A little over a year ago, we held the memorable community burnination of the close-votes queue. This has little to do with that. The close votes queue is so massive that it's practically a beast of its own. This is not a problem anywhere near the same scale.
That said, the Low Quality Posts queue has been growing steadily over the past few weeks. Fortunately, Stack Overflow kindly warns me by placing an indicator directly in my navigation bar.
That's nearly 500 items, and honestly, that's becoming a little too much to ignore. Is it impending doom? Not really, but I'll just let Shog speak for me on this point:
If that number is high or growing, then there's a problem. I've heard this lament from many different sites over the past year: "I do all I can, but there aren't enough of us and it just doesn't seem to have any effect!"
If this is happening on your site, if that number is getting bigger in spite of everything you do... Then it's time to raise a call for action. Don't wait for the cruft to clog the streets before getting folks organized to clean it up.
So that's precisely what I'd like to do: consider this a call to action to help out bring that number all the way to zero. Unlike with the close votes queue, that is very much within the realm of possibility.
So please, let's get this in the “Hot Meta Posts” list, get some extra eyeballs on the LQP queue, and reverse the slowly-moving upward trend. With a capacity of up to 20 review items per day, a handful of extra participants should easily manage to obliterate these lingering review items.