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59 votes

Git question with very nonlinear history: Answers cannibalizing each other into redundancy

The beauty of Stack Overflow is that old answers can be edited by anyone, especially high-rep users, in arbitrary ways, not just rolling stuff back. In this case, edit answers which make outdated ...
Peter Cordes's user avatar
44 votes

I asked to have edit history redacted (as per a Meta post), but the flag was declined. Why?

Declining the flag is not the action I would take here. Any posting of personal information like home addresses, phone numbers, medical records (yes, people do post those as sample data), and so on ...
Brad Larson's user avatar
44 votes

Improve moderator handling of confidential information

I've redacted the revision with the API key in the image and the revision in the other question that contained the API key as text; not sure what happened here, but the mods are discussing it. FWIW, ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
38 votes

Shall we clean up strikethrough content from answers?

Again, my answer is: Depends. I'll explain why. Learning from mistakes can be very helpful sometimes, especially when we don't always look at the answer's history. For example, you might come across ...
Maroun's user avatar
  • 95.6k
34 votes

Is it possible to know who single-handedly reopened a question?

Yes, you can find who re-opened a question in the revision history of the question:<questionId>/revisions I use a userscript called "SEModifications" (github) ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.4k
33 votes

Revision history lists a different user as the question author

The original revision of the question (i.e. the state the question was first posted in) was redacted by a Stack Exchange employee after it was found to contain sensitive information, leaving just ...
BoltClock's user avatar
  • 719k
32 votes

Shall we clean up strikethrough content from answers?

If someone is totally rewriting their answer like in your provided screenshot, then yes, that should be deleted. That's what the revision history is for. If they are using it for emphatic, contextual ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
27 votes

Is it possible to know who single-handedly reopened a question?

You can either use the revision history of the question, as mentioned by Cerbrus, or use the timeline:<POST ID>/timeline
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.5k
27 votes

Is chat abbreviation allowed in answer?

"Txt spk" is frowned upon, and should be edited out. We're a site for professionals (and enthusiast amateurs). "U" and other forms of "txt spk" are not professional. So, please use proper English in ...
S.L. Barth is on's user avatar
20 votes

Improve moderator handling of confidential information

The moderator redaction tools aren't necessarily straightforward, and they definitely can take a little walking-through to get right. They also can have some fun edge cases, because of their ability ...
Brad Larson's user avatar
20 votes

The revision history does not show the latest content correctly

A hotfix is now in place for this bug on both the /posts/{id}/revisions and /review/suggested-edits/{id} pages. Revisions will now be highlighted correctly in code blocks: This is a problem with ...
Kyle Pollard's user avatar
  • 2,243
18 votes

Should a user be allowed to delete his own old revisions on his own post?

Nope. There's too much potential for abuse. Users could completely wipe a question's history, if they decide they no longer want to have the question online. This would only add to the already large ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.4k
18 votes

Thank you for enabling YouTube embedding!

YouTube embedding on MSO is now deactivated (it had been on there, but never on for SO).
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 41.3k
16 votes

Revision history: Duplicate message has wrong cursor

This is caused by the following CSS rule: .originals-of-duplicate li { cursor: move } which is part of a recent feature that allows users with moderation privileges to rearrange duplicate links. ...
BoltClock's user avatar
  • 719k
15 votes

Should a user be allowed to delete his own old revisions on his own post?

I disagree with the point that the revision history is garbage. It is a record of all edits consequential and otherwise and done by whom (a number of minor edits can even be suggested or made by ...
Suraj Rao's user avatar
  • 29.6k
12 votes

Why doesn't the revision history of this answer say it was deleted?

The system has never recorded an actual deletion event anywhere in the history when a post is deleted from the Low Quality Posts Queue, from the get-go. In 2014, at the same time we got the disputed ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 54.6k
11 votes

Did I alter the Unicode accidentally?

Yes, your submission removed some invisible characters. The original revision had some \01 and \05 (ASCII Start of Header and Enquiry characters), and they are gone from the revision you posted. My ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
11 votes

Improve moderator handling of confidential information

This has been asked on Meta Stack Exchange. I'll add my answer from there rather than have it in another castle... Firstly edit the post yourself to remove the sensitive information. Then custom flag ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
10 votes

Is it wise to attribute person X's question edits to person Y?

I think this is actually just a simple case where both you and another user tried to edit the same post at the same time. Basically a merge issue. Looking at the diff for your edit, it seems to ...
ryanyuyu's user avatar
  • 6,456
9 votes

Shall we clean up strikethrough content from answers?

I think in this case (and probably many others) there was a legitimate need that the author was trying to meet, and simply deleting the stricken-out section(s) would do harm, not good to the answer. ...
Jerry Coffin's user avatar
9 votes

Shall we clean up strikethrough content from answers?

I'm the original author of the answer in question. I had chosen to use strikethrough because there were significant breaking changes between versions and the answer had been upvoted that high that I ...
Bijan's user avatar
  • 26.3k
9 votes

Should revisions with rude content be redacted?

No, this is not a reason to redact. Redaction is destroying history, and so we do it very sparingly. Rolling back is sufficient. If you want a moderator to take a look at a rude edit, then just ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 243k
9 votes

Revision history of question doesn't display revision author

You are making assumptions based on the content of the revision message here: OP's question was closed because it was unclear. I understand what he meant though. Edited it. but the edit really was ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
8 votes

What to do about an edit by someone with edit permissions who added no value to an edit

The edit wasn't just superfluous, it was actively wrong. It's inappropriate to go around changing posts to alter their style and semantic preferences to fit your own, as was done here. Since this ...
Servy's user avatar
  • 203k
8 votes

Is it wise to attribute person X's question edits to person Y?

Like the other answers note, what happened here was almost certainly an edit conflict. Specifically, from the timeline of that question, we can reconstruct the following likely sequence of events: ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
8 votes

Link to Collective in post revisions is broken

Update Nov 25th 2021 This bug has been fixed Thanks for pointing this out, the bug has been reported and prioritized.
Carrott's user avatar
  • 155
8 votes

When viewing a question's edit history that includes tag edits, the opacity is broken when hovering over a tag

This has been addressed now. You may confirm the fix on this very post: This issue occurred while I was adding keyboard navigation support to our ...
Sal's user avatar
  • 5,528
8 votes

Is there some view of question history that can help explain (to myself!) why I answered this question?

You can use the "clock" icon under the voting/save icons on the question to get to the timeline. Merged posts have a special history event (example). In your case, nothing special is shown ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 6,143
7 votes

Is it possible to challenge a revision?

As your revision note states, you were editing the question with assumptions that you made about what you think the question is actually asking. Don't do that. You shouldn't be editing a question to ...
Servy's user avatar
  • 203k
7 votes

Is chat abbreviation allowed in answer?

People don't use here text-speak chat abbreviation in posts, because SO is not a social networking platform, some people may not get the context and might downvote your Q&A. Quote from Writing ...
Abhishek Gurjar's user avatar

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible