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Unanswered Questions

275 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
23 votes
0 answers

Misleading UI when trying to raise multiple flags

I recently flagged a low-quality answer (full text of answer: "Your answer is may be best. Thank u.") with a "Not An Answer" flag. Upon further investigation I grew suspicious that there may have been ...
22 votes
0 answers

Inappropriate warning haunting my answer entry field: "Provide a complete example to reproduce your SQL question"

I decided to necropost on this Off-topic: Cannot reproduce question in an attempt to steer researchers away from the accepted answer. I would normally vote to close, but because I don't have a hammer ...
22 votes
0 answers

Odd visual effects when flagging comments

When you click on a flag icon, the popup is appended next to it. For a very short time, it causes a visual bug, because the width of .comment-flag's parent <td> is 17 pixel by default (before ...
21 votes
0 answers

Moving the discussion to chat failed

On my answer to Google Apps Script to turn in, grade, and return a Google Classroom Assignment The link to move comments to a chat room fails. Please avoid extended discussions in comments. Would ...
21 votes
0 answers

"move this discussion to chat" not working

I and the OP of this post are unable to move its discussion to chat. When I try I get: Am I missing something obvious here? Or can this be fixed? Cheers.
20 votes
0 answers

Formatting of code in comments does not preserve spaces

I entered a comment of the form Omit the `& ` entirely containing a segment in backticks. However, the space after the & inside the code segment was collapsed with the following space outside ...
20 votes
0 answers

Collapsing comments produces misleading information

I went back to one of answers recently and I saw the following comments. The first comment is shown then my response. Unfortunately, the comments between these two are not shown and provide ...
20 votes
1 answer

The new and "improved" tag page doesn't show the [ask question] button unless the tag is being watched

The Ask Question button is missing on tag pages when one is not watching that specific tag. For example, when I'm watching c# I can ask questions: But not when I'm not watching that tag: In case it ...
19 votes
0 answers

Inbox message's activity indicator showing negative number

Due to some reason, the recent inbox messages indicator is showing a negative number. NB: all of my messages are read.
19 votes
0 answers

Late answers queue 'Other action' text uses 'question' instead of 'answer'

While reviewing Late answers, I noticed that the text under Other action reads You have taken one or more actions on this question and have finished your review. Shouldn't this say answer instead of ...
19 votes
0 answers

New questions displayed offset to existing ones when using "new activity" link

This may be a "feature" but I've noticed today that when clicking the xx questions with new activity link at the top of the list of questions in a particular tag, the new questions loaded ...
19 votes
0 answers

Chat FAQ links differ from the content of the main FAQ page

Related to this question about why they look different, but not the same issue. That question was dealing with the poor UX and the fact that if you load the page with a fragment it works incorrectly. ...
18 votes
0 answers

Discrepancy between question header and close banner on months ago calculation

Today I was doing some moderation on is there a difference between software architecture and web development architecture? and saw that the question header shows the question was asked 5 months ago, ...
18 votes
0 answers

Drag and drop feature for re-arranging favorite tags

I was adding some favorite tags, I noticed that while adding lengthy tags, the favorite tags section started getting significantly taller, which wouldn't happen if I utilize the empty space in it by ...
17 votes
0 answers

Triage audit failure message says that spam or nonsense should be 'flagged for closure'

I 'failed' a Triage audit and saw this message: (Screenshot) (Emphasis mine) STOP! Look and listen. This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't pass. This question is ...

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