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Stack Overflow Blog top bar flair does not use thousands separators

The flair in the top bar of the new blog site is missing a thousands separator: My reputation is showing as 21988 while on the Q&A sites, it's shown as 21,988:
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.6k
11 votes
1 answer

Search bar is unusable on smaller tablet-sized screens

I am using Stack Overflow quite a lot (for questioning and answering). Recently, I bought an Onyx Boox Nova 3 Color tablet with has a 7.8″ E Ink color screen with a resolution of 468x624 (in portrait ...
iRon's user avatar
  • 23.3k
7 votes
1 answer

Log in / Sign up buttons very close

The buttons "Log in" and "Sign up" are very close to each other, there is no margin: I think, this used to be different.
Apollo79's user avatar
  • 704
88 votes
4 answers

New reputation activity indicator looks unfinished

A new activity indicator design has been available on Stack Overflow for a few minutes now. I know people have different tastes, but this activity indicator doesn’t look good. It looks a bit ...
Maik Lowrey's user avatar
  • 17.5k
9 votes
1 answer

Add more border padding around the review queues dropdown in the top bar

I have suggestion regarding better readability by adding more spacing around element. When you click Review queues (which is placed 3rd in row) in navigation menu and when there are no reviews ...
Nisarg's user avatar
  • 1,641
9 votes
2 answers

Layout of user area on top bar broken on Stack Overflow Contests page

On the page for Stack Overflow Contests (, the top bar is broken. The issue could potentially be due to the missing search bar. Screenshot: I haven't seen this ...
Shaido's user avatar
  • 28.2k
40 votes
1 answer

The top bar no longer displays the moderator flag queue after the new "Products" menu

I usually handle flags on my way back home, when I'm either walking or taking a cab. However, today, on my way back I noticed that the moderator flag queue was not present. This is how it was shown: ...
Bhargav Rao's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

My reputation just disappeared from the top bar [closed]

At some point in the last hour, as the screen capture shows, my reputation number vanished in the top status bar. This is being reported from my Samsung Android phone on a mobile Chrome browser. Does ...
Tim Biegeleisen's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Tooltip is missing on Winter Bash menu [closed]

A tooltip is missing on the Winter Bash menu: Source Code: We are missing the title attribute in the anchor tag: Solution: Kindly add the title attribute to the Winter Bash anchor tag: <a **...
Ramesh Rajendran's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Did I fall into a strange A/B test? The "alert" dot looks a lot less "alert"-y on the Jobs page

Not sure what's going on here, so I'll show links and pictures. This is what I see when I visit this job posting: This is what I see on the main page: Seems like the alert dot is a lot less ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
5 votes
1 answer

Icons list bug on Navigation bar - Developer Jobs page [closed]

Icons list doesn't fill 100% height of the navbar. I just realized there's a "bug" on the icons list in the Navigation bar, situated on the right side next to the user's points and badges at the ...
Chun's user avatar
  • 2,260
7 votes
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Can't access review queue dropdown since appearance of "NEW" with salary calculator

Any attempt to click on the button in the top-bar results in a page reload, thus effectively preventing me from accessing the review queues by this dropdown. It is fine on Meta, but not on main site. ...
Pac0's user avatar
  • 23k
22 votes
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Did we swap top bars with Meta Stack Exchange?

As announced the new top bar has rolled out on Meta Stack Exchange. However, the top bar over here on Meta Stack Overflow seems to have gone back to the old design, which I'm guessing is not on ...
Keiwan's user avatar
  • 8,251
253 votes
2 answers

Make it more obvious that you're review banned

This recent post revealed how non-obvious it is to a user that they're review banned; It seems that in order to determine whether you're review banned or not you either have to; Manually navigate to ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 75.2k
30 votes
1 answer

Disable review icon in top bar during ban [duplicate]

I entered a review ban period this morning. I noticed that a long-time annoyance of mine has been fixed -- if I click the review icon in the top bar, it says There are no review queues available to ...
Dan Lowe's user avatar
  • 56.2k
24 votes
1 answer

