Linked Questions

-26 votes
2 answers

What's with downvoting perfectly understandable questions and viable answers? [duplicate]

I posted two answers today ( and within minutes of each other and they were both downvoted very quickly. I'm not ...
Remy Lebeau's user avatar
2914 votes
94 answers

Warlords of Documentation: A Proposed Expansion of Stack Overflow

It’s been 7 years and 10,000,000+ Questions since Stack Overflow was launched. The amount of good that has been done for the field - all the developers helped, all the person-hours saved, all the ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
946 votes
24 answers

Can we please have the "Lacks Minimal Understanding" close reason back?

That close reason Yes, I believe it was condescending and somewhat rude. However there is a mass of questions that fall under a crystal clear criteria: They're poorly written. They have formatting ...
Benjamin Gruenbaum's user avatar
757 votes
10 answers

How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users?

I'm well aware that some research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users before they post any new questions, but I'm not sure just how much research effort is considered adequate. I asked a ...
218 votes
30 answers

Are we being "elitist"? Is there something wrong with that?

Recently I see more complaints of "elitism" bubbling up. Sometimes expressly called so, sometimes expressing the same thing in many more words. Mostly from new(-ish) users whose question has just been ...
deceze's user avatar
  • 521k
675 votes
8 answers

Why is "Can someone help me?" not a useful question?

To an asker, their question seems pretty good. They've explained the context of their project, there's a detailed list of what they want to accomplish, and they've shown what they have tried / their ...
474 votes
6 answers

Under what circumstances may I add "urgent" or other similar phrases to my question, in order to obtain faster answers?

We often have people desiring speedy answers to a question, and they will add phrases intended to elicit solutions quickly. For example: This is urgent for me Please reply ASAP! I am under a tight ...
209 votes
20 answers

Is it okay to downvote answers to bad questions?

I'm referring to this answer, (screenshot for <10K) in particular, where the question was clearly not of the best quality, but my answer to it addressed the issues with it. Is it okay to downvote ...
AstroCB's user avatar
  • 12.4k
256 votes
12 answers

What is Stack Overflow’s goal?

After reading Sympathetic up-votes, it reminded me a bit of Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? (I'm in group 4) as well. Reflecting on the second question in the post on sympathetic up-votes ...
teynon's user avatar
  • 8,228
821 votes
4 answers

Stack Overflow question checklist

My earlier blog post on how to write a good question is pretty long, and I suspect that even when I refer people to it, often they don't bother reading it. So here's a short list of questions to check ...
Jon Skeet's user avatar
  • 1.5m
248 votes
8 answers

Curation and cynicism: Or why Stack Overflow sometimes doesn't seem welcoming

There's been a lot of talk lately about the state of Stack Overflow, sparked by this blog entry that levies this charge Stack Overflow is intended to be an inclusive place where every programmer can ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.6k
98 votes
7 answers

How long should we wait for a poster to clarify a question before closing?

Many questions in the close vote queue have comments asking for clarification, as well as close votes because they're "unclear" or "too broad" or "off-topic/questions seeking debugging help ...". The ...
Dave Schweisguth's user avatar
156 votes
5 answers

What is the proper way to approach Stack Overflow as someone totally new to programming?

I've read the FAQs and prompts that coach on how to ask good questions and am careful to follow that advice. I make a good effort to research the problem before asking the question, both on Stack ...
152 votes
5 answers

How to ask a good question when I'm not sure what I'm looking for?

I am a student in computer science. I am technically a junior, but as far as my major is concerned I am on a sophomore level. Because of this and the fact that I didn't do any programming before ...
Victoria Potvin's user avatar
70 votes
11 answers

Question Close Reasons - Definitions and Guidance

This community-wiki Q&A is a compiled set of guidance for the close reasons used on Stack Overflow. It's meant to be a canonical repository and a resource for the community – both for authors of ...
131 votes
6 answers

I am nervous about ever asking a question again, what should I do?

Yesterday I asked this question: Why would Xcode 6.3 beta debugger show that Swift NSData has a byte count of 190 but no properties? I did it badly and was criticised, which was entirely fair. I ...
Joseph Beuys' Mum's user avatar
93 votes
6 answers

Staging Ground is coming back and moving out of beta

In a previous announcement, we outlined our commitment to giving back to the community in the upcoming year. Staging Ground was among the initiatives we discussed. We are excited to announce that ...
Bella_Blue's user avatar
  • 101
48 votes
5 answers

Should I answer an old (inactive) question?

