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50 votes

Questions about Vim on Stack Overflow and migration to Vi & Vim

If you want to encourage people to use VI.SE, feel free to. I have a canned comment for people misusing the SEO tag to ask their SEO questions on Webmasters.SE. There's no harm in telling people about ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.4k
46 votes

Please don't send camera questions not about photography to Photography Stack Exchange

There's no system mechanism for migrating questions from here over to Photography.SE, so there's nothing we can do at a system level to change or prevent this. One thing you could do is have a ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
45 votes
Accepted in the close reasons popout shouldn't go to

We don't have a MSO help, redirects to, so naturally this would redirect too. The proper link, in my opinion, should be What is "...
Erik A's user avatar
  • 32.5k
35 votes

Why do "homework dump" questions get migrated?

From the history of the original post, it looks like Stack Overflow may be a migration target. A non-moderator also voted to migrate this over. Now why they chose to do this? Your guess is as good ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
32 votes

Considering changing the migration process

Instead of improving it, I'd rather recommend getting rid of it at all. It's on the OP to choose the proper site for their question. If they mistakenly post it on the wrong site, it's less effort for ...
Sebastian Proske's user avatar
28 votes

Guidance on migrating questions to Code Review

The Code Review site has a guide for this: A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users. Notably, just because a question is on-topic on CR, it does not become off-topic on SO. Specific questions ...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 209k
27 votes

Migration to a different Stack Exchange site instead of closing, and thus discouraging the user

That is nowhere near appropriate for Programmers. The fact that so many people think questions like these are appropriate on Programmers even though they aren't is exactly why you can't migrate ...
Servy's user avatar
  • 203k
26 votes

Moderator declined the migration request with "you can delete this yourself"

"why would I have to spend another time to repost that question, when migration exist". (From a comment) Why would anyone have to spend time migrating a question you asked yourself (having to ...
yivi's user avatar
  • 46.1k
25 votes

Add cross-(natural)language migration paths

I disagree for two reasons. The first reason is that I wouldn't trust voters to be able to judge the language correctly. Bulgarian vs. Russian? Spanish vs. Portuguese? Heck, a lot of people can't ...
Andras Deak -- Слава Україні's user avatar
24 votes

What if we migrated "do my homework" questions to Code Golf?

I don't find this amusing at all. Migrating questions for the fun of it is not what migration is for. There's no benefit to migrating crap questions over anywhere on the network, and homework ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
22 votes

Migration to a different Stack Exchange site instead of closing, and thus discouraging the user

This is one of the reasons that Programmers.SE is going to be changing its name to Software Engineering; to hopefully avoid moments of thought in which this sort of question might even remotely appear ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
21 votes

This meta post is locked, but there is no message indicating that

We only display up to two post notices on any given post at a time so we don't flood the page with yellow boxes. The lock notice is super unimportant, especially when the migration rejected notice ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 54.6k
21 votes

When a question pertains to specifically configuring an editor, shouldn't it be migrated to Super User?

No. Editors and IDEs fall into the category of software tools commonly used by programmers engaged in the work of software development, so they are on-topic for Stack Overflow, per the Help Center's &...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 243k
19 votes

Don't lock (meta) posts after a failed migration

Seems backwards in general that failed migration posts are locked out from deletion. What purpose does that serve? A failed migration confirms that the question is not a fit for the migration target ...
Magisch's user avatar
  • 7,333
19 votes

Can we please move all vim questions to

That a question is on-topic somewhere else doesn't mean that a question is off-topic here. The fact that a question is tagged vi is not even a guarantee that the question would be fit and on-topic in ...
yivi's user avatar
  • 46.1k
19 votes

Why was this question migrated to Code Review?

Because I am a numpty and didn’t look closely enough. Sorry. It was flagged asking for a migration and I saw a broad request asking for someone’s code to be improved. I scanned for comments pointing ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
18 votes

How do I deal with off-topic posts in Triage?

Choose Unsalvageable > "should be closed..." > "off-topic because ..." > "This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network". If it the site is ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.5k
18 votes

Allow migration to Code Golf

TL;DR We don't offer this for a number of reasons, and your example question is not actually an example of a question that should be migrated there. We don't have migration paths to every SE site for ...
elixenide's user avatar
  • 44.7k
18 votes

Why does SO not add more sites to "This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network"? - Close reasons

One of the sites in your list already has been a migration target. This has proven to work poorly (softly speaking) and after much trouble they had to escalate to the company to get removed from that ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 6,208
18 votes

Let's gift wrap our (good) machine learning theory questions for Cross Validated

Here is a list of deleted questions having the machine-learning tag, with scores >= 3: Overwhelmed by Machine Learning---is there an ML101 book? What are good examples of solutions to neural ...
17 votes

Why was this question migrated from Stack Overflow to EE.SE, and can we please revert that?

Turns out the question was migrated by a SO mod to EE.SE on request of a high-rep user on the target site. This was a good-faith operation. The correct way to deal with this seems to be closing the ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
17 votes

Why can't we challenge a migration or off-topic?

Well, you have, but it's not a predefined process: you can flag your (migrated) question for moderator attention and ask them to reverse the migration. Some situations in Stack Exchange just don't ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.5k
16 votes

What if we migrated "do my homework" questions to Code Golf?

You'd probably get tons of complaints from Code Golf members and we'd probably get tons of complaints from Code Golf moderators. I don't know about you, but I don't find that fun at all. (Obviously ...
BoltClock's user avatar
  • 719k
16 votes

Considering changing the migration process

Migration has always been a confusing topic for everyone involved. Seems like there is a weekly question on meta about adding more choices to the list and/or complaints about "why isn't site 'x' ...
psubsee2003's user avatar
  • 8,681
16 votes

Should "How to extract just plain text from .doc & .docx files" be migrated?

No. The question doesn't deserve to be migrated anywhere. Migration is a function which allows us to move a question which is otherwise good but a better fit somewhere else. So let's ask ourselves: ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
15 votes

Allow users to migrate their own question if the question has flags

... when other users have flagged the question as off-topic because it belongs on another site I think you are mistaking the intent of that close reason. It is not to tell you that your question ...
psubsee2003's user avatar
  • 8,681
15 votes

Is this question worth migrating?

I sure hope it can be migrated. Apparently a 3-2 majority on the migration isn't enough to convince the system to migrate. This is the sort of question that is actually on-topic there. Database ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible