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Questions tagged [elitism]

Questions about perceived elitism on Stack Overflow.

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-1 votes
2 answers

Have expectations increased beyond the reach of new users?

I spend a lot of time reading through old SO Q&As in order to learn more about using Python. It's a format I find more helpful than most of the official docs. However, it seems that the ...
Xodarap777's user avatar
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218 votes
30 answers

Are we being "elitist"? Is there something wrong with that?

Recently I see more complaints of "elitism" bubbling up. Sometimes expressly called so, sometimes expressing the same thing in many more words. Mostly from new(-ish) users whose question has just been ...
deceze's user avatar
  • 521k
-9 votes
3 answers

Relax folks! What is it with people getting more and more trigger happy? [duplicate]

I'm getting more and more annoyed with the elitism shown on Stack Overflow. This site is becoming a terrible place to ask questions, and each question that I ask seems to get downvotes, close ...
paul23's user avatar
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