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-11 votes
2 answers

Should I select "Leave Open" if a moderator had commented on (but didn't close) a post?

When reviewing close-votes on posts, every now and then we would encounter questions where a moderator had left one or more comments, but didn't close the question. Given that the moderator hadn't ...
Red's user avatar
  • 27.5k
242 votes
1 answer

Congratulations greg-449, on reaching 100,000 close vote reviews!

A few minutes ago, I saw, on the SO Close-vote Review Stats, that greg-449 has reached the six-figure mark on close vote reviews: That's a remarkable feat that only EdChum has managed to replicate (...
Ollie's user avatar
  • 439
36 votes
9 answers

Is a mod unilaterally reviewing/closing 1500 questions in a single day okay, or too much?

Over the last couple weeks, I've noticed a single user (a moderator) closing an inordinate amount of questions through the CV Queue every couple of days or so. This is quite obvious because not only ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.2k
297 votes
7 answers

Congratulations to EdChum for 100,000 close reviews!

The Close Votes review stats page shows that EdChum performed 100,000 close vote reviews. Getting content properly rated is very important to me because this helps me use the site and I would like to ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 6,203
24 votes
0 answers

What can be done to improve/increase the amount of Close Votes reviews and to stop <3k user’s close flags ageing away?

At the time of writing this I am below 3k rep, so I can’t vote to close but I flag to close. I have noticed this issue quite a lot: I review a post in the First Posts queue/Triage queue and flag for ...
user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Close Vote Review Stats

Yesterday I looked at the Close Vote Review Stats and there were 4574 Need Review with 10 Reviewed Today. This struck me as a little odd because the previous time I looked (which was fairly recent) I ...
William Miller's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between "Needs details or clarity" and "Needs more focus"? [duplicate]

I am always having difficulty between choosing these options when Why should this question be closed? Are there any good examples when one should be used?
SuleymanSah's user avatar
  • 17.8k
29 votes
1 answer

Tell the financial controllers of Stack Exchange to put money into keeping the current user base happy

We're Unhappy This question has brought out many issues on the site that have been discussed and just are not being addressed. Declaring a Review strike until efficiency improvements are implemented ...
user avatar
188 votes
9 answers

Declaring a Review strike until efficiency improvements are implemented

Reviewing (together with interlinking existing content) is one of the key tasks for the SO community now that the site is past its initial growth stage. And the infamous overload of review queues and ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 35.8k
2 votes
1 answer

Should question with describing a problem but without any effort be flagged as Too broad?

This question: Transform NA values based on first registration and nearest values was in "Review Close Votes" queue. I selected Close - Too broad option, because question has only description of ...
user avatar
41 votes
3 answers

Close voters call to arms: let's make this September welcoming

"It is September once again... and once again students are asking their homework problems..." How about we help site newcomers learn to properly ask questions by spending few minutes in review queue ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 6,203
1 vote
1 answer

Is a close vote causing the question to enter the close review queue?

When you cast a close-vote, does the action cause the question to enter the close review queue? Or only flagging a question does that? IMO casting a close vote should add it in the queue as well - ...
Adelin's user avatar
  • 8,189
-16 votes
1 answer

Close votes on 5-year-old questions with 20K+ upvotes

In the Close Queue this 5-year old question with > 20,000 upvotes came up. If someone flags a question that is protected, and has so many upvotes, maybe the system could reject it, or pass it to an ...
Our Man in Bananas's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Close vote review: First voted "Leave open" then realised it may be a duplicate

Oh, I think I've messed this up, didn't I? I came to review this question for closing because it was considered off-topic. Since I think the question itself is OK, I chose "Leave open". Then I ...
TobiMcNamobi's user avatar
  • 4,793
24 votes
1 answer

Should we close all meta questions tagged with Documentation? [closed]

I see a large number of questions in the Close Vote review queue on Meta Stack Overflow that have the documentation tag. They are flagged as off topic with the "can no longer be reproduced" reason. ...
Blackwood's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Are intermittent issues off-topic when they can be fixed just by waiting?

