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105 votes

Is editing code in posts to remove gender frowned upon?

No, that's not a legitimate change. Why? It has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with the code. Simply put, you can not guarantee that the code change will have the effect you expect it ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
76 votes

Is editing code in posts to remove gender frowned upon?

The edit was inappropriate for several reasons The word "dude" is already gender-neutral If the purpose of the edit was to avoid using a masculine name for a variable that refers to people who may ...
Blackwood's user avatar
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62 votes

Should we tolerate this kind of sexism

some users think the only ones using this site should be a 'he'. I think you misunderstood that comment. Cerbrus does not mean that only male users should be using the site. If that is what you think ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
52 votes

What can we do to resolve debates about gender?

The moderator question that sparked this debate is bad for two reasons. it was clearly designed to sniff out those who may hold the view that gender representation is relevant. Whatever your position ...
Pekka's user avatar
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51 votes

Is editing code in posts to remove gender frowned upon?

Further to the other posts pointing out that dude is already gender neutral, the post was 9 years old, and it's a general waste of a reviewers time, I'd like to add one more point; Answers. Most ...
Shadow's user avatar
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49 votes

Should we tolerate this kind of sexism

That's not sexism. That's me genuinely not caring what gender someone is. If I say "he", I'm not "assuming" a gender, I'm using the first word that pops into my head. No thought goes into the ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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46 votes

Is it possible to know the gender or race of another Stack Overflow user?

The only gender and race information about a user is that which the user chooses to reveal about themselves. This could be as obvious as the image they use as their avatar, their name being stereo-...
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 137k
45 votes

Is editing code in posts to remove gender frowned upon?

May I interject and say, very possibly, that the suggested edit was possibly not made in good faith but was an overt political act of rebellion. Whether it was a liberal stance or an anti-liberal one, ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
44 votes

Has SO ever asked professional female developers about what they think of SO?

I wanted to comment on this: The whole problem is that people communicate differently and that one type of communication has been prioritized in programming for a long time. I don't know if that's ...
Shog9's user avatar
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42 votes

Is editing code in posts to remove gender frowned upon?

Whether using any gender-specific words whatsoever constitutes discrimination/abuse/you-name-it is a completely subjective opinion, and a highly politically-charged subject (at least, in the US where ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 35.8k
39 votes

What can we do to resolve debates about gender?

Do you want me to change my avatar to something gender neutral and change my username to remove any advantage I have as a woman? No. I'd argue that the assumption women have an advantage in these ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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32 votes

Is it possible to know the gender or race of another Stack Overflow user?

When I started my career more than 10 years ago, I decided I wanted a professional presence on the Internet. I have a blog, a Twitter account, and a Stack Overflow profile, all with my name and photo, ...
Kobi's user avatar
  • 138k
32 votes

Is it really wrong to use gendered pronoun about users with a gendered avatar or username?

Quoting from the answers to the FAQ post about pronouns on Meta Stack Exchange: 4. Can I use he or she based on a user name/avatar and correct if they tell me I was wrong? We do not recommend ...
41686d6564's user avatar
  • 19.6k
31 votes

Advertisement targeted only for males

There is no problem with the ad. The male form in Hebrew is also the default form and it is used to address both men and women when the gender is unknown. בעברית צורת הזכר היא הצורה הסתמית, הלא ...
Oleg's user avatar
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23 votes

What is with "Thanks" in the developers' perspectives by gender section of the survey results?

I'm the data scientist who worked on the survey, and I can confirm what a commenter above suggested. Women were more likely to say one thing they would like to change about Stack Overflow is users ...
Julia Silge's user avatar
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20 votes

Is it possible to know the gender or race of another Stack Overflow user?

Is it even possible to be able to link unwelcome behaviour with bias against a particular gender or race? Does Stack Overflow record the data to do this? That sounds suitably Orwellian. No, Stack ...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
19 votes

Declining Numbers of Women in Programming, What Can SO do to Help?

I don't have time to look over every aspect of your question, but I want to address this: it is a fact that the numbers of women in the field are diminishing. Not really. Your Google search cites ...
jpmc26's user avatar
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19 votes

What can we do to resolve debates about gender?

Yvette, firstly I'm sorry if you feel targeted. That was not my intention. The question was inspired by gender being brought into the election last year. Whether or not it was you who did it is ...
Bugs's user avatar
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18 votes

What can we do to resolve debates about gender?

Do you want me to change my avatar to something gender neutral and change my username to remove any advantage I have as a woman? No. You are who you are. There are other SO profiles where people ...
KarelG's user avatar
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16 votes

Should we tolerate this kind of sexism

I prefer that users use gender neutral pronouns, and do not agree with the resistance to using them. And would prefer that some thought would go into the pronoun selection. But I do not think that ...
yivi's user avatar
  • 46.9k
16 votes

The use of gender-specific pronouns on Stack Overflow

As one of the women using the site, I would strongly prefer the use of "they" or "their" over any of the other options. While strict grammatical rules say it is wrong, so is ending a sentence in a ...
Barker's user avatar
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16 votes

Declining Numbers of Women in Programming, What Can SO do to Help?

It is a misconception that women are underrepresented in science or STEM fields fields in general. The reality is that women have entered some STEM fields to the point where they are no longer ...
John Slegers's user avatar
15 votes

Does the SO community view itself as gender neutral?

I don't care about gender on the Internet. Everybody, for me, is just a user, an anonymous person I don't really care about. Someone I will never meet in person. I answer questions on Stack Overflow, ...
baao's user avatar
  • 73.1k
11 votes

Why was this (gender-issue related) answer deleted?

So this might take a moment to unpack... The original answer was deleted by a CM because the conversation after the answer was posted started turning downright hostile. As in, the OP decided to ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
10 votes

Is it possible to know the gender or race of another Stack Overflow user?

There is no gender or race field in user profiles. There's no need to have your real name or picture attached to your profile either. After all, it's about the content, not the people posting it. (...
Laurel's user avatar
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9 votes

Was "Quarantine Hair" hat designed to be gender-inclusive?

The Quarantine Hair hat is quite clever Yeah, I agree. It is pretty awesome that the team was so thoughtful to include a hat that was close to real life events for a lot of people, had grim ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.3k
7 votes

Should we tolerate this kind of sexism

So many problems are solved quite easily by folks, well talking to each other. As someone allegedly ESL, I use the singular they because, well, we use it in my native language. Lots of native ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
7 votes

Declining Numbers of Women in Programming, What Can SO do to Help?

It has been a difficult time since this question has initially been asked. That was back in 2015. Today, someone posted an an answer here. The answer was uninformed, shallow, and inconsiderate, and it ...
Marco13's user avatar
  • 54.6k

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