Not sure if this is by design, but look at this:
I would think that a popup would stay in the middle of the screen, as if it was a new window, not get stuck to the other parts of the web page. And if it should, the only reason I can think of is to view your question to see what you really want for the reason of the bounty, optional message, etc.. But if that was the reason then I think you should be able to drag the popup around like a window so that it doesn't cover something you may want to see.
This also occurs with the popup that comes when you click Next
, and the one after that.
This may be a duplicate though because whatever I searched came up with something completely different from what I wanted.
Edit: As Sebastian Simon said, this isn't specific to the bounty popup. Although this is a duplicate, I don't think this should be closed because the other question has lost all focus that was ever given to it. This basically reopens the (possible) issue.