I've been browsing around SO, looking for questions that relate to a challenge I'm working on in my current project and came across a question, in the 'Similar Questions' panel, that I could fairly ...
Evil Dog Pie's user avatar
  • 2,320
115 votes
1 answer

What is the meta effect?

I was reading some discussions on here, and came across the term "meta effect". Can anyone explain what is meant by this? and what is the purpose?
Harry's user avatar
  • 3,195
63 votes
4 answers

Meta-meta: why is meta full of close-warriors?

Every time I see meta questions coming up in the Community Bulletin link on the side of SO, nearly all the questions are "close-warrior" topics (i.e. aimed at removal of content deemed bad to the ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
-54 votes
7 answers

Stack Overflow, what is your response to ForrestKnight's criticism? [duplicate]

How would you respond to this criticism? Here is a summary of their criticism: A poster wanted a better understanding of a topic but the answerer told him to do more research. People come to ask and ...
Ben Madison's user avatar
66 votes
1 answer

Why are fellow users removing thank-you's from my questions?

I asked a question on the main site with the words "Thanks (in advance)"/"Thank you" at the end. Later on, a user edited them out! Why is this done? Should I rollback/reject the edit? If it's not OK ...
10 votes
2 answers

Stack Overflow is no longer useful

I have the reputation points that I have, because I truly loved this platform. I fear now that with all of these seemingly arbitrary rules, we now have a stagnant community, where power users, such as ...
rook's user avatar
  • 66.9k
11 votes
4 answers

How do we deal with misuse of "typo/no longer reproducible" close-reason?

Sometimes, it's like nails on a chalkboard to me when Not reproducible or was caused by a typo is misused on questions that actually lack a reproducible example. It's even frustrating when others use ...
jay.sf's user avatar
  • 72.1k
24 votes
1 answer

What is a beginner-oriented canonical Q&A and how can it help me curate my watched tags?

This is intended to be a light satire to assist would-be site curators who find that the tags they're most interested in are flooded with low-quality questions, but who either misuse What is a ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

When is it acceptable to delete a post?

Question inspired by this post as well as this one. This applies to users with privileges to cast delete votes. In some cases, a post may be off-topic. Here's some situations: It's blatantly off-...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 654
-23 votes
3 answers

How can I get support on this platform? [closed]

I wanted to ask a question on Stack Overflow, but users closed my question and the only information provided about the closure was This question needs debugging details Clicking on those links doesn'...
user avatar
-35 votes
2 answers

What happens to Stack Overflow, and what happens to the data?

If you're watching current trends, Stack Overflow is losing ground to LLMs and fast. I feel that if this continues, it will become hard to keep paying the bills and I hope it never happens, but if ...
Hoefkens J.'s user avatar
-35 votes
3 answers

About Beginner Questions [closed]

Firstly I should say that I (mostly) understand Stack Overflow's Q&A format. I have recently started answering questions more often and throughout the day I see many questions that are just asked ...
Özgür Güzeldereli's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to educate asker when being beaten by rep hunters

I came across this question today and I knew the answer right away. It was in fact a question on a very basic SQL query (full joins) that most people should pick up in their first few lessons on SQL. ...
CodeNewbie's user avatar
  • 2,081
-33 votes
4 answers

Editing, Downvote and Close Vote Etiquette - What are the ground rules? [closed]

Earlier today, I posted a question in relation to a weird error I'm getting. A few hours later, I came back and discovered that someone had edited it to "remove unneeded exposition and improve ...
Steven C. Britton's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How should I handle comments posted as answers to off-topic questions?

Numerous times I've run across an off-topic question that someone has posted comments on that attempt to answer the question. I understand the desire to help people but such comments should not be ...
HangarRash's user avatar
  • 14.7k
-12 votes
3 answers

Question closed as "not focused" when it clearly has a unique interpretation parallel to sorting

This question: Sort the tuples from the cartesian product of an input 2-d array received several downvotes, and was then closed with the explanation with the reason: "This question needs to be ...
Rohit Pandey's user avatar
  • 2,661
-13 votes
1 answer

Simple questions should not be automatically considered off-topic and deletion-worthy

I came across this question recently and was somewhat stunned by the level of negative reaction to it. It asks whether there is a way to determine version information programmatically for a particular ...
President James K. Polk's user avatar
16 votes
0 answers

Is there a canonical for JavaScript module questions?

TL;DR: thanks to a lot of historical baggage navigating and integrating the (at least) four different module systems in JavaScript is unreasonably confusing and so we get questions about it all the ...
Jared Smith's user avatar
  • 21.9k