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What can be done to improve/increase the amount of Close Votes reviews and to stop <3k user’s close flags ageing away?

At the time of writing this I am below 3k rep, so I can’t vote to close but I flag to close. I have noticed this issue quite a lot: I review a post in the First Posts queue/Triage queue and flag for ...
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15 votes
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How can I actively cast close votes in and out of review queues simultaneously?

This concerns has kept bugging me for a while, but it became even more apparent with the introduction of the Triage review queue. The long story short, I cannot reasonably help with the review queues ...
László Papp's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is it not possible to down/upvote questions in the close vote review queue

Why can't I down-/up-vote questions in the close review queue (what is the rational behind it)? Is it good / bad practice to open the question in a separate tab and vote on it there?
MikeMB's user avatar
  • 21.1k
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Are intermittent issues off-topic when they can be fixed just by waiting?

I just encountered this close vote review concerning a question about an intermittent issue which disappeared after a few hours, and seems to have been caused by an issue at Apple side. As such, it ...
Didier L's user avatar
  • 20.5k