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peterh's user avatar
peterh's user avatar
peterh's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
-1 votes

What is a help vampire?

-1 votes

What do I do when I see an answer consisting of basically the same code in the question?

-2 votes

Should I repost a relevant, upvoted question without answer?

-2 votes

Did I do something wrong in this Triage review?

-3 votes

Bad Close Vote audit

-3 votes

Minimum tag score for adding documentation

-3 votes

Should redirect to

-3 votes

How to avoid asking previously asked questions, yet gain reputation?

-3 votes

Can questions be moved from one site to another?

-3 votes

Wishlist for Stack Exchange Question Filtering

-3 votes

Why do comment upvotes not give reputation?

-3 votes

Retag /proc filesystem questions tagged [proc] to [procfs]

-4 votes

When answering a question, is it ethical to ask for a Google sheets file even when such a request violates a user's privacy?

-4 votes

Ask the owner of a post whether they agree with an edit

-4 votes

How to get back deleted answer?

-4 votes

User voted to close his own question. Should that trigger an automatic delete?

-4 votes

Any exploratory work with AI and Deep learning for First Post Review?

-4 votes

Should I delete my old (and now irrelevant) questions which have low view counts?

-4 votes

Should "see vote counts" be available to everyone instead of as a privilege?

-4 votes

This bounty that I shouldn't have won

-5 votes

The dawn of Documentation: a solstice update

-5 votes

Is "I can't comment because I don't have enough reputation" a valid reason for posting an answer instead?

-5 votes

Reputation points for the questioner whose answer gets voted up

-5 votes

Is this old answer to an old question a good example of a good answer?

-5 votes

Can I use Stack Overflow to host documentation examples?

-6 votes

Are "Is there a better way than X" questions on topic?

-6 votes

I want automatized site grab to extend SEDE results, how far can I go?

-6 votes

Why "User Removed" Affects the reputation of the user who has received the up-votes/down-votes by the user?

-7 votes

Are questions about how to detect something out of an image using an 3rd party API too broad?

-7 votes

Isn't the 14 days trial too short for teams?