People reached popup chopped off by top bar

This isn't major and is probably picky but I happened to notice and so thought it would make sense to report. See screenshot: I'm using Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit) and zoom is 100% ...
Bugs's user avatar
  • 4,489
21 votes
1 answer

Sticky top bar obscures full screen code snippets

The top menu bar, when set to sticky, hides content when one run a snippet in full screen. Is there some new setting to control this that I might have missed?, or someone else missed something :) ...
Asons's user avatar
  • 87.1k
60 votes
2 answers

Add a link to moderator tools to the new review dropdown menu

Could we get a link to in the new review dropdown menu? Only for >10k users obviously. I'll admit I'm lazy (remember, this is a virtue): the new UI now requires 3 ...
Lucas Trzesniewski's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Link review menu item to review overview

With the new dropdown in the topbar for the review, I can no longer scrollwheel-click on the menu item to open the review overview page in a new tab. Now I have to open the dropdown and and choose "...
Floern's user avatar
  • 33.9k
3 votes
2 answers

Should the access review queues button be visible to users with less than 500 reputation?

I have recently noticed, that in the top bar there is a button that says Review queues and takes me to /review. I thought that meant I now have enough reputation to access the review queues, but upon ...
Nulano's user avatar
  • 1,333
34 votes
1 answer

The new top bar covers the "JavaScript is needed" banner

When browsing Stack Overflow without JavaScript enabled, or when the JavaScript code failed to load for some reason (before the introduction of the new top bar), one would get a red banner at the ...
Jonas Czech's user avatar
  • 12.3k
34 votes
1 answer

The "welcome back" message is covered by the new sticky nav bar

This alert: has a lower z-index than the top-bar: You can notice the small line under.
Aureliano Far Suau's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

New top nav loses global inbox at certain sizes in Chrome

On Stack Overflow, the new top navigation bar seems to be designed exclusively for users who run their browser maximized. I miss inbox notifications all the time now because I need room on my screen ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 189k
10 votes
1 answer

Darken menu bar when pop up is active

Pop ups are currently just being placed on top of the content, not the menu bar. Is this how a page pop up should work, or should it actually be placed on top of all content? Vimeo (upload video), ...
zurfyx's user avatar
  • 32.7k
57 votes
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The new top bar appears on every page when printing

With sticky headers comes additional problems. This one strongly affects the ability to print pages on our sites, because a sticky top bar apparently gets repeated only every single page of the print ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 54.7k
7 votes
1 answer

404 error when i click privileges from chat

The following URL gives a 404: what I did is just open the achievements tab from top bar then, I clicked that badges link. Privileges link also gives that ...
Sankar's user avatar
  • 7,097
42 votes
1 answer

The bottom border of the new topbar tabs is covered up by the next tab to the right

The line at the bottom of the current topbar item is cut off when hovering the one to the right to it: The culprit is this rule in the CSS: .so-header .navigation .-item { margin-right: -1px } ...
Jed Fox's user avatar
  • 3,025
1 vote
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Close and flag modal window [duplicate]

Using a computer with a lower resolution when clicking the close or flag link on a question, that has a small description, the modal popup window has a lower z-index than the top menu bar, which makes ...
Asons's user avatar
  • 87.1k
22 votes
1 answer

New navigation bar hides part of another window

I clicked "close" on a question I had already voted to close. Here's what the screen looks like: The box which shows the close options is partly hidden. I can see the bottom tips of some lower-case ...
ajb's user avatar
  • 31.7k
16 votes
1 answer

Navigation bar position disturbed in after review alert

While going through first post review queue, I edited a post and SO presented an alert after the edit that an updated was already made to this post. After closing the alert above top navigation bar, ...
user2009750's user avatar
  • 3,187
6 votes
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Bug with the Low Quality Posts Recommend Deletion dialog box with the new top bar

I just got to see the new top bar when I was reviewing low quality posts. The problem is that when I click Recommend Deletion in the Low Quality Posts queue, the top of the dialog is hidden under the ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
  • 8,821
11 votes
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Make new top bar smaller

