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138 votes

Why do people answer inscrutable questions?

Because the SE reputation and privilege system perversely incentivizes new users to do so This is fundamentally a UX problem. The new user experience on SE sites actively nudges users to use the site ...
Sean Sutherland's user avatar
47 votes

Why can't I be working on my knight moves?

There's no actual question there; there's a statement where the question should be. There's a cool answer, but... No question. Unless you count the quoted "How many squares can a knight moving on an ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
34 votes

Why do people answer inscrutable questions?

I mean, it's already known that people on this platform are here for different reasons. While curators are here because they understand the value of a quality repository of programming questions and ...
E_net4's user avatar
  • 29.7k
28 votes

How could this question be updated to meet community guidelines?

This question is effectively asking how users of an open source product can rely on a company to update their free product with security updates as quickly as they update their paid product. At ...
Kevin B's user avatar
  • 95k
24 votes

How should I handle questions which show the desired output in code, but not in writing?

If it is clear what the author is asking about or if there is any indication as to what they want to achieve then edit the question and provide the necessary explanation yourself. If you can't ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 32.7k
21 votes

What was wrong with this question and what could I have done better?

Asking the same thing in the title and in the body of the question usually makes the question more likely to be well received. In the case of the linked question title asks about some DB manipulation (...
Alexei Levenkov's user avatar
17 votes

How should we respond to unclear questions?

If you're not reasonably confident about what the OP is asking, it's best to not answer the question. The biggest reason is what you're being shown now - if you don't know what is being asked, you don'...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
16 votes

Why do people answer inscrutable questions?

In addition to the side-effects of the gamification system that others have described in detail, there may be another issue at play for some of these types of situations. I wondered the same sort of ...
bta's user avatar
  • 44.9k
14 votes

Seemingly reasonable newbie question about pointers closed as "needs details or clarity"

This question seems fine to me: it's clear what the asker is asking to do, and it has a definite answer (which happens to be that it is not possible) Not only is the task not possible in the abstract,...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
14 votes

Why was my question closed? (I fixed the issue, and I'm just curious)

There are a couple things going on here. Let me try to address/list those. Stack Overflow is a site to help you with specific coding, algorithm, or language problems. What is missing from your ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.2k
10 votes

Why is my question about extending Java classes that implement an interface unclear?

First, note that it is not a logical contradiction to close a question as "unclear", just because a question has been answered or commented upon. It is entirely possible that some of the ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
10 votes

How should I handle questions which show the desired output in code, but not in writing?

I would have voted to close as needs more focus. The fact that OP wanted to title it "Complex dictionary construction" originally, indicates the problem. There are several steps that need to ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
10 votes

What's unclear about copying a dictionary using the Python C API?

I dislike questions asking for the best way, since any answer that's not the absolute best would be wrong, and often vote to close on them (mostly too broad/opinion based). In your question, people ...
Erik A's user avatar
  • 32.5k
10 votes

Does this question lack clarity?

The question asks how to negate the regex. It's not clear whether that means "use the regex syntax to produce a regex that matches everything else", or "use a logical negation operator ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
10 votes

What details are missing in this question?

The close reason says "Needs details or clarity" - we bundle these together as the same fundamental problem with a question. I think the problem here has more to do with clarity. But if you ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
10 votes

Closing/deleting a question based on lack of details, yet no specific request for details was provided

One of the people trying to help you, provided this comment at the end And when you had "some problems with them when their capacity changes", did you understand what the "problems&...
Robert Longson's user avatar
9 votes

Question closed for lack of clarity

What follows are personal conclusions drawn from this discussion to answer my own question and can hopefully serve as useful guidelines to follow: While debatable whether or not the question was ...
Miss Skooter's user avatar
9 votes

What's unclear about copying a dictionary using the Python C API?

The question, phrased as Given a Python dictionary, what's the best way to obtain a copy using the C API? ...leaves itself open to allow people to submit answers and pontificate over what "best" ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
8 votes

My potential shotgun answer to a poorly defined question

@user2285236's comment above is accurate, but I'll give some more explanation of my comment. General stuff We strive to create a site that has answers to specific questions. If a question is ambiguous,...
Bohemian's user avatar
  • 422k
8 votes

Why can't I be working on my knight moves?

So how could I have presented this problem and solution in a way that would not have suffered this fate? I don't believe that you can on Stack Overflow. Let me give it a few tries, keeping in mind ...
Andrew Myers's user avatar
  • 2,768
7 votes

Why do people answer inscrutable questions?

Because they can. As others have written: they either hope to actually help the person asking the question, or they hope to gather upvotes. It is that simple: gaining reputation comes with real ...
GhostCat's user avatar
  • 140k
6 votes

How could this question be updated to meet community guidelines?

Knowing nothing of WSO2 and answering only in a context of Stack Overflow's topicality (of which I have some extensive experience on): I would say that this question is too broad in the sentiment that ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
6 votes

Closing/deleting a question based on lack of details, yet no specific request for details was provided

Would not that be more helpful to actually mention which details are missing, and where additional clarity is needed? Yes, it would. And close voters are free to leave a comment if they want to. ...
user5349916's user avatar
5 votes

Why do people answer inscrutable questions?

I disagree with the premise. At least for me, the question was clear enough to understand and attempt a basic explanation (as a comment; I felt it didn't deserve a full answer). I'm not the only one: @...
HolyBlackCat's user avatar
  • 92.6k
4 votes

Tagged as unclear but perfectly clear to me

In the initial state, it was total unclear what op was asking. The given question was: "Is the second code sample correct?" which was impossible to answer since there was no intended behavior ...
BDL's user avatar
  • 22k
4 votes

What details do I need to add to question about C++ in Arduino?

I think the question is perfectly clear, but it is far too unfocused and shows a lack of research. It's important to understand that Stack Overflow is not a discussion forum; we want a simple, self-...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
3 votes

How should I handle questions which show the desired output in code, but not in writing?

but not in writing? Clear problem statement in prose that's not just code is a must! What the author in the referenced example question is asking about is how to convert a list of lists into a ...
bad_coder's user avatar
  • 12.5k
3 votes

How should I handle questions which show the desired output in code, but not in writing?

The problem is not only that questions that only show the desired inputs and outputs as code examples are not good signposts, the problem is also that examples can only ever show what the code should ...
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
3 votes

What details are missing in this question?

I'm not sure why you got so many downvotes there or on this Meta question (-7 is rather excessive). However, your question was likely downvoted and closed as needing details/clarity because: you ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible