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Unanswered Questions

8,199 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
11 votes
0 answers

Search text highlighting is borked

When I search for posts, I've noticed odd behavior with respect to highlighting of matching text in the search results. Is this a bug? Will it be fixed? Markup of the results is very useful, drawing ...
11 votes
0 answers

What determines frequency and number of posts that are bumped by Community?

I've noticed that posts that are bumped by Community follow a specific pattern. They are bumped every ~60 minutes and there are always 4 posts that are being bumped. My question (purely out of ...
11 votes
0 answers

Is it ok to edit a long text without new lines to paragraphs?

Personally I find it hard to read posts that have over 6 lines written without new lines. So when I see one I want to split it in to paragraphs. Earlier when my edits were reviewed some of my edits ...
11 votes
0 answers

Warning tooltip overlaps the header

Write some invalid title into the title field. Scroll down a bit. Result: The header should have highest z-index than that message-box.
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0 answers

Warning message appears twice in question's title

After seeing this question this morning, I decided to try it out as I'd never seen the warning message before. I typed in the same question title, and noticed that the warning message is actually ...
11 votes
0 answers

"Post Merged" has caused two answers to look rather out of place

I'm not sure exactly what happened here, but the revisions suggest that the answers from another question were merged in. However, we now have answer 1 and answer 2 talking about a completely ...
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0 answers

Inform user when a tag is removed because it is a synonym

I got confused by synonymous tag removal when attempting to add the listview tag to this question, which had the "android-listview" tag. I didn't know what was going on until I found a meta post on ...
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0 answers

Error when trying to edit a post with zero changes

I'm getting an error when trying to edit this post: Even if I make zero changes, when I click "Save Edits" the page scrolls up to the text box and throws the ...
11 votes
0 answers

Related questions section mostly irrelevant

The related questions section doesn't seem to have a good algorithm to pick recently asked or updated questions. I mostly see questions from 2 or 3 years ago with no recent activity. Most of the time ...
11 votes
0 answers

Badges appear halved

On all posts and in question lists, but not in the top bar, the badges are misaligned. For example, the CSS for .badge3 has changed from background-position: -62px -398px; to background-position: -...
11 votes
0 answers

Should protocol-relative URLs be disallowed in profile "About me"?

Unexpected error message when opening “About me” for editing: All image URLs must start with https:// This is triggered by the existing protocol-relative URLs in the “About me” text for my user ...
11 votes
0 answers

What happens when a question is migrated to a site that the OP isn't a member of?

I recently answered this question that was migrated from CS StackExchange. However, the OP doesn't have an account on Stack Overflow, just there. Will the OP still be notified about my answer? Can ...
11 votes
0 answers

We are down to two, so the help center should say the same

Two (three on Stack Overflow) accept or reject votes are required to remove the suggested edit from the queue and either apply the edit to the post or discard it. Users with more than 2,000 reputation ...
11 votes
0 answers

'Empty' tag excerpt edit automatically submitted when editing just the tag wiki

I'm currently replacing some HTTP links with HTTPS links in tag wikis across the network, as part of the HTTP to HTTPS migration. Usually, I just need to change the tag wiki and not the excerpt. On ...
11 votes
0 answers

Should I delete my (unaccepted) answer to a very esoteric question?

I proposed an answer to an esoteric question to a tag that doesn't get a ton of traffic. The asker didn't accept the answer; in fact he almost seems to want to have a debate in the comments why it ...

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