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Bernhard Barker's user avatar
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
Bernhard Barker
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Berlin, Germany
9 votes

How does one request for reputation for answers(Not upvoted or accepted) with working code when one spends good effort on it?

9 votes

Is this formatting overuse?

9 votes

Poor selection of duplicates by gold badge user

9 votes

Should I rename my question after it is answered because I didn't fully understand my problem?

9 votes

Streaming Stack Overflow

9 votes

Beta release of Collectives™ on Stack Overflow

8 votes

Let us bring an end to the "robo-reviewer" war: Phase 1 - 2

8 votes

SE/SO crossover question with different answers?

8 votes

Are typos always off-topic as Q&A?

8 votes

Should I retract my duplicate flag if the question is improved in comments?

8 votes

How can I convince that a technically incorrect comment is equivalent to a bad answer which is not to be followed and deleted?

8 votes

The vote controls unnecessarily consume horizontal space on narrow viewports

7 votes

Enabling easier elimination of posts by new users that disregard documentation

7 votes

Broad and opinion-based question closed without an answer despite many similar questions getting answers

7 votes

Asking for personal contact information in comments

7 votes

Will you consider establishing escalation system for question answering?

7 votes

User attempting to burninate tag without Meta discussion

7 votes

Is there a way to get a list of answers with a specific tag that a given user has answered on SO?

7 votes

How to handle the 4/5 different unrelated meanings of the [series] tag?

6 votes

Why can't closing votes be countered right away?

6 votes

What's the appropriate new/current close reason for "How do I do X?"

6 votes

When is it appropriate to ask a long question?

6 votes

C++ / C printf family

6 votes

Help removing rtl tag

6 votes

What is the purpose of the foreach tag?

6 votes

Suggested edit shouldn't have been accepted?

6 votes

Allow users to optionally filter out low-quality questions

6 votes

How do beginners (like me) actually ask good questions and not get our accounts terminated?

6 votes

Capitalization edits of popular terms in question title as the only edit?

6 votes

Was this edit replacing code that had been removed rightfully rejected?