Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded
While the new Upvote/Downvote button design is a nice attempt at a new style:
it's too big
it detracts from the actual answer post
it doesn't fit in with the rest of the post design
it makes an ...
What can we do to encourage downvoting?
Increase the number of downvotes given to each user per day. On many days, I have run out of votes while still seeing truckloads of low quality content ("Me too!", "why does this not ...
Data validation & background for the Thank You Reaction feature test
But beyond that goal, this feature is also intended to provide an alternative way for users to express their appreciation for the efforts of other users
But why? Do we really need an alternative to ...
Community wiki
What can we do to encourage downvoting?
Maybe give more rewards to downvotes so people will have more reason to downvote. We all know that a lot of users are performing many actions simply to receive badges and rewards (editing, reviewing, ...
Data validation & background for the Thank You Reaction feature test
To me, the new feature is kind of just insulting.
I imagine a lot of time went into it already, and a lot more time will go into it still. I hope the result of all this is that the feature is scrapped ...
What can we do to encourage downvoting?
While this answer touches on a similar subject to other answers, I decided to post it because it comes at the issue from a different perspective.
I come from a videogame design background. Your site, ...
Pausing the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow: reflecting on the feedback and rethinking the approach
Thank you so much!
However, I am a bit disappointed that it has been paused only after the general disagreement from the community on Meta, and not after all the moderators told you how terrible of an ...
- 32.6k
Data validation & background for the Thank You Reaction feature test
using a paradigm that is familiar to them from other sites on the Internet.
Dear Stack Overflow, you are a leader, not a follower. The fact that you are a leader means SO has a harsh trek ahead, ...
Why can I no longer see that a post has a negative score?
Is there a way to opt out of this experiment?
Questions like this:
Really should be deleted ASAP. They're just "Write my code for me" dumps, and basically lying to your readers about the ...
Pausing the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow: reflecting on the feedback and rethinking the approach
It's unclear to me (and to many others, it seems) what you actually want from SO—and SE. What are the goals of this or any other change?
Activity as a KPI
Higher activity numbers can be valuable, ...
We will launch the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow for 4–6 weeks, along with account creation prompts
This plan was presented to the moderator team to gather their insights and identify additional risks and necessary steps to improve the experiment. It's important to note that while we received ...
- 50.3k
Data validation & background for the Thank You Reaction feature test
One of the main points of criticism on the feature was that it was pushed through to testing phase before being announced, against company policy. Could you please address this as well, in particular ...
Why shouldn't I assume I know who downvoted my post?
First, let's get this out of the way: Of course that's going to be your first instinct. It's only natural. But there are at least three reasons why making that assumption isn't useful:
The assumption ...
Community wiki
Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded
Is the tick icon planned to be changed to a button (for the asker only, and Admins in Teams) too? If not, then I feel like this would conflict with this statement:
Wrapping the vote buttons in an ...
Should I pay back debt to old answers with upvotes?
Are there public reasons not to do this? Is upvoting sets of years-inactive questions ever considered harmful to public discussion or the community? (e.g. like necroposting?)
No, votes don't bump ...
Downvote in order to be able to vote to delete. Is it acceptable?
The real problem here is that you haven't already downvoted.
If you think a post warrants deletion, surely it also warrants a downvote. I can kinda understand skipping that if you think it's gonna be ...
Too fast upvote on an answer?
If I have a practically ready made answer in my mind, just about to create one and then I see an answer coming up, it might take me less than half a minute to scan it for exactly the details I have ...
We will launch the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow for 4–6 weeks, along with account creation prompts
The only interesting part of this is the downvote friction prompt. It would be interesting to see what that collects.
Voting has been available to everyone for years. The UX could ...
What is the purpose of voting rings?
I've handled thousands if not tens of thousands of sock puppets over the years, and some patterns do emerge from their behavior. The single most popular reason for people to coordinate voting on this ...
Data validation & background for the Thank You Reaction feature test
In my opinion, we already have a key data point that's far more important than the other points outlined here:
The original post announcing it having a net score of under -1000.
It's the most disliked ...
Is it okay to advise people not to vote on a certain answer to your question?
No, it's fluff that doesn't belong in a post. Feel free to remove it.
Questions and answers are also not just for the OP. Stack Overflow is not a free help desk but wants to become a library of ...
Replace question downvotes and closure with a roomba-enabled "no community value" flag
I will reply to some of the points you made, not the entire proposal.
Downvotes on questions
If you want to remove downvotes, you must also remove upvotes. But voting on questions isn't useless. Votes ...
- 32.6k
What can we do to encourage downvoting?
There is an anecdote that, when Michelangelo was asked about how he made the statue of David, he responded
"It is easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn't look like David."
When ...
Data validation & background for the Thank You Reaction feature test
using a paradigm that is familiar to them from other sites on the Internet.
What "other sites" are you looking at, to determine we do not use a familiar system?
Social media websites, other ...
Pausing the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow: reflecting on the feedback and rethinking the approach
Now that that's out of the way, let's consider what's actually useful here: wringing more signal out of the folks who read questions and answers and rely on the information contained within them....
Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded
Wrapping the vote buttons in an outline like this makes them look more actionable, which is an environmental clue for users, especially new ones. (These are buttons, come press them!) This should make ...
Cody GrayMod
- 243k
What can we do to encourage downvoting?
I'd like to see downvotes make a more serious difference to OP. I still don't understand how a downvote only counts as -2 reputation where an upvote is +10. I've seen numerous bad questions/answers ...
Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded
The styling for a focused non-checked button is a little ambiguous on dark mode compared to light mode:
Dark mode
Light mode
The fill color is pretty noticeable on dark mode, which might lead some ...
Can we allow changing a vote after some valuable comments have been added?
If you voted because you misunderstood something, that means someone else could likely misunderstand for the same reason. Comments that help explain an answer shouldn't be comments, but be ...
Is it okay if I give an upvote to all the answers of my question?
Generally, upvotes are yours to do with as you please, except:
If you target a user with upvotes, i.e. Upvote every post of theirs you come across regardless of merit, or go through their profile and ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
voting × 596discussion × 353
support × 124
feature-request × 111
downvotes × 92
upvotes × 65
bug × 52
reputation × 46
answers × 28
questions × 27
serial-voting × 24
status-declined × 23
meta × 22
comments × 19
voting-fraud × 19
profile-page × 15
privileges × 13
accepted-answer × 12
locked-votes × 12
badges × 11
vote-to-close × 10
status-bydesign × 10
user-interface × 10
status-completed × 9
moderator-election × 9