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102 votes

Your review was inappropriate - sorry, but it wasn't

So... This is actually a bug. I'll explain why in a minute, but first I need to apologize - my memory of how this stuff works has gotten a little bit unreliable after 6 years. I recalled that we'd ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
82 votes

A new user has just rejected an edit of his answer written in poor English

In general, when users reject good edits that fix grammar and formatting issues, you can flag for moderator intervention. This can happen because new users haven't read the Help Center and don't ...
BSMP's user avatar
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81 votes

Suspended from reviewing based on questions that are just error messages

These are terrible audits. You were right to vote to close. I'm quite surprised these were selected, because they've been downvoted before being used as audits. I'd speculate that the audit ...
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 20k
72 votes

I fail to understand how this answer is spam or offensive

I handled that flag there, I remember that post because I came back to it after handling and then rehandled it. That answer was flagged as spam by a couple of users. It was posted by a new user, ...
Bhargav Rao's user avatar
71 votes

Audit Fail on Possibly Correct Answer to Obviously Poor Question

That's clever spam, but still spam. Here's the markdown for the post: To get started building your own Facebook Page, go [][1] There, you’ll have six different ...
Brad Larson's user avatar
64 votes

Does this answer contain spam?

The post itself is not spam. A moderator flagged the post as spam because it was posted by a known troll account, and the moderator wanted to apply the system-level spam penalties to that account. ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
58 votes

Failed Audit on a page that looks good

(not the moderator who handled these, but...) The issue here is undisclosed affiliation. The user posted 5 answers, all linking libraries from one company), and an investigation confirmed that there ...
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 20k
54 votes

Why is this answer spam?

I don't think that was spam. It was flagged as such by a community member, and a moderator used their hard spam flag to destroy that answer, but you're right that this has none of the marks of spam. ...
Brad Larson's user avatar
49 votes

Failed First Posts review audits are not cleared after suspension period has ended

This is a clear example of why voting should not be considered an action in a review queue. You failed the first audit because you downvoted the question. Honestly, I would have also downvoted the ...
10 Rep's user avatar
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49 votes

Where's the spam in this audit?

Unfortunately, this was a bad audit. Bad audits suck. As Jon Clements noted in a comment: [B]asically, this is one of those situations where the user was spam seeding and answering from another ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
41 votes

How is this question spam or R/A?

It's a spam seed. There have been a number of accounts asking questions like this and then other accounts answering them with spam for Alibaba. There's been no indication of affiliation with the ...
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 137k
40 votes

This question should not be put in review queue

You're right: this was a bad audit. I thought it was a decent one, but, as you pointed out, you can't see comments on a late-answer review audit. I thought you could, but I've confirmed (with Shog9) ...
elixenide's user avatar
  • 44.8k
40 votes

Why was this software support question considered "high quality"?

Questions about using IDEs are on-topic, including questions about Xcode. That the community broadly takes this view is evidenced by the xcode tag existing and having 147k questions, many with large ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 154k
38 votes

Bad audit for low-quality answer?

Let's just say that the voting around that answer was odd. You're right, that was an anomaly. I've deleted it, which should remove it as an audit case. Sorry you hit that. You're not review-banned, ...
Brad Larson's user avatar
38 votes

Failed review audit for a post, but it looks alright?

The user edited to remove the spam links from their two posts before it reached the spam flag threshold. Rolling back the edits at this point would remove these posts as an audit, but will dispute ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
  • 78.9k
37 votes

Why was I suspended from reviewing for saying this answer is OK?

Not the moderator who handled this user as a whole but after examining poster profile it appears that all other posts by this user (7 total) are spam. That particular one you failed the audit for ...
Jean-François Fabre's user avatar
36 votes

Telltales edited out of audit

Yeah, that was unnecessarily confusing. You weren't the only one to fail an audit based on that post. I've rolled the edit back and spam-deleted the answer now.
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
35 votes

Why is this answer a bad post?

That is not a bad post. We've deleted value. The answer is deleted in error by the reviewers. Maybe they got confused by the compact writing style and/or the links in the answer for being spam but ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.3k
35 votes

Failed LQP audit: how to decide if an answer is spam?

I'm sorry about this, I should have declined the spam flag before deleting the post, so that it won't be used as an audit. I've disputed the flag and now it should no longer be an audit.
Samuel Liew's user avatar
  • 78.9k
35 votes

When is a question asking for opinions considered on-topic?

It’s not a good on-topic question, at least not in the way it is written currently. I am of the (perhaps somewhat controversial) opinion that many questions which seem opinion-based can, in fact, be ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
34 votes

Edits to borderline spam answers can possibly interfere with audits

Thanks for reporting this. I agree that the original revision shouldn't be flagged as spam and I've disputed all the spam flags on the answer. It should no longer be a review audit. Although review ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
  • 78.9k
33 votes

Why is this question about GitHub Pro account features on topic?

Questions like this have always been controversial. Some users, me included, think that questions about GitHub features - especially ones like its "advanced code review tools", which are patently ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 154k
32 votes

Why did I fail an audit once again?

That's a trash question that contains pretty much nothing but a backtrace and most of the exception text. Unfortunately the text near the end that could conceivably uniquely identify the problem has ...
Joshua's user avatar
  • 43.1k
32 votes

Was this audit wrong or am I missing something?

Unfortunately, you can't see the wider context, beyond the question, but that link is the reason why the account was destroyed as a spammer. The account was one of three that were posting nothing but ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
30 votes

Failed review audit due to a possible misunderstanding of what is off-topic

The example fits the definition perfectly and is off topic. I've put the question on hold for now, until the expected output as well as the error information is included. Audits are picked ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
30 votes

Review banned for trying to edit out spammy link

The link is clearly self-promotion unrelated to the code-only answer above, so it's either spam or at least candidate for deletion. The audit system is kind of binary: if you try to edit a spam/audit ...
Jean-François Fabre's user avatar
30 votes

Audit Fail on Possibly Correct Answer to Obviously Poor Question

Leaving aside the fact that the answer is spam, it's also plagiarised from I had a hunch it was plagiarised after reading the very first sentence, and ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 154k
30 votes

Review ban process is very cruel

No one gets banned for 1 month without previous history. (It's just that the ban message usually only displays the most recent incorrect review, both because there's a length limit and because that's ...
Jean-François Fabre's user avatar
29 votes

Review audit failure for image topic

From What are review tests (audits) and how do they work?: Why was an obviously bad post chosen for me to review positively? Review audits are chosen automatically. The system isn't perfect, meaning ...
Nissa's user avatar
  • 4,684

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible