Is it OK to ask a question looking for better ways to do things?
Code Review has very strict rules about what’s on-topic and what’s off-topic, so a vague question about making “code better” isn’t going to work there in the same way as it’s not going to do very well ...
- 137k
Guidance on migrating questions to Code Review
The Code Review site has a guide for this: A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users.
Notably, just because a question is on-topic on CR, it does not become off-topic on SO. Specific questions ...
Could we have comments stating, "This would work well on Code Review" and similar eligible for instant deletion?
On the relatively-rare occasions I suggest to an OP that their question may be better-suited to CR, I use some variation of this comment:
Since (or "If" when it's not clear) you're asking for help ...
Why was this question migrated to Code Review?
Because I am a numpty and didn’t look closely enough. Sorry.
It was flagged asking for a migration and I saw a broad request asking for someone’s code to be improved. I scanned for comments pointing ...
Could we have comments stating, "This would work well on Code Review" and similar eligible for instant deletion?
In an ideal world, many Stack Overflow users would be educated enough and using comments like T.J. Crowder suggested in their answer after carefully considering suggesting CR... but we all ...
Why are we still unable to flag off-topic -> Code Review?
Believe me when I say that they know about this. Believe me when I say that we would readily send over every question which looked like it was more geared towards code review as opposed to genuine, ...
Migration of code questions from Stack Overflow to Code Review
The most important reason for not having a migration option to Code Review is that Code Review doesn't want it.
Code Review has decided to not allow migrations from Stack Overflow (for now?). ...
Are questions asking for alternate, more efficient solutions on topic?
Are questions asking for alternate, more efficient solutions on topic?
Sort of. If phrased in precisely this way, then no—the question is both "too broad" and too "give me teh codez", which we ...
Cody GrayMod
- 244k
Asking about fixing, and then optimising my code
You can ask separate questions on each site.
First, focus on getting the implementation the way you want it with a question here that includes
your current method implementation
your problem ...
Is it OK to ask a question looking for better ways to do things?
I know Python (but not Pandas), and that question looks fine to me. You have a single specific problem, and you've shown us what you've currently tried. It gives the desired output, but you want to ...
Is it OK to ask a question looking for better ways to do things?
Pandas Python package has a complex API. It is perfectly ok to ask how to do a specific task more idiomatically using pandas if you think your approach "seems messy". Readability counts (PEP 20 -- The ...
Is it OK to ask a question looking for better ways to do things?
It can be on topic -- if you manage to formulate it just right. Which is the tricky part, and if you're new, you're very likely to slip and get it closed.
A question on SO must be:
asking how to ...
Are questions asking for alternate, more efficient solutions on topic?
A question about the aesthetics of a solution aren't going to be on topic. That's going to be entirely opinion based.
If you're able to explain what your solution does, how it performs, what your ...
Should "Are there any bugs in this code?" be migrated to Code Review?
I'm a bit late to this question, but the major flaw with the post you link to is that the OP doesn't describe what bug he's asking about in the post (you have to go to the linked post to figure out ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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