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Raising a plagiarism flag in Staging Ground throws a 500 error

I flagged a post for plagiarism on the main site and it went through with no problem. I retracted it immediately after. I also tried to flag a post in Staging Ground for plagiarism and received an ...
VLAZ's user avatar
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We've deployed a change to mitigate this vulnerability. Echoing the reminder from Makyen, please report suspected security vulnerabilities through the Reporting Security Vulnerabilities process.
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With the new homepage UX it’s impossible to add more ignored tags when you already have a lot of them

Here's the CSS I use to fix it: .tags-list { max-height: 60vh; overflow-y: auto; } It would also be nice to add the hover > ignore tag button onto the homepage that already exists on the ...
Magnie Mozios's user avatar

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