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user5349916's user avatar
user5349916's user avatar
user5349916's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
102 votes

Stack Overflow will be experimenting with a question formatting assistant, and we would love for you to be involved

92 votes

Use of GenAI claiming it's to compensate for disability

83 votes

How do content authors feel about AI powered searches using their content for summaries?

80 votes

How should I respond to comments asking me "why do you need this" or "how does this help you"?

75 votes

What should I do if my question has been completely ignored?

70 votes

Is "don't use GOTO because it's bad practice" a valid answer to "how to use GOTO to implement a while loop"?

70 votes

Staging Ground Workflow: Canned Comments

58 votes

Should suggested edits which add comments to code be accepted?

54 votes

A commitment to amend and move forward

50 votes

Should I add an inferior solution to an answered question?

50 votes

Model collapse when content written by humans becomes contaminated by A.I.-generated content

48 votes

Is my downvoting criterion, based on useless titles, too strict?

47 votes

Question and answers being downvoted, trying to understand why

44 votes

When is it appropriate to comment saying that coding challenges are a poor learning strategy, and to suggest a different strategy?

39 votes

Question does not make sense anymore since software update

38 votes

What should I do when one wants to help a question asker with debugging hints and pointers, but those would be too long for comments?

38 votes

Where do we draw the line on when an edit is reasonable and when the question needs to be re-asked?

36 votes

Thoughts on the paper "Are Large Language Models a Threat to Digital Public Goods? Evidence from Activity on Stack Overflow"?

36 votes

Shouldn't the contributors be paid if LLM developers are being charged for Stack Overflow content?

34 votes

What is the incentive specifically for new users to use the site as intended?

33 votes

Most appropriate way to write long questions with tests?

31 votes

Are some or all "port already in use" questions on-topic?

30 votes

Are questions about ChatGPT code okay to ask?

30 votes

When it comes to downvotes, can’t we punish the content rather than the author?

28 votes

Question deleted in 15 minutes, was it appropriate?

28 votes

Allow moderators to edit posts without going through quality filter

28 votes

Reviews - No code first-question, with a to-do list to be accomplished

27 votes

The Stack Overflow Catch-22: I can't tell you what is causing my problem until I know what is causing my problem

27 votes

When should we use code, quotes and bold blocks?

25 votes

Do you agree that questions/answers on Stack Overflow should be included in code blocks as comments instead of long explanations?