I just encountered this close vote review concerning a question about an intermittent issue which disappeared after a few hours, and seems to have been caused by an issue at Apple side. As such, it ...
Didier L's user avatar
  • 20.5k
3 votes
1 answer

Closing questions resolved by "you should update to the next version" as off-topic?

Today I came across this question during review. In short, the conclusion was that the problem was actually a bug in the library, which was resolved in a later version. Often, when having an issue ...
Dev-iL's user avatar
  • 24.1k
7 votes
0 answers

Why are there so many pending close votes in Review? [duplicate]

Whenever I go to the review page I see thousands of Pending Close Votes for review while other queues are mostly 0 to a few hundred. Why are so many of them pending? Is it normal for Stack Overflow? ...
SMR's user avatar
  • 6,726
96 votes
3 answers

Can we talk about the reviewing culture here on Meta?

Kind of related to Can we talk about the voting culture here on Meta?, but that one is about downvoting. I want to talk about close-voting and delete-voting. For quite some time I noticed that there ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
  • 151k
-16 votes
3 answers

Why showing votes and comments in reviews?

Don't you think positive/negative votes and comments to questions can influence reviewers? In this case, for example, one can be discouraged to read all the question, knowing that it already received ...
fabdurso's user avatar
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210 votes
4 answers

1, 2, 3...test. Let’s increase the number of reviews & close votes for science!

For many, many years users have asked and asked and asked for changes to the number of close votes and the number of reviews per day. There's been a little bit of skepticism as to the efficacy of such ...
Taryn's user avatar
  • 247k
-7 votes
1 answer

HOW-TO questions are treated in different ways

I can see a lot of HOW-TO questions when reviewing, most of which are asked by new users, and probably will be closed. Some of them are closed reasonably because the questions are simply "why not ...
Cheng Chen's user avatar
  • 43.5k
13 votes
1 answer

Vote close reason & list of reviewers

From time to time while reviewing close votes, I cast the final close vote. Let's say I choose Reason B for that. But it is the reason A which got majority of votes. The question is put on hold and ...
ASh's user avatar
  • 35.6k
21 votes
2 answers

What should be considered a healthy close votes queue?

Currently the close vote queue is up from 7.2K to 8K. I'm always left wondering what a healthy close vote queue would be for StackOverflow. Common sense tells me that a queue that is linearly growing ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

Is it necessary for dead and abandoned questions that receive a close vote to appear in the close queue?

Please don't show soon-to-be-automatically-deleted questions in the close queue or at least put them to the back of the line. Since I get limited amount of close votes to use in a day I'd rather not ...
CRABOLO's user avatar
  • 8,793
4 votes
0 answers

Why is it not possible to down/upvote questions in the close vote review queue

Why can't I down-/up-vote questions in the close review queue (what is the rational behind it)? Is it good / bad practice to open the question in a separate tab and vote on it there?
MikeMB's user avatar
  • 21.1k
9 votes
1 answer

Don't the numbers tell us a temporary tweak to the number of close vote reviews per person/day is in order? [duplicate]

There have been many direct questions "can we increase the number of close votes that we can review", but I'd like to raise the question again in a specific context: the numbers. Over the last "...
GreenAsJade's user avatar
  • 14.7k
-6 votes
2 answers

No more reviews for today, for close vote Why? [closed]

Today I am reviewing close votes. After doing some vote cast, System show me a message: You have no more close votes today; come back in 6 hours. As per my knowledge for each day there are 40 reviews ...
Code Lღver's user avatar
  • 15.6k
52 votes
1 answer

The Low Quality Posts review queue is growing... let's burn it down!

A little over a year ago, we held the memorable community burnination of the close-votes queue. This has little to do with that. The close votes queue is so massive that it's practically a beast of ...
Alexis King's user avatar
  • 43.8k
15 votes
0 answers

How can I actively cast close votes in and out of review queues simultaneously?

