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16 votes

The use of gender-specific pronouns on Stack Overflow

As one of the women using the site, I would strongly prefer the use of "they" or "their" over any of the other options. While strict grammatical rules say it is wrong, so is ending a sentence in a ...
Barker's user avatar
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14 votes

Should inclusive language linting be part of post submission?

This exact topic has been discussed previously on Uber Meta in the post 'What is Stack Exchange's official stance on words such as “black list”, “white list”, “master”, “slave”, and so on?'. You ...
zcoop98's user avatar
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13 votes

Iterating on Inclusion: What does this mean for me?

Without looking at users' profiles, you can just default to "they" instead of "he", or use their username. And if you make a mistake that someone asks you to correct, just do so. That should be all, ...
Itamar Mushkin's user avatar
12 votes

Should inclusive language linting be part of post submission?

No, it shouldn't. Those who consider these well-established terms 'problematic' avoid using them already. And those who don't (I, for instance) will find the proposed pop-up thesaurus annoying, and ...
oguz ismail's user avatar
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11 votes

Make suggestions in tech selector more neutral

What if, on balance, this wasn't a judgment call, but was supported by some data that Stack Overflow itself has been analyzing for quite a while? (but note that even updating the placeholders ...
Makoto's user avatar
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10 votes

Should inclusive language linting be part of post submission?

The term "blacklisted" or "blacklist" isn't mostly used in a racist connotation, therefore it shouldn't be disallowed. According to Wikipedia, The English dramatist Philip ...
10 Rep's user avatar
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8 votes

Make suggestions in tech selector more neutral

First, I would like to point out that this is a very low-priority item, regardless of whether we establish that the placeholders are indeed "inclusive" or not. I say that to mean, any ...
zcoop98's user avatar
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6 votes

Make suggestions in tech selector more neutral

Yes, I agree those entries should both have the same boilerplate/placeholder suggestion. I propose to join them so it becomes e.g. c, html, c#, php for both boxes. If there is a good reason to have ...
rene's user avatar
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5 votes

Iterating on Inclusion: What does this mean for me?

if I'm not making a conscious effort to not be biased, I'll probably assume they're male and go with "he" Therein lies the problem. My advice: make a conscious effort, and keep doing it until it ...
chris neilsen's user avatar
4 votes

Make suggestions in tech selector more neutral

Alternatively, you could just not read too much into it, as they're merely placeholders.
Cerbrus's user avatar
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