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Questions tagged [popup]

For questions about the interactive dialogs shown within the current page. (See also: the [tooltips] tag.)

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0 answers

How long must I endure this AI Search: "Try it now" popup? [duplicate]

I have seen and dismissed this popup so many times it's getting annoying. It is being presented to me many times per day. It goes away for a session or two, but a few windows and tabs later, it gets ...
Wyck's user avatar
  • 11.7k
9 votes
0 answers

How do I disable Stack Overflow AI popup?

How do I disable stack overflow AI popup? Windows 10, Firefox. Things I tried: modified DOM popup allowed events installed uBlock Origin They are very annoying, and I would like to disable them, ...
Bojan's user avatar
  • 21
10 votes
0 answers

Can the survey request popup be made less obtrusive, please?

I was looking at a question on SO that happened to be in the Microsoft Azure Collective (I am intentionally not linking it and pixelating the question to avoid causing the Meta Effect on that post, as ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 654
24 votes
0 answers

Inconsistent behavior for "Unfollow" and "Too Many Pending Edits" popup modals

If you click the follow button when viewing a question, and then click the same button which now says "Following" to unfollow the question, a popup modal appears like so: If you hover the ...
MFerguson's user avatar
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5 votes
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Strange line break in "Track next privilege/tag badge" popup

As shown in the image below, the popup seems to be too small for the text. I encountered this same issue on Opera, Edge and Chrome browsers.
D_00's user avatar
  • 1,497
29 votes
1 answer

Vote duplicate for Gold tag badge when I added tag myself, shows HTML content in message

I just voted duplicate on a question and got this popup. Why is it showing HTML tags? Note: I know what the popup is for, and why I got the popup is not the issue here. The HTML content in the popup ...
Linda Lawton - DaImTo's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

HTML Tags showing in text area

I tried deleting my question after it got closed and it gave me an error saying that I can't delete it due to people having invested time into it. However, the <a> tag is visible inside the text ...
Bella's user avatar
  • 112
2 votes
0 answers

Problem with upvote warning message [duplicate]

I don't know if this is the right way to bring it to notice, but when upvoting your own question (I know you can't) the warning message displayed is scrambled with special characters. Some problem ...
avm's user avatar
  • 389
5 votes
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Stack Overflow Error Message <a> tags likely not being displayed correctly [duplicate]

Consider: This is how I am seeing the <a> tag in the notification of not enough reputation points. Is this intended?
Aayush Garg's user avatar
3 votes
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You need at least 15 <a href="/help/whats-reputation">reputation</a> to cast a vote, but your feedback has been recorded [duplicate]

First post here. Very minor UI bug - was upvoting the question here. I don't have enough reputation though. A popup comes up like this. The popup contains raw HTML rather than text. Tried refreshing ...
Bean's user avatar
  • 67
22 votes
1 answer

Text in pop-up notification messages is incorrectly encoded (renders with HTML escape characters)

Very minor UI bug - was voting to delete an answer here (5 years late, and doesn't add anything new) but could not due to misclick, and saw in UI that an apostrophe character is rendered with html ...
wim's user avatar
  • 361k
6 votes
1 answer

UI Bug in Jobs page popover (transform)? [closed]

When I first open the Jobs page there is a popover ("Follow your favorite companies") but I can't read it because of transform: translate(-43px, -40px); on it. I recheck the page on a ...
Dipanjan Panja's user avatar
11 votes
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Clicking comment flag icons at short intervals displays an error message with an inaccurate text

When you select the flag icon on a comment within 3 seconds of selecting the flag icon on a different comment, you still get: You may only attempt to flag this comment every 3 seconds Although I ...
Red's user avatar
  • 27.5k
7 votes
1 answer

Send feedback button disappear when reporting ad

When I try to report an ad in Stack Overflow, this popup comes up to report it. But after I attach an image and select Other, the Send Feedback button disappears from the screen. The main issue is, ...
Rifat Bin Reza's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to "Customize settings" in cookie popup, it never goes away, always covers content [duplicate]

In Safari with AdBlock + Safari's Content Blockers + Safari's Tracking protection. This happens on every page; the logs below contain the page I captured them on. These are the logs from the developer ...
Henry Blyth's user avatar
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18 votes
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Cookie Pop-up Un-dismissable in Safari

Related to: Cookie settings on every page Please note that I say it's related; I'm not posting a link to the question and then proceeding to repeat it. It is related, though. I have been getting this ...
sweenish's user avatar
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8 votes
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Bounty popup doesn't float, but sticks?

