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Warning about no more close votes should be on 'close' button

This post is only slightly related to this one, and I am aware of the vote count at the bottom right corner of the close window. And, while I completely agree that disabling or hiding the 'close' ...
Vega's user avatar
  • 28.6k
225 votes
14 answers

More effective closing / downvoting of junk questions to help with the signal-noise ratio?

Signal vs Noise I find that when a question warrants a close vote, it usually violates a number of rules, sometimes a majority of the rules, and it is hard to decide which is the most appropriate. ...
user avatar
274 votes
7 answers

Flagging migration should include more options

I have encountered numerous questions in with the sprite-kit tag such as: ...
ZeMoon's user avatar
  • 20.3k
-34 votes
2 answers

Closing a question for lack of clarity or focus or objectivity should require elaboration from the closer

I see a lot of questions about, "Why was this issue closed for lack of clarity/focus/opinion-based?" I'd like to propose something that could preemptively answer these questions before they'...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Drop vote-to-migrate threshold to 2 of the 3 VTC's?

As @Shog9 mentioned when originally implementing 3-vote-close: [Previously], migrating a question to another site require[d] that 4 of the 5 votes all agree that the question should be migrated to a ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 20.3k
22 votes
0 answers

"List of close voters is only viewable by users with the close/reopen votes privilege" notice is misleading

On closed questions, this message is shown to users with the close/reopen votes privilege (except for the asker): The list of close voters, however, is viewable by anyone, including anonymous users. ...
Adam Millerchip's user avatar
30 votes
3 answers

Please add "tutorials" back to the off-site close reason text

The old close reason text for the off-topic close reason of 'off-site resources' used to explicitly enumerate "tutorial" in the list of examples of what wasn't allowed: Unfortunately, the ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.2k
175 votes
7 answers

We need more close votes!

I run out of close votes a lot. In fact, in almost any given day in which I actively participate, I use up all of my close votes! And I am really, in the grand scheme of things, not a very active user ...
Alexis King's user avatar
  • 43.8k
146 votes
5 answers

Close and Triage queues need a downvote option. No, really

I've been spending a lot of time in the close vote queue. I feel that there is a problem with the tools available to me there or in the triage queue. As a syllogism, er, wait, I have three premises: ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
  • 43.3k
-10 votes
1 answer

Adding "lack of effort" as a close vote reason [duplicate]

I frequently come across SO questions that have code snippets just copy/pasted from poor online sites and asking what is the problem with that code and why it doesn't work. The main problem with these ...
user12002570's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Add option to search for posts that were voted to be deleted, closed, etc by the user

I frequently come across questions that are very similar to questions that I voted to "closed as duplicate" or "delete" etc. So currently I have to manually go to the votes tab and ...
user12002570's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Is there a better way to deal with low-quality questions that have a bounty attached?

This question (How do I create an infinite loop?) has a whopping 500 Point Bounty on it. The question is, as you may have guessed, exactly that - the user has no idea what an infinite loop is. It even ...
Qix - MONICA WAS MISTREATED's user avatar
152 votes
6 answers

Fuzzy the number of questions in the close review queue, a dopamine for the shutterers

Users are freaking out over the number of questions with close votes. More so when they look at the review queue and have to grab a newspaper to fan themselves as they do declare that the high number ...
random's user avatar
  • 9,954
-1 votes
2 answers

Allow voting to close questions as duplicate of Articles

As far as I understand Articles are official "how-to" guides and as such represent and can serve as canonical duplicate targets. Allow voting to close questions as duplicate of Articles. ...
Dalija Prasnikar's user avatar
  • 28.5k
-22 votes
2 answers

Chat with close voters about question closure

Read through the following scenario to see why I think being able to chat with the reviewing users of an issue is crucial: Scenario A question I posted recently (this one) was closed for needing to be ...
wlfbck's user avatar
  • 527
223 votes
3 answers

Why can't we change our close-vote reason?

