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Bernhard Barker's user avatar
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
Bernhard Barker
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Berlin, Germany
16 votes

Disable hammering via voting to close if you have answered the question

16 votes

Is answering bad-quality questions considered a positive or a negative contribution to StackOverflow?

15 votes

Am I hellbanned?

15 votes

Penalty Box: why is the value of penalties so vague?

15 votes

Loss of reputation and loss of privileges: should they always be connected?

15 votes

Stack Overflow Mentorship Research Project

15 votes

A better way to make Stack Overflow more welcoming?

15 votes

Can users be educated without it being branded a "slinging match"?

15 votes

Answer review: Is my answer up to quality standards?

14 votes

Sympathy for a tag synonym request required

14 votes

Race condition issue in review window? "This edit conflicted with a subsequent edit"

13 votes

Feedback requested: New "recommended" homepage, phase 1

13 votes

Where to ask about law, morality and ethics?

12 votes

How can we keep people from using 'JavaScript/ HTML/ CSS snippet' option with other languages?

12 votes

Question Close Updates: Phase 1

12 votes

Edit links in novice users' questions into embedded images?

12 votes

Is it appropriate to downvote a question without closevoting it

12 votes

Feature request: add blurb about Code Review in "How to Ask"

12 votes

Why are we not allowed to edit Job ads?

11 votes

Where should I do my research, and are low research effort questions bad?

11 votes

2014 SO Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

11 votes

Unify [triangle] [rectangle] [shape] [circle] and the like under [geometry]

11 votes

Feedback on the blog post: Is this the actual mission and goal of Stack Overflow now?

11 votes

What to do if answers are incorrect; but have some advices

10 votes

Is it allowed to invite a new user to a private online collaborative editor if their question was rightfully closed?

10 votes

OK to edit out non-relevant information?

10 votes

Average ratio of upvotes and downvotes

10 votes

Can we clean up Eclipse "Error: Could not find or load main class"?

10 votes

How to cope with complaints from tutors who want to fight cheaters

10 votes

How does the new "unfriendly" flag differ from the old "not constructive" flag?