Not sure if this is by design, but look at this: I would think that a popup would stay in the middle of the screen, as if it was a new window, not get stuck to the other parts of the web page. And ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
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2 votes
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User setting to allow disable Esc key on snippet editor? It causes an infinite popup loop [duplicate]

When I'm writing code on my editor and I need to skip or close IntelliSense suggestions, I press the Esc key in order to keep writing freely. So, I've got this habit of writing some stuff and ...
cbdeveloper's user avatar
  • 31.1k
31 votes
1 answer

You haven't voted on questions in a while; questions need votes too!

Why I am spammed with the following message? Well, they don't necessarely need votes. I am free to judge when a question need to be voted. Is this something new or I have reached a threshold to ...
Temani Afif's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Reopen dialog remains open after confirming question reopening [duplicate]

This is a minor bug reporting. In reopen votes queue if I want to reopen a question, I get a confirmation dialog. I confirm the reopening, but the dialog does not disappear (examples for SO and ...
Alexei - check Codidact's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

"Nominate this question for reopening?" popup doesn't automatically close after voting [duplicate]

If you click to reopen a question from the review queue, you get a popup with the title: "Nominate this question for reopening?". If you click "Vote to reopen" it casts your vote, the next question ...
shim's user avatar
  • 10.1k
10 votes
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Bug with text of upvote/downvote reputation popup

I was looking at upvote and down vote requirements. I saw this. When I upvote: When I downvote: It should specify that upvote has one requirement(15) and downvote has another(125). Right now the ...
Buzzkillionair's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Please make the close dialog on Teams draggable [closed]

Recently, we've got the ability to close questions as off-topic in Teams. This is neat, but when trying it out, I noticed the close dialog is not draggable. On public Q&A sites, the dialog has a ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.6k
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Why is the "You cannot delete this accepted answer' pop-up message not auto dismissing?

Today I noticed, when you want to delete one of your own accepted answers, a pop up message is shown as "You cannot delete this accepted answer": Then I noticed that this pop up message is ...
AskNilesh's user avatar
  • 69.6k
19 votes
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Tag popup text overflows due to URL addresses

I just noticed that for some tag popups, the inside text is flowing out. I think it's because the URL address can't be wrapped: It's happening on Windows 10 and Chrome browser Version 71.0.3578.98 (...
JCM's user avatar
  • 105
-3 votes
1 answer

Tag popups on post body

When we point a cursor to a tag it gives a popup containing a brief description about what that keyword means. But when tags are added to a post body, it doesn't appear. Instead a tooltip appears ...
Roshana Pitigala's user avatar
126 votes
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Are multiple info-bar popups for unregistered users the intended behavior of the site?

I loaded up Stack Overflow for the first time on a new computer last week, and was surprised to see three dismissible info-bar popups on my screen. This is 424 rows of pixels (if I counted right), ...
Techrocket9's user avatar
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60 votes
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"Red dots" on "review queues popup" when all <3K queues are empty (stuck at zero)

The red dot on the Review queues popup is showing for Suggested Edits and Triage when the queues are empty. UPDATE (by rene): As a matter of fact all review queues (except Close and Reopen) are ...
Roshana Pitigala's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Update delay of newest badge and false information on popup

I spotted this bug on meta. As the template is quite identical I suspect that the bug appears in the main site too, and for the worst case in the entire SE network. My newest badge is Excavator, and ...
Roshana Pitigala's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Broken "Awarded for" links in badge popups

Today while I was viewing a user's activity tab in their profile, I noticed that the newest badge he achieved was Cleanup. I clicked on the badge and a popup showed with a link for the post which the ...
Roshana Pitigala's user avatar
5 votes
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"This is an audit" error popup in an audit

Today while I was reviewing Low Quality posts, I got this post with a code only answer. So I tried to add a comment to the user saying it's better to add some description. Suddenly an error popup came ...
Roshana Pitigala's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

Users are not told why they cannot suggest edits from the review interface when they have too many pending edits [duplicate]

While reviewing First Posts, I came across an answer that was good, but needed some help with the formatting. When I hit edit through the review interface, I received no feedback- no popup, the edit ...
MackM's user avatar
  • 3,022
2 votes
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Popup "Select your next badge" not showing in center

There is an issue with the popup "Select your next badge" that it's not showing in center on zoom in. On zoom 110%: On zoom 100%: On zoom 80%: It does not show centrally as you zoom in. And zoom ...
user avatar
44 votes
1 answer

