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68 votes

Can we get a lock on this suggested spam edit magnet answer please?

We have introduced a recent measure to help against suggested edit spam. We were wondering why even spam via suggested edits, given they get rejected and it occurred to Jon Ericson that what spammers ...
Oded's user avatar
  • 498k
41 votes

Can an OP delete their own locked post?

No, the original poster does not have any special privileges when it comes to locked posts. That means that, in this case as in any other, the asker does not have the ability to delete their own ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
34 votes

Why are there disputes about the content of this post which is relevant to Google?

Your first sentence seems to be materially relevant, and should likely be kept. This gets at the heart of a specific implementation and would be useful to add in as a warning to others should they ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
33 votes

Can I update defunct URLs on a post that is locked with historical significance?

You cannot edit a locked post under any circumstances. However, a moderator can. So…I've made what I believe to be the requested updates to the question Makoto linked. The idea of a ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
26 votes

A question that is not seeking recommendations (but which has attracted many) is locked and closed. Higher-value answers now stuck below 4th place

This is a valid on-topic question for Stack Overflow, that's not explicitly seeking recommendations, and which can currently be answered using just the tool under discussion. Barring exceptional ...
M. Justin's user avatar
  • 20.5k
26 votes

No FFmpeg on Stack Overflow?

I'm a programmer. I've used the ffmpeg command line tool. I've never directly used the ffmpeg API. I've also used Notepad, vi, nano, linux, macOS, Windows, Firefox, and bash. Just because I've used ...
vandench's user avatar
  • 2,224
23 votes

Why do historically locked posts not show up/down vote buttons, but collaborative effort locks do?

A historical lock freezes the question and all of its answers in time, usually permanently. A historical lock essentially says "this page is archived and read-only" (note my use of the word "page"). ...
BoltClock's user avatar
  • 722k
22 votes

Why was my request for a lock on a controversial post declined?

As everyone can see from the history, I'm the moderator who originally applied a content lock to that question. I did so because there was a delete war occurring on the primary answer. This was ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
21 votes

Who can modify a locked post for me? I found an invalid URL that needs to be updated

Generally the historical significance lock means "this isn't useful here but was at one point and we want to honor its past life". That means it's not worth updating. If it's worth updating ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.2k
21 votes

A question that is not seeking recommendations (but which has attracted many) is locked and closed. Higher-value answers now stuck below 4th place

I closed and locked it. Another moderator had closed it some time back, but the community reopened it. Part of the problem here is that it had degenerated into "Just use this tool!" ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.6k
19 votes

Don't lock (meta) posts after a failed migration

Seems backwards in general that failed migration posts are locked out from deletion. What purpose does that serve? A failed migration confirms that the question is not a fit for the migration target ...
Magisch's user avatar
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16 votes

Why is this regex question locked?

Posts like this are locked as a community wiki/collaborative effort when they receive an excessive number of answers whose content largely overlaps. Instead of providing new answers, it's better for ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.2k
15 votes

Why was this question locked rather than deleted?

Closing & temporary lock is pretty much the same as deleting (since roomba will delete the question after a while), except that it leaves the chance for the OP to edit the question into shape (Of ...
Jean-François Fabre's user avatar
14 votes

Why was this question locked rather than deleted?

What is the purpose of this action? Is it to let controversy about the post "die down" a bit before unlocking it? If not, why not just delete it outright? That is exactly the reason. Locked ...
Security Hound's user avatar
14 votes

Bad question locked rather than deleted when it was marked as favorite by some users

Your question indicates a belief that fun in questions and answers is harmless: Despite of the poor quality of the question, the comments remain rather funny and instructive and are part of the ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 6,220
13 votes

How can I vote to lock a question?

You can't. Only moderators can lock a question. If you know the answer to an [on topic and appropriate] question and it has not yet been answered, then simply post an answer to the question, so that ...
Servy's user avatar
  • 204k
13 votes

Why was my request for a lock on a controversial post declined?

Content disputes, as the name suggests, are disputes about the content of a post. The content of that post is (no longer) in dispute. What is disputed is whether it is a good question or not. Posts ...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
12 votes

Answer is locked for a very long time but not permanently

It is possible because I have written a moderator-only userscript that allows me to input any custom duration of days when quick-locking posts with a custom post mod menu. For example, this post is ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
  • 78.9k
12 votes

What should we do with closed/locked questions with 1000+ votes and that are highly useful to the programmers community?

Keeping it locked is problematic because we cannot even upvote/downvote answers, leave a comment note about new versions of a given tool, tell about other solutions, etc. Indeed. If it were up to me, ...
Gimby's user avatar
  • 5,299
11 votes

Locked post says contributors should edit, but suggesting edits is disabled for both the question and its answers

You shouldn't get this error any more. We talked about it internally and Shog did some digging and we can't really figure out why suggested edits on answers to locked questions were ever prevented (...
Catija's user avatar
  • 365
11 votes

Time to unlock this, perhaps?

Maybe the dispute has been resolved, and they came to the conclusion that the answer is as it should be, now. Considering the crazy edit history on that answer, I see no harm in just keeping it ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.6k
10 votes

What do I do about links in locked posts that become malicious?

Good catch, I've removed the link. In future cases, it'd work to flag one of your posts or one of the author's posts with an 'other' flag explaining what's going on.
Undo's user avatar
  • 25.7k
10 votes

Can I update defunct URLs on a post that is locked with historical significance?

You mean this one, right? I really don't think this needs to be updated. It's not a fit for the current site anymore for these reasons: It's overly subjective ("best") It's a competition which ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
10 votes

Why has a beneficial edit on a popular locked question been rejected?

As a reviewer mostly active in the suggested edits queue, I would like to provide some thoughts on the edit. Firstly, you suggested an edit on a highly upvoted accepted answer, which by itself is a ...
0Valt's user avatar
  • 10.3k
9 votes

Reopen Nomination: question about opening Terminal for programming

This question is off-topic for Stack Overflow and it should stay that way. It is definitely not about programming nor software algorithm. The first two clauses do not apply. The third clause could ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 33.1k
9 votes

Why is "Hidden Features of C#?" closed?

At the moment (10th Jan 2018) there appears to be an issue with closed and locked posts that means only the fact that it's closed is shown to the user. There should be a notice that the post is ...
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 137k
9 votes

Why is "Hidden Features of C#?" closed?

Right now it's on the Wiki and I'm asking myself why the heck is this Wiki thread closed? And why do we have a wiki if there can't be any kind of "not an actual question"-like posts? Making ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.6k
9 votes

Why is this regex question locked?

It has been a while since I locked the question. I think the main reason was that it was not tagged with a language tag, but instead of closing it as "too broad", I understood the need for ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
  • 78.9k
8 votes

Why does the link with "...locked while disputes ...." message not point to a specific post?

The lock notice exists for the author(s) even more than it does for the readers. It gives them an avenue to ask what in the heck is going on. Situations like this are often indicative that one or more ...
jpmc26's user avatar
  • 29.8k
8 votes

Why are we keeping "how do you compute password complexity?"

Let's take this in three phases. Is the question objective? Is the question clear? Is the question answerable? First, let's talk about the question's objectivity. At its core, the question is asking ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible