Linked Questions

1217 votes
54 answers

Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? [closed]

I've been using Stack Overflow for a few years, and initially most questions you asked got a positive reception: happy comments and answers, people that tried to help you out regardless of the ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
1110 votes
50 answers

Question quality is dropping on Stack Overflow

I'm seeing a rapid trend towards worse and worse question quality. It gets to the point where I'm asking myself "Why did I even help this guy? He neither has the will nor the capacity to understand ...
Tomalak's user avatar
  • 338k
503 votes
78 answers

“Ask a question” wizard prototype

You're all probably wondering who I am and where Joe is. I'm one of the developers on the Developer Affinity & Growth team with him, and I'm excited to tell you about a prototype that we'd love ...
Jon Chan's user avatar
  • 979
682 votes
49 answers

The Ask Question Wizard (2018) is Live!

Editors note: For the Ask Question Wizard 2022 see Feature Test: Ask Wizard for New Users (trial has completed) I'm really happy to announce that the Ask Question Wizard is now live on Stack Overflow!...
Jon Chan's user avatar
  • 979
324 votes
73 answers

What can we do to encourage downvoting?

Downvoting is a bigger privilege than upvoting and it plays a crucial role in keeping the content on this site clean. Downvoting is our most powerful tool for us, non-moderator users. Downvotes are a ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 33.1k
838 votes
16 answers

How do the moderator resignations affect me and the community?

I see that many moderators have resigned, citing some issues I don't know about. I don't know any of these moderators, I have no emotional connection to them, and so I don't care personally about them....
Rainb's user avatar
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625 votes
19 answers

The Stack Overflow I wish to build and participate in is no longer supported

tl;dr: There is no tl;dr. If you don't wish to read the entire thing, then don't worry about it. I was hoping my month off would've cooled me off a bit or at least given me a different perspective ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
419 votes
23 answers

Is this really what we should consider "unwelcoming"?

Quoting from today's blog post "Welcome Wagon: Classifying Comments on Stack Overflow": According to those of us deeply involved here and familiar with Stack Overflow, about 7% of comments on Stack ...
Ansgar Wiechers's user avatar
218 votes
30 answers

Are we being "elitist"? Is there something wrong with that?

Recently I see more complaints of "elitism" bubbling up. Sometimes expressly called so, sometimes expressing the same thing in many more words. Mostly from new(-ish) users whose question has just been ...
deceze's user avatar
  • 521k
230 votes
28 answers

Why do you stay?

I'm very hesitant to ask this. I hope it won't be interpreted as me trying to make some kind of statement or encourage people to do something or other. I'm not talking about my own opinions on any of ...
Don't Panic's user avatar
  • 41.8k
336 votes
9 answers

2019 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

In connection with the moderator elections, we are providing a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as ...
Grace Note's user avatar
  • 3,215
183 votes
11 answers

The Code of Conduct is a "no moderation" pass? Not on our watch! What can we do?

I am concerned about how the code of conduct is being pointed out in practice. In its short time of existence (close to 2 months), I have seen multiple occurrences of comments claiming to report a ...
E_net4's user avatar
  • 29.9k
185 votes
6 answers

2020 Community Moderator Election - Questionnaire [closed]

In connection with the ongoing moderator election, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. The top questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 365
188 votes
9 answers

Declaring a Review strike until efficiency improvements are implemented

Reviewing (together with interlinking existing content) is one of the key tasks for the SO community now that the site is past its initial growth stage. And the infamous overload of review queues and ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 35.8k
513 votes
1 answer

Why isn't it required to provide comments/feedback for downvotes, and why are proposals suggesting this so negatively received?

Sometimes my post receives downvotes with no explanation on what I've done wrong. Even worse, sometimes I just get snarky comments! It seems like this is especially bad for new users, who are made to ...

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