The new top bar is great, but I feel it is too tall. As far as I can tell it is currently 60 px in height, and it could easily do with 10 px less of white space. Also, it's odd that this old related ...
Gabriel's user avatar
  • 42.2k
18 votes
1 answer

Achievement icon in new top bar is shaded green even when there's no badge achievement

After multiple feature requests (1, 2) in the latest top bar update, the different notification colors were added back. However, the achievement icon (not the count, the icon) turns green even when ...
davidism's user avatar
  • 127k
9 votes
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New Nav cuts off the tops of my words in the More Stack Exchange Communities box

This is specific to the new nav - I tried, and it's not broken on the other sites. I'm on Firefox 50.0.1 (x32) Windows
Cullub's user avatar
  • 3,198
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New topbar nav: bug when browsing jobs [duplicate]

Go to Stack Overflow Go to Jobs Browse one job opening Scroll down enough so the "Jobs" header takes over the regular (new) top bar Scroll up again Observe up/down perpetual competition between the ...
Sebas's user avatar
  • 21.5k
6 votes
1 answer

New top bar pushes close/flag dialogs

I don't know if its just me, but the new nav bar seems to be adjusting the placement of the flag and close dialogs. They seem to be centered on the content area - so that its appearing that they are ...
Daniel A. White's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Flag count disappears after closing the moderator inbox

With the new top bar, the flag count disappears after opening and closing the moderator inbox: While this makes sense for the inbox, it doesn't make sense here.
Undo's user avatar
  • 25.7k
6 votes
1 answer

new Top Nav: reputation change - bug? [closed]

New Top Nav reputation change show us notification about reputation change (green square) but doesn't change reputation total score (red square). Even if i open achivements panel - nothing is changed ...
teo van kot's user avatar
  • 12.5k
10 votes
2 answers

iPad safari new top-bar messed up

The new top-bar as seen from an iPad. This is the SO home page. iPad Mini 1 iOS 8
Tom Burrows's user avatar
  • 2,325
2 votes
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Escape to collapse search and fix a visual bug in the search box

Two things: Is it possible to make it so that the search box collapses if you press the Escape key? If it is expanded, but I decide that I want to go to Questions, I have to first click somewhere ...
Cave Johnson's user avatar
  • 6,768
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StackExchange overlay can't practically be used with a straight mouse cursor movement [duplicate]

The mouse cursor movement required with the new layout is not straight: I now need to avoid the triangle of dismissal. After Before As this is how I frequently switch between Meta and non-Meta, I ...
Cœur's user avatar
  • 38.6k
50 votes
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Quick route from Meta to Main

After multiple years of use, one of my "muscle memories" is navigating from Meta to Main, something I do fairly frequently after seeing something in Hot Meta Posts etc. On the old navigation it was ...
James Thorpe's user avatar
  • 32.2k
13 votes
1 answer

New Top Bar - "Ask Question" button disappears when I've done a search

I did a search for my other question regarding the New Top Bar and found that my question hadn't been asked so thought, I'll ask the question. Wait a minute, where has the button gone: Normally we ...
Bugs's user avatar
  • 4,489
44 votes
2 answers

New Top Bar - Where's the "help" menu gone?

I often use the help menu to quickly get to the Help Center when looking for snippets to post on answers whilst reviewing them. This is what it used to look like: This seems to have now disappeared ...
Bugs's user avatar
  • 4,489
8 votes
1 answer

New Top Nav should not overlay review-bar

The new top navigation seems to overlay the review bar: This makes reviewing slightly more 'tedious' since I would have to scroll up for each review in order to click the buttons. And also (self-...
Panda's user avatar
  • 6,896
2 votes
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The review queue button redirects to a review queue which I don't have access to [duplicate]

As soon as the new navigation bar was activated to my profile, I immediatly noticed that in the right part of the nav bar, if you click on the review queue button, it redirects me to the "Suggