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Unanswered Questions

635 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
41 votes
0 answers

Make the space between the time value and the units a non-breaking one

In rare cases, a comment of a certain magical length will cause the time stamp to wrap onto the next line in a confusing way: (Image shamelessly stolen from Shadow Wizard, exploiting his hard ...
41 votes
0 answers

Moving discussion to chat fails with vague error message

I was having a rather lengthy discussion with another user in the comments on one of my questions, it was getting very off-topic and I was actually glad that the automatic link came up to invite the ...
39 votes
0 answers

Facebook avatars are displayed in HiDPI/Retina, but other avatars are not

Users that log in through Facebook get to have the avatars in their signature blocks displayed in HiDPI/Retina: they have 200x200 pixels of image data displayed in 32x32 logical/CSS pixels (6.25x). A ...
39 votes
0 answers

"Answer deleted" message floats above "question should be closed" dialog

I wanted to close a question, but at that moment a answer got removed. This caused the "answer was deleted" box to be shown above the "close dialog". This is a bug, because the "close dialog" should ...
38 votes
0 answers

Close the tracking privilege popup with the Esc key or a click outside

On one's Profile page, clicking on this gear button opens up a pop up, which doesn't close when the "Esc" key is pressed or when one clicks outside the popup. To close this list, you have to click on ...
37 votes
0 answers

Hiding the left navigation is making the question page grid too small

I don't like changes so I decided to hide the new shiny left navigation and to keep the good old design with 2 columns instead of 3. After hiding the left navigation I noticed that the main Q&A ...
36 votes
0 answers

Why are we telling people to upvote answers solely on the basis of the question being helpful?

I was just using Google and wandered onto SO and happened to see this pop-up: Welcome back! If you found this question useful, don't forget to vote both the question and the answers up. This ...
35 votes
0 answers

New design: "X votes" should be "X score"

Apparently, we have a new design for the question list. The left block, containing a summary of the question's "statistics", looks like this: That line that says "38 votes" is ...
35 votes
0 answers

Left menu on Teams page overlaps the footer

I just viewed the Stack Overflow Team page and noticed a user interface issue. When I scroll the page to the bottom, the left menu overlaps the info in the page footer:
35 votes
0 answers

If I'm typing into a comment, confirming the IME should probably not submit the comment

I was typing a comment into a comment box today. At some point while doing this, I wanted to type a Japanese word into the comment. So I switch to the Japanese IME with ⌘+space. I type some letters ...
34 votes
0 answers

Placeholder text for tags is cut off on Meta Stack Overflow

As you can see the placeholder text is cut off. This is only happening on Meta Stack Overflow.
34 votes
0 answers

Mouse hover on dupe hammer causes repeated open and close of popup

If a gold badge user closes a question as duplicate using their hammer after others have already voted to close it as a duplicate the banner moves slightly over the badge. If the mouse is then in the ...
34 votes
0 answers

High-rep user cards wrapping again

It seems the bug reported in User profile badge text wrapping issue is happening again (or still?). This is what I see at default magnification in FF 43 on Win 10: Based on the above linked question, ...
34 votes
0 answers

Darker color for favorite tags

On the Stack Overflow site, right now, the css used for favorite tags is this: .tagged-interesting { rgba(255,245,222,0.7) } I recommend a darker color or removing the opacity: .tagged-...
33 votes
0 answers

Minor formatting issue when a question has > 10,000 votes

I was browsing the forums at, and I noticed user Greywolf had answered one of my questions there. I thought I had seen the name before over on Stack Overflow, so I searched for user '...

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