This concerns has kept bugging me for a while, but it became even more apparent with the introduction of the Triage review queue. The long story short, I cannot reasonably help with the review queues ...
László Papp's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Other flag raised from Triage suggesting options not available rejected

In the Triage review queue, I came to one question which seemed to be of very low quality. As the Very Low Quality flag was not available, I raised an Other flag. It was subsequently declined with: ...
Aditya's user avatar
  • 2,934
6 votes
2 answers

What to do when reviewing if a question is a duplicate but has been flagged as duplicate of a another question which is not a duplicate?

Let's say I am reviewing close votes and I see a Question A which is flagged as a duplicate of Question B. However, Question A is not a duplicate of Question B, but a duplicate of Question C. What ...
Oriol's user avatar
  • 287k
8 votes
2 answers

Why is the Close Votes queue limited to only 40 reviews per day, when it has 11K questions waiting to be reviewed? [duplicate]

Two questions basically. How come the Close Votes queue came to be 11K? Why is there still a limit of 40 when there are so many waiting? I've read Why is there a limit on close votes in a day? ...
artm's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Leaving non-harmful questions open?

Some questions are quite obviously off topic (example that I think is both too broad and primarily opinion-based), but still appear to work. They get decent answers and the OP is helped. I think ...
Anders Abel's user avatar
  • 69.2k
0 votes
1 answer

What are we reviewing in the CV queue?

On one hand, it asks specifically if the question should be closed as primarily opinion-based. The button hover-text agree by saying "disagree with this close vote" and "agree with this ...
bjb568's user avatar
  • 11.5k
10 votes
2 answers

Close Votes Outside the Queue

Why do Close Votes not count when they are outside of the review queue? I close vote quite a few questions per day as I see them (I no longer visit the review sector because it simply angers me, and ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

Tracking the close votes review queue: The latest plot, and whether I should stop [duplicate]

Unfortunately in recent months I've been busy with "life" and haven't been kept up with meta. Seems I've missed out on a lot of exciting stuff regarding the close votes review queue. Back in January ...
Andrew Cheong's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

9200 Close Votes in the queue

Why can't SO have a trial giving reviewers like myself a probation for reviewing and closing items on the queue - say 10 per day? That would give us a chance to help out and show that the 3000 ...
Our Man in Bananas's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is editing instead of flagging/closing an issue we need to handle?

When going through the edit queue, I rather often find questions/answers that have serious problems and should rather be closed/deleted. Yet people edit those to make them look better (mostly ...
PlasmaHH's user avatar
  • 16k
3 votes
1 answer

Moderation focus after close votes reaches manageable number

As the close vote queue is nearing a brush with 0 (after many years of being at a ridiculously high number), I'm curious as to what the focus will be after this in the line of vast improvements that ...
Qix - MONICA WAS MISTREATED's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

I voted to close with the wrong duplicate. What should I do?

In an act of unmatched hypocrisy, I failed to properly search for a duplicate and ended up closing this question with this near duplicate rather than this exact duplicate. Regardless of the nuances of ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
471 votes
11 answers

Let's burn down the close queue!

Stage 2 completed: The initial phase of the burndown was completed on 2014-03-03 10:48:49; the second phase completed on 2014-03-08 at 19:41. Detailed statistics on how these played out can be found ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
11 votes
1 answer

Can SO publicise a "Bombing Run" on the Close Votes Queue?

I'm aware that there are lots of posts about the Close Vote Queue, which as it currently stands is as a whopping: 118.6k and counting The fact it that it's just off putting for people looking to ...
Tanner's user avatar
  • 22.7k
138 votes
1 answer

SO Close Vote Reviewers

What It's Not Another thread about close votes (starting with the disclaimer, "Another thread about close votes.") But! This thread is not about why the queue as large as it is. This thread ...
Andrew Cheong's user avatar
150 votes
14 answers

Regarding the Stack Overflow close review queue

The size of the backlog in Stack Overflow's close review queue has been an issue for a long time now: I find that having such a huge backlog, makes it very hard to properly deal with closures. What ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
24 votes
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Should / Let's close old Recommendation questions?

Stack Overflow doesn't provide product or service recommendations Requests for book recommendations, suggestions for tools, and product comparisons tend to attract poor-quality answers. We cannot ...
Somnath Muluk's user avatar