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Questions tagged [flag-dialog]

The flag dialog is the dialog that appears when the 'flag' button is clicked on a question or answer. Use this tag only for questions involving the dialog itself, not [flags] in general.

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30 votes
0 answers

Flagging endpoints are intermittently slow recently

Lately, when I click the flag button on a post, it takes roughly 2 seconds for the flag dialog to get a server response and for the flagging dialog to show up. Then when I submit my flag reason, it ...
starball's user avatar
  • 47.9k
16 votes
1 answer

Invalid Code of Conduct anchor links in the comment flagging dialog

When I click the flag icon to flag a comment, a dialog box opens with four options. The first two contain links to the Code of Conduct: It contains harassment, bigotry, or abuse. This comment attacks ...
legoscia's user avatar
  • 41.5k
3 votes
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Make the flag dialog in Discussions draggable [duplicate]

Currently, if you open the flag dialog in a Discussion and want to see something in the post that is behind it, you have to close it then reopen it. Make the flag dialog draggable like it is in the ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 28.8k
13 votes
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Broken HTML and unhelpful guidance in URL shortener warning for mod flags

I was trying to flag a post, and the reason for flagging needed a lot of explanation, and some links to demonstrate why I think my flag is valid. As I'd exceed the length limit otherwise, I opted to ...
cocomac's user avatar
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9 votes
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Flag choices - mark which flags have sub-categories [duplicate]

I don't flag questions that often, and when I do it's hard to remember which "root" flag has the sub-categories for things like the wrong stack site or needs more detail. It would help to ...
Dave S's user avatar
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How can we improve the wording & navigation to the "not reproducible / caused by typo" flag reason?

As a reminder, we close no-longer-reproducible/caused-by-typo questions because: While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Here'...
starball's user avatar
  • 47.9k
6 votes
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Bug with the text length when flagging a comment with "Something else"

I found three rude but useful comments from a single poster for this answer to the question How to use unicode characters in Windows command line?. I haven't identified the user or the specific ...
skomisa's user avatar
  • 17.3k
9 votes
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Enhancement request: better reveal on flag dialog

I wanted to flag a question as being off topic but since I don't flag very often I forgot which of the options allows you, in a subsequent dialog, to indicate it's off topic and that it might be on ...
Jeff Holt's user avatar
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Custom flagging a question asks me if I want to migrate

This seems to be an intermittent bug. Custom flagging a post asks me if I want to migrate the question. Clicking flag again closes the dialog and the flag seems to be raised after second click. Think ...
Suraj Rao's user avatar
  • 29.6k
8 votes
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Flag menu submenu indication

I recently faced the problem of not finding the flag I was looking for. Specifically I was looking for the "Not reproducible or was caused by a typo" flag. (Which can be found under "...
Fabian S.'s user avatar
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When opening the flag menu (To flag a question, answer) then scrolling down, The flag menu does not move

So I wanted to flag a question, I wanted to take another look at the side of the question by scrolling down, then the flag menu disappeared, I scrolled up and it was back. Is this a bug? Or a feature?
Abdullah Ahmed's user avatar
31 votes
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Flag dialog claims I flagged a question or answer as VLQ when I didn't (raise a flag)

When I open the flag dialogue on some posts I see the following: The flag dialogue claims that You have already raised a very low quality flag When I haven't raised a flag, at all. Checking "...
Jeanne Dark's user avatar
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46 votes
4 answers

Please move the Flag Button back to the right side

When reviewing, I flag. And when I do, I was happy that all my mouse-clicks could be done all on the right side: One click for the flag-type, all the way on the right side. One click to submit. One ...
Scratte's user avatar
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Flagging comments on mobile requires excessive scrolling [closed]

The mobile version of Stack Overflow does not allow you to flag comments. A simple workaround is to switch to the desktop ("full") site from the footer, then flag away (then usually switch back). ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 189k
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Why are only some options grayed out when all are unavailable after raising a flag?

I have a pending flag on a question for being too broad. After the author clarified in the comments, it seemed they were trying to make a malicious program. I clicked flag again and noticed that while ...
ale10ander's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Where is Low Quality flag?

I wanted flag some post for its low quality (here is a link). That post is too old (2016), but it contains only error text that is unuseful for most people. But there is no Low Quality flag to be used!...
Josef Švejk's user avatar
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Moving the "flagging question" GUI around moves other elements on the page

When I view the "flagging question" UI in the Triage review queue (couldn't reproduce this outside of the review queues) and move the GUI around, some elements on the page shift around. Can we fix ...
pushkin's user avatar
  • 10.1k
97 votes
1 answer

The flag menu moves down every time you navigate

Using Google Chrome 61.0.3163.100, every time you jump from one submenu to another submenu, the window position goes down in the Y axis. You can reproduce it easily by doing: Click on flag button. ...
lilezek's user avatar
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LQP Delete reason radios misaligned

I saw that the radios for the Close reasons was fixed today. However, now I'm seeing a huge misalignment on the Low Quality Posts Delete reasons popup. I don't know if they're related, but I thought I ...
CDspace's user avatar
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Why can I only open the close/flag dialog every 3 seconds?

According to the FAQ, the close and flag dialogs can only be loaded every 3 seconds: Flagging [...] 3 seconds between opening the flag dialog Closing Can open close ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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Search results missing in close as duplicate because it has no answers

I was trying to close something as a duplicate, and I thought it would be real quick to use user:me score:100 to find questions that were mine with a score of 100. Unfortunately, it was not the case; ...
Laurel's user avatar
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5 votes
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Link "Full page" under a code snippet appear in the flag dialog

On a post with a code snippet, if I click on Run code snippet then open the flag or close dialog on a post, the output and a Full page link are displayed, and I have this result: Here is a code ...
A.L's user avatar
  • 10.5k
29 votes
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Closing -> Duplicate: no matches with number of results. Is it a bug?

I don't know if it is a bug or something else. When I type a question title, it has returned me 11 results with the previous query. When I type more then no result is found, but 11 results remain same....
Pratik Butani's user avatar
38 votes
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Duplicate Off-Topic Reasons

I just flagged a post here on meta as off-topic and saw that there are two quite similar reasons for closing something that shouldn't be here. This question does not appear to be about Stack ...
hinneLinks's user avatar
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"Answer deleted" message floats above "question should be closed" dialog

I wanted to close a question, but at that moment a answer got removed. This caused the "answer was deleted" box to be shown above the "close dialog". This is a bug, because the "close dialog" should ...
Ferrybig's user avatar
  • 18.8k
2 votes
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"In need of moderator intervation" and "other" flag textboxes overflow the flagging dialog [duplicate]

The styling on the "Other" textbox in the flagging dialog is broken; the textbox overflows. Tested in Chrome and Firefox, on SO and MSO.
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 154k
17 votes
1 answer

Flag Dialog shows that I have already raised some flags but not others, but I am disallowed from raising any types of flags

Before I start, this is not a duplicate of questions like this, as those are referring to it appearing that they flagged twice but they only did it once. My issue is that while the flag dialog ...
Pokechu22's user avatar
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34 votes
1 answer

Flag window moves around, annoyingly

Tested on Stack Overflow and on Chemistry When you're trying to flag something and move your flag window out of the way (if for example you want to read through it again just to double check) it will ...
Dan Oberlam's user avatar
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Don't tell me to review a declined flag on a deleted post

When flagging a post today it told me to review my flags, because my last flag was declined. As a good citizen I did so, and came to the conclusion that my flag (VLQ) was "declined - a moderator ...
Sumurai8's user avatar
  • 20.7k