This answer does a fair enough job explaining why you can't vote-to-close on a question once you've retracted a close vote. But I'm curious, why can't I change my close-vote reason without ...
nhgrif's user avatar
  • 62k
-18 votes
1 answer

Disable Close votes if no more votes possible

If I don't have any more votes to close a question, the dialog should be disabled or at least show the information more visible. At the moment I can browse through the windows, write a text why I want ...
Jens's user avatar
  • 69.4k
139 votes
3 answers

Reduce the number of votes required to close a question to 4 [duplicate]

Related (from 2009): Now that there is a League of Super Heroes should the number of votes required to close/move be reduced? Also very related (but not identical): Why are 5 close votes required? ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
92 votes
2 answers

Allow non-gold-badge-holders to suggest multiple duplicates and change suggested duplicates

I frequently encounter the following situations when dealing with new questions: It's not quite clear which of multiple possible duplicates applies more to OP's situation After suggesting one ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 35.8k
37 votes
0 answers

Let gold badge holders assign a duplicate, after already voting to close

If a gold badge holder for a tag votes to close a question normally, and then later discovers a duplicate of it, can they be allowed to "cast a second close vote" as a duplicate? In the &...
David Maze's user avatar
  • 157k
24 votes
0 answers

Fix timeout for the "You may only open the close dialog every 3 seconds" notification

Several of the interactions with the site are rate-limited and will bring up a warning notice if you do them repeatedly. For example, you can only flag comments every 3 seconds. Typically, these ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 189k
57 votes
2 answers

How to open the corresponding review item when viewing a question/answer?

When browsing on Stack Overflow I often see questions with pending close/reopen votes, that I disagree with. But I can't express my disagreement because the corresponding review task is inaccessible ...
user000001's user avatar
  • 33.2k
73 votes
5 answers

Closing questions with typos faster: typo-hammer?

When a question with a problem caused entirely by an obvious typo appears, the proper course of action is to close it. Unfortunately, it takes several minutes or longer to gather the five votes ...
Sergey Kalinichenko's user avatar
146 votes
5 answers

Close vote superpowers for other badges in low volume tags

Now that people can wield Mjölnir I want a go of that mighty hammer! Having gold badge users with superpowers in their tag is a great idea for high traffic tags. It will not help low traffic tags. ...
Chris Latta's user avatar
  • 20.6k
21 votes
3 answers

Can we trial a line in the close vote reasons other with a link to flag as spam?

A request to add a read line near the closing -> Off-Topic -> Other with a link to flag as spam. this addresses the confusion people have when using a custom close reason for spam does not interfere ...
user avatar
-52 votes
1 answer

Add a delay for closing / deleting questions

Today I experienced this question on SO get closed in 17 minutes as a duplicate. The part about what yield does is a duplicate, yes, but as I wrote in the comments there are other problems the OP ...
TheEagle's user avatar
  • 5,992
78 votes
4 answers

Give high-rep users extra weight on close votes

As a person's commitment to the community increases, I think we should make it possible for high-reputation users to fast-track the closure of certain questions. See here for some of my rationale. ...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
109 votes
2 answers

Regain daily number of close votes from approved question closures

Apparently there aren't enough close voters to sanitize the site's quality regarding VLQ and off-topic questions. I am restricted to have a fixed number of close votes in a daily (UTC) scope. I've ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
15 votes
0 answers

Enhance close and delete links [duplicate]

While we are currently running A/B testing on button styling for vote arrows, I am wondering whether the Close and Delete links on posts could also be enhanced in terms of UX. Here is how the Close ...
MrUpsidown's user avatar
  • 22.4k
102 votes
5 answers

Final (binding) Votes to Close and Delete should trigger a revision to be saved

As a moderator, I sometimes have to delete bad answers. Sometimes, those answers are edited after I've deleted them, and it turns into an episode of "The Big Bad Moderator". This doesn't just happen ...
George Stocker's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Close a question when it gets 3 (or 4) leading 'Close' votes? [duplicate]

Five 'Close' votes* from regular users are needed to close a question (or put it 'on hold') (reference). *Close votes can be of types: 'Close' (can be cast from inside or outside the review queue); ...
Andre Silva's user avatar
  • 4,928
22 votes
3 answers

Prevent/Eliminate "Best Practice(s)" from Titles

Motivation I have been seeing lots of "best practices" questions in the java, javascript tags recently on my front page, some years old, out of date when they were written and people ...
user avatar
-11 votes
1 answer

Why does SO not add more sites to "This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network"? - Close reasons

This has been an issue for about 9 years (earliest post I could found was from June 2011, see below) now and I personally feel very uncomfortable with that it isn't fixed already. I clearly say "...
RobertS supports Monica Cellio's user avatar
-43 votes
1 answer

