This just seems like strange behavior on SO. Can someone explain?

If an answer gets awarded the half bounty (automatically) when the OP neglects to award the bounty after the grace period ends, shouldn't the bounty awarded show up in the profile (reputation score) of the user whose answer got the most upvotes?

Here is the post: Inconsistent behavior between browsers with deeply nested subgrid

It has been several days after the grace period ended, and it looks like the half bounty was issued (in the post), but I can confirm it hasn't been awarded or hasn't updated in the user's profile stats that provided the answer with the most upvotes.

Is this a bug? Definitely not a caching problem.


1 Answer 1


It may have been a bug in the Community bot.

I have seen bounties without accepted answers go unrewarded for hours, but never days like that.

If anyone thinks they have run into the same problem, first give the servers a couple hours so Community can process the changes.

If the bounty is still unresolved and you have flagging privileges, flag the post for the moderators, and explain the situation. They may be able to close the bounty for you, or will at least make a note of the bug.

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