User asked four similar questions within fourteen hours
How should I handle this?
Personally I would:
Flag/close the newer question(s) as duplicate of the first one from the bunch.
Down-vote all duplicates and the original if it deserves so.
Leave a ...
Questions that definitely do not have the answer to my question
We've made some changes to how the search works here due to performance reasons...but it turns out they greatly increased relevancy as well, specifically due to quoted strings being inadvertently ...
Does 'Questions that may already have your answer' analyse anything other than the title?
Nope! Just the title.
That's (partly) why you're encouraged to a Google search for your problem beforehand.
User asked four similar questions within fourteen hours
If the question is low quality, it should be treated so (vote to close, vote to delete, VLQ flag, downvote).
If the question is essentially the same as the previous one, should be closed as dupe of it....
Similar questions box keeps popping in and out
This should be fixed now. We made a change that was supposed to hide the Similar Questions block in the guided wizard mode, but it ended up being a bit overeager in traditional mode.
Thanks for the ...
Does 'Questions that may already have your answer' analyse anything other than the title?
It only analyzes the title of the question being asked, but also analyzes the body of the questions that it suggests.
I found this out by testing. I copy-pasted piece of C++ code that seems very ...
User asked four similar questions within fourteen hours
Repeatedly spamming the site with the same or very similar questions is grounds for suspension. That being said, I think that it would be appropriate to flag the last 3 as duplicates of the original ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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