The process of closing and re-opening questions should be more robust

Yesterday, I asked a valid technical question regarding WPF. Well, I'm an experienced software architect. I know what I'm doing and how to ask a question in a correct manner. In my question I provided ...
AxD's user avatar
  • 3,146
59 votes
3 answers

Enough fuzzying: let's let everything into the close queue and age out questions that don't reach a threshold

We've just about hit equilibrium here: Fuzzy the number of questions in the close review queue, a dopamine for the shutterers The number of questions in the queue is falling slowly, but I don't think ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
-138 votes
3 answers

Flagging a post as a duplicate should cost reputation points

As of now one of the ways to perform a point-free aggressive action against a poster is to flag the post as a duplicate leaving one more avenue that opens the system to abuse. There should be a speed-...
user avatar
-17 votes
1 answer

New question close option [duplicate]

Nowadays, many questions on Stack Overflow are nothing but a homework dump. But there is no proper option to close such questions. These are the existing close options: Duplicate - This question has ...
Sushil's user avatar
  • 5,531
-10 votes
1 answer

"Closing as off-topic" Update for Wrong Language [duplicate]

The "Close" dialog would benefit from options to redirect people to the appropriately localized Stack Overflow site. There's several now and yet with regularity there's Russian, Spanish and Portguese ...
tadman's user avatar
  • 211k
26 votes
2 answers

Off-topic option: include Unix and Apple sister sites on off-topic notification

Now, for one of the off-topic reasons we have this: "Questions about general computing hardware and software are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve tools used primarily for ...
Giacomo Catenazzi's user avatar
62 votes
3 answers

How much longer can one reproduce?

I have always felt that the close reason "caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced" was a bit awkward. The wording "no longer" suggests that the problem was demonstrably reproducible, and ...
Kerrek SB's user avatar
  • 476k
57 votes
5 answers

Add CrossValidated to list of migration sites in the Close Dialog

As most are aware, we are limited to 5 standard migration paths. The current migration paths are: Meta Stack Overflow Super User Tex DBA Sharepoint If users want to migrate to another site, they ...
Taryn's user avatar
  • 247k
46 votes
1 answer

Allow users to change their close-vote reason to close-as-duplicate

I know that we have some related discussion about retracting and re-close-voting in: Why can't we change our close-vote reason? Should we allow voting to change the close vote reason of a ...
Joshua Taylor's user avatar
-18 votes
2 answers

Can you share flags when it is inactive for weeks/months?

I still have 2 flags still unreviewed and I already read this and I understand that not everyone is seeing all these flags being put. In this question, I flagged it to be migrated with the words: ...
user avatar
22 votes
0 answers

Reopen votes aging time isn't directly mentioned in the help center

Quote from cast close and reopen votes: Close votes age away harmlessly if the threshold is not reached after several days. If the question has at least 100 views, close votes will age away after 4 ...
Wenfang Du's user avatar
  • 11.2k
64 votes
3 answers

Auto-comment close votes for all close reasons

I propose auto-comments for voting to close for any close reason. (Read the parts in bold for a longer "TL;DR") More details: Whenever someone votes to close with a reason someone hasn't already ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
35 votes
1 answer

Indicate within questions that I already voted to close/reopen

I vote to close/migrate off-topic questions frequently, and I revisit questions often due to reply to comments, update my ancient answers, etc. I can't always remember if I previously voted to close a ...
llogan's user avatar
  • 133k
15 votes
2 answers

Directly vote to not close a question

I would like to have the option to say "leave open" when I'm clicking on the close link under a question, the same way as when the question is shown to me in the close votes review queue. ...
MikeMB's user avatar
  • 21.1k
89 votes
1 answer

Allow change to a close vote after question is edited

The issue of changing close votes has come up before quite a few times. I understand the rationale for not generally permitting changing votes. However, there is a specific, very common case with a ...
chrylis -cautiouslyoptimistic-'s user avatar
51 votes
2 answers

Provide "Not enough effort" as a new close reason

It's quite clear by now, I am not any longer afraid to ask for it officially; all recent highly visited and discussed posts that the community demands a new close reason. New, because it has never ...
user avatar
84 votes
1 answer

Increase close and reopen vote weight for tag badge holders

(This is one of the suggestions that were listed in What does our long term community need? What does our long term community need to feel valued?.) Subj (I believe it's clear without further ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 35.8k