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29 votes

Should there be a force-unfollow button?

No, there shouldn't be. If the "following" user is not breaking any rules and their behaviour is not otherwise flaggable, what you describe as "interested in destroying it" reads ...
yivi's user avatar
  • 46.9k
23 votes

How can I watch/follow a question?

The ability to follow questions and answers is now a built-in feature in all Stack Exchange sites, including Stack Overflow. A given question or answer can be followed by clicking the "follow&...
M. Justin's user avatar
  • 20.5k
16 votes

How do I view all the questions & answers I follow?

Per the announcement... We are still planning on two more related releases: Follows profile tab and question listing filter: A tab for follows will be added to your user profile activity page. Each ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
16 votes

Enable follow notifications for answers when a rollback happens

We've implemented this feature. When a question or answer you are following is rolled back to a previous edit, you'll now receive a notification for that as well. Thanks for the request! And as an ...
kristinalustig's user avatar
  • 343
14 votes

Notify me when a question that I follow gets reopened

Thanks for the request! We've implemented this, and it's now live. Now, when a user is following a question, when that question is reopened, they'll get a notification indicating that.
kristinalustig's user avatar
  • 343
12 votes

How do you find out how many people are following a certain post?

Following a post is private, unlike bookmarking it, which is public. Whether anyone is following your post is something only known to moderators and authorized staff. A count was requested in this ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
12 votes

Can I unfollow all deleted posts at once?

There doesn't appear to be anything that references followed posts in the SE API. Luckily, this is pretty trivial to automate because navigating between pages of followed posts doesn't require a full ...
CertainPerformance's user avatar
9 votes

Timeout on the "Following" page

OK I scienced around for a bit. My random musing proved correct: you can see the followed items in the Followed posts widget in the Activity tab in the profile. However, opening the Following page in ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 28.8k
9 votes

Possible bug with new "follow" system?

This has been fixed. Thanks for reporting it.
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 41.4k
8 votes

Should there be a force-unfollow button?

I would say the current flow of comment flagging ("needs moderator intervention" reason) is sufficient for dealing with users you think "followed a post not because they're interested ...
0Valt's user avatar
  • 10.3k
7 votes

Timeout on the "Following" page

Thank you for reporting this! The "Following" page should now load when following a discussion post. We have also fixed some discussion related bugs on the "Followed posts" widget ...
tobi's user avatar
  • 2
7 votes

I'd like notification to have a different background color when it isn't directed at me

This is a clever idea in my opinion, and would add context to the notification alerts. I don't currently utilize the "follow" feature for posts, but if I ever do, I would appreciate knowing ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.2k
7 votes

Cannot unfollow locked post

Thanks to the comments above, I realized that I can indeed unfollow the locked post from the Followed Posts profile tab, as described in the MSE thread Cannot unfollow locked post from Following tab (...
desertnaut's user avatar
  • 60.2k
6 votes

Should there be a force-unfollow button?

So any time there is a new comment or edit, these users always respond immediately with negative feedback, arguing that the issue is moot, that the question should be closed, or that the post should ...
duplode's user avatar
  • 34.3k
5 votes

How can I follow my own question (so I get notice of comments)?

In summary: A question author cannot follow their own question, and will automatically receive notifications, inside Stack Overflow, of comments on the question. The question author will also ...
russ's user avatar
  • 65
5 votes

If I follow an answer / a question and it gets edited, will I receive a notification?

Yes. You aren't notified of your own edits, because that would be pointless: you already know about them. As a demonstration, you should have received a notification of the small edit I just made to ...
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 20k
3 votes

What is 'follow' option in questions?

As Cody Gray noted, Meta.SE has details, but the TL;DR here is After you have followed a post, you will get inbox notifications for all new answers (in the case where you followed a question), ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.6k
3 votes

How do I view all the questions & answers I follow?

As of 2021, you can see your followed posts in your profile page (Activity tab)
Nicolas Hevia's user avatar
3 votes

How to empty my inbox and unfollow a question

The inbox here? Yeah, you can't empty that. It keeps the last X messages indefinitely, from across the entire network. To unfollow a question, click the "X" in your profile.
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
2 votes

Followed discussion threads in profile page show with empty title, and in followed page with null user

Most of these bugs have been addressed as part of this other bug report. I'm leaving the status-review tag until we fix the missing user avatars on the "Following" page. We have also fixed ...
tobi's user avatar
  • 2
1 vote

If I follow an answer / a question and it gets edited, will I receive a notification?

Quote from The Follow Questions and Answers feature is now live across the Network: After you have followed a post, you will get inbox notifications for all new answers (in the case where you ...
Wenfang Du's user avatar
  • 11.1k

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