answer

Bizarre nexus of occurrences: loss of reputation + review privileges

I am wondering what is going on. Suddenly I find myself banned from reviewing and 6 of my old questions now give me -2 scores. Review ban: Q1: 3 years, 9 months ago,
Nic3500's user avatar
  • 8,551
0 votes
0 answers

How did my reputation go up? [duplicate]

So far today, I have earned 62 reputation . But all I did today was ask a question that has a score of -2. This confuses me a lot. How did I get this reputation? None of my other questions have ...
Caleb Liu's user avatar
  • 727

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