I should be allowed to answer closed questions
First, to answer the question as asked:
What is this prohibition aiming to achieve? Can it be abolished?
The exact and specific purpose of closing a question is to prevent answers from being posted. ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
feature-request × 7457discussion × 1645
status-completed × 571
review-queues × 485
status-declined × 415
tags × 410
legacy-stack-overflow-jobs × 410
documentation × 388
support × 320
design × 286
comments × 264
flags × 211
questions × 209
suggested-edits × 190
edits × 186
bug × 180
duplicate-questions × 179
vote-to-close × 167
stack-snippets × 165
syntax-highlighting × 165
answers × 164
reputation × 157
developer-story × 149
search × 148
user-interface × 141