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49 votes

Shouldn't close voters' names be hidden also from the timeline?

First of all, congratulations on earning 3k! I'm very glad that you're motivated to cast close/reopen votes, we can always do with more curators on Stack Overflow. I understand that it can be scary to ...
cigien's user avatar
  • 60k
34 votes

Is it possible to know who single-handedly reopened a question?

Yes, you can find who re-opened a question in the revision history of the question:<questionId>/revisions I use a userscript called "SEModifications" (github) ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.7k
27 votes

Is it possible to know who single-handedly reopened a question?

You can either use the revision history of the question, as mentioned by Cerbrus, or use the timeline:<POST ID>/timeline
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.6k
25 votes

Can we export timeline statistics of a post into a CSV file?

You can do these type of analysis by means of the Stack Exchange Data Explorer. This query generates votes, posthistory (edits, close, notices etc) and review events you'll also find in the timeline: ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.3k
20 votes

Why is there no link to timeline of the post?

I am happy to report that there is now a link to the timeline available for all users. More details are available here.
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 41.4k
16 votes

Add a link to the timeline of a post

The link for the timeline has now been added for questions and answers, for all users. More details are available here.
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 41.4k
16 votes

Cramped up in the timeline

I’m working on behalf of the design system to ship some improvements to tables that will make them fully responsive (traditionally a pretty tough problem in the ol’ CSS world), and more accessible. In ...
Aaron Shekey's user avatar
15 votes

Shouldn't close voters' names be hidden also from the timeline?

This really shouldn't be a thing that stops you from good curation of the site. Downvotes will come with or without it. Voting is anonymous as we all know and trying to guess who down-voted us simply ...
Tomerikoo's user avatar
  • 19.4k
15 votes

Vote Summary in Timeline

Since anyone can see this no matter what the reputation is Low-rep users that haven't yet reached that privilege can't see the breakdown; this is what my 1-point test account sees: Don't assume ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
13 votes

Can we export timeline statistics of a post into a CSV file?

If you'd prefer more up-to-date data than SEDE provides, you can also get the question timeline in JSON format via the Stack Exchange API. Parsing and iterating over the JSON data is left as an ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
12 votes

Why doesn't the revision history of this answer say it was deleted?

The system has never recorded an actual deletion event anywhere in the history when a post is deleted from the Low Quality Posts Queue, from the get-go. In 2014, at the same time we got the disputed ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 54.7k
12 votes

Add a link to the timeline of a post

It's again nearly 2 years gone since this question. I support bringing it now. So: it's working it looks decent it adds value in information Theoreticly we can make it offical with just one Link. ...
Christian Gollhardt's user avatar
12 votes

Can someone explain what "reopen invalidated" means in a Question timeline?

On October 23, 2013, you cast a reopen vote on that question. This put it into the reopen review queue. The final outcome was a split decision: 3 to leave closed, and 3 to reopen. That resulted in no ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
12 votes

Shouldn't close voters' names be hidden also from the timeline?

My personal opinion is that education cannot happen without disclosure and transparency - period! It is only through the full disclosure of information that anyone can learn at all. So even though ...
Michael Sims's user avatar
  • 2,513
11 votes

Shouldn't close voters' names be hidden also from the timeline?

Quoting a relevant MSE answer (note that while the answer itself was originally posted by a regular MSE user, the paragraph I quoted was added later by a staff member): We discussed changing the post ...
duplode's user avatar
  • 34.3k
11 votes

The timeline should show who tagged a Collectives answer as recommended

We'll be adding the attribution, and it will look like this:
Berthold's user avatar
  • 101
10 votes

The timeline should show who tagged a Collectives answer as recommended

We have made some improvements on the timeline and revision pages that should allow you to see the recommending user going forward. Unfortunately, a portion of the data cannot be backfilled due to ...
tobi's user avatar
  • 2
10 votes

I am able to view the count of delete votes in timeline view (without having 10k rep)

There isn't any privilege for seeing delete vote counts. You can see your own post delete vote count, if there were any. The only privilege is to see your own post vote count is for the close votes ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 4,484
9 votes

Could we get the red highlight in the timeline?

I don't think this would make any sense. The red background has always been used to indicate that the thing you are looking at is deleted. Handled flags have a red background because the flag is now ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 54.7k
6 votes

Server error viewing revision history or timeline of a specific post

This is fixed now. Specific edge case when significant edit messed up timeline load
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 41.4k
6 votes

Shouldn't close voters' names be hidden also from the timeline?

The problem exists, but I think this is not the correct solution. That would make the close voters less accountable, thus it would encourage the VTC misuses. Not only the terrible amount of crap is a ...
peterh's user avatar
  • 12.6k
5 votes

Shouldn't close voters' names be hidden also from the timeline?

It simply is not a problem. AFIK I've only experienced one single revenge voter, and that got caught and reversed. And that time I explained quite thoroughly why I thought a particular answer was bad ...
klutt's user avatar
  • 31.2k
2 votes

How do I get the entire body text of my questions, answers, and comments from API requests?

You need the withbody filter or explicitly select the body field in the question type. Do note the /users/{id}/timeline returns a user_timeline type in the items collection and there is no body field ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.3k

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