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Unanswered Questions

8,199 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
353 votes
0 answers

Don't be that account: buying and selling reputation and bounties

In recent months we have found several accounts that offered bounties and / or upvotes for hire. You pay them some money, they promise to upvote your content or apply bounties to your questions or for ...
270 votes
1 answer

What's up with the breakdown in communication between Stack Overflow and the community?

For a while now, we've seen a breakdown in communication between Stack Overflow and the community, however, more recently, we've seen this relationship deteriorate rapidly. It has become a trend that ...
244 votes
0 answers

Display a message to the OP the first time they receive a downvote

Here's the feature request: When a new user receives a downvote on a question they asked for the first time, the system should display a message, only visible to that user, similar to the existing ...
240 votes
0 answers

Moderation Strike update: Data dumps, choosing representatives, GPT data, and where we’re holding

Note: As part of the strike organization, this is a mirror of a post on the network-wide Meta, MSE. Make sure to check out the answers and discussion there, too! Introduction Since our strike ...
218 votes
0 answers

Stop the [manipulation]!

manipulation currently has over 700 0 questions. Its excerpt: Manipulation is the act of algorithmically manipulating any pieces of data ambiguous and not helpful, in my opinion. ...
198 votes
0 answers

Profile "Answers" section: Indicator if own answer has competing accepted answer

At the moment the Answers section on every user profile has two styles for the answer count: white background, grey font: Own answer is not accepted green background, olive font: Own answer is ...
196 votes
0 answers

Show my close vote

Going through my old close votes, I noticed the following: If I have cast an off-topic close vote, I cannot see what that vote was, as I cannot navigate to the off-topic section as I would be able to ...
187 votes
0 answers

Did I inspire the Stack Overflow Time Machine?

Back in August 2018 I commented on a post about the 90's-esque link underlines that had recently been introduced on SE. Of course, in my mind, this comment did actually inspire the SE April Fools ...
175 votes
1 answer

Reduce size of images used in SO blog

While looking at the new article New Kids on the Block, I've noticed the author avatar was taking some time to load. Looking at the image, it is indeed quite heavy: 2,6MB for a 3339x3339 pixels image ...
155 votes
0 answers

"Discussion moved to chat" prevents me from re-finding the question from my "All activity" page

Yesterday I had a useful discussion, and when I today wanted to go there again, I could not find the discussion anymore, because a mod moved it to the chat system. I had to google the question that ...
155 votes
1 answer

Collapsible Code Markup

Background When answering questions on SO I generally like to ensure that my code is runnable by including sample data, so someone can copy, paste, and run it, seeing exactly what I'd proposed. ...
153 votes
0 answers

Overall Percentage of Helpful Flags

When viewing your own flag history, I feel it would be valuable to show what percentage of flags have been marked as helpful. I've implemented this as a userscript but would like to make a formal ...
147 votes
0 answers

2015 Election Live Vote Monitor

Updated for the November 2015 election! I wrote a live election activity monitor which you can use to see the current status and watch the votes live; it shows the cutoff line for the final phase as ...
146 votes
1 answer

Oops! Something Bad Happened! - Allow Refresh (F5) to redirect to/reload the non-error page

I just got an Oops! Something Bad Happened! error, while opening this question. This question works now, it was only a temporary problem. However, when this happens, you get redirected to this URL. ...
138 votes
0 answers

Better support for sample data and perhaps table schemas in SQL questions

I've been around SO since almost the beginning, and in that time I've answered a LOT of SQL related questions. One point of pain in this area has always been posting sample data or query results. We'...

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