New tags warning when trying to ask a question is not shown

We have had two users (1 (10K only), 2) over the past 24 hours that tried to convince the meta crowd that there was an issue with posting their question. Both of them failed to define a clear enough ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.3k
30 votes
0 answers

Increase the time hints (yellow pop ups) show up in the website

Could someone increase the time that hints are displayed? Every time I up-voted an answer I was getting a small pop-up message: You have not voted questions in a while. Consider up-voting this ...
nico's user avatar
  • 1,376
2 votes
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Newest badge details is overlay on navbar

On user's page the newest badge details and next badge details will overlay navbar while on scrolling.
Naveen DA's user avatar
  • 4,350
36 votes
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Broken layout in "Select your next badge" popup ("Available" tab only)

I have seen this post, but here the issue is different... The layout is broken in Select your next badge popup (Next tag badge and Next badge). It seems that the text input (Search for a badge...) is ...
Badacadabra's user avatar
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Can't drag anymore or go back after dragging popup under the topbar

The close/flag popups can be dragged from their title. But after dragging a close popup under the new top bar, I can't drag it back anywhere. And I can't "return to previous page" with the mouse ...
Cœur's user avatar
  • 38.6k
3 votes
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Why do we see these popups in Iran? [duplicate]

I just wanted to know if it's us or everybody else is having this nonsense popups when clicking on Stack Overflow contents. We're in Iran and on the same LAN network. When we open a Stack Overflow ...
Lukas Safari's user avatar
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0 votes
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Improve font of an alert [duplicate]

Whenever a user tries to comment and has under 50 reputation points, a little blue alert comes and says You must have 50 rep. to comment. the font of that alert is "Times New Roman". Most alerts on ...
Zak The Hat's user avatar
1 vote
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Question's title popups for certain tags [duplicate]

Just found that for the questions tagged as regex the popup appears at the right side of the question title. See the following screenshot. I tried search the meta for this feature, like "question ...
clt60's user avatar
  • 63.7k
52 votes
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Deleting answered question

My first question on SO was not a good one. It attracted four answers, but none actually answered the question (IMHO). Neither the question nor any answer has received a single up-vote in two years. ...
SiHa's user avatar
  • 8,392
94 votes
2 answers

I can't see what I need in order to post a comment

I can't see what I need to comment. There is just a blank space. Here is a larger version of the problem
Amey Khadatkar's user avatar
2 votes
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not important - bounty reason and close/flag post popup view left hand side not visible when really zoomed in

(Probably one cannot come up with a more irrelevant, bike-shedding bug report than this one) - Uwe Keim, question link While investigating Uwe's bug I found another one. Firefox (latest vers), Win8.1....
CRABOLO's user avatar
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Pressing the ESC key closes all popups instead of closing the recent one

As the title says, Pressing Esc closes all popups instead of closing the recent one. For example Press edit (1) on a question having a suggested edit pending review: A popup with the suggested edit ...
Spikatrix's user avatar
  • 20.2k
13 votes
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Can't search the help center from meta, or see the error message

Steps to see a shy popup: Go to the "contact us" page from meta. Click on the textbox under "Search the Help Center". Bang your head on your keyboard. Press enter or click the search button. Result: ...
Spikatrix's user avatar
  • 20.2k
3 votes
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Feature request: Show bounty details in iOS app [closed]

In the iOS app there is a banner at the bottom of bounty-set posts. Whence clicked, a popup similar to the one below is displayed. Could the details of the bounty be included in the popup? In this ...
Drakes's user avatar
  • 23.7k
16 votes
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Dialog which shows an error is not visible when reviewing suggested edits

Today, I reviewed "suggested edits" and I Approve/Reject edit. When going for the next review one, error message box is displayed without any error message as below. When I show its HTML it looks ...
ketan's user avatar
  • 19.3k
8 votes
1 answer

The "ok" button in the popup that appears for low rep users when answering is misaligned

As shown by the red arrow in the image above, the ok button is not properly aligned.
Spikatrix's user avatar
  • 20.2k
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Prevent the "Are you sure you want to reload this page?" popup from appearing when I refresh/close/leave the page after I view the edits

I have been encountering this issue for the second time today. Suppose I press edit button to edit a question. Another user that has more than 2K reputation edited the post during this time. I see the ...
Spikatrix's user avatar
  • 20.2k