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27 votes

When did questions generated by AI become allowed?

This question is a clear cut. To avoid giving away how we identify AIGC, I would refrain from pointing out the specifics, but there are multiple indicators literally from the start to the very end to ...
MDoubleDash's user avatar
  • 28.5k
14 votes

Recent flood of very low quality questions and non-questions with the Python tag today - what is going on?

This appears to be an annual event. Here's a screenshot of a particular poor question that appeared on staging ground today: Share ACK You said: give me a qustion that we can raise in stack overflow ...
DavidW's user avatar
  • 30.8k
2 votes

When did questions generated by AI become allowed?

When did questions generated by AI become allowed? Short answer: Policy is unchanged and AI generated questions are still not allowed on the site. Long answer: Moderating questions that used AI in ...
Dalija Prasnikar's user avatar
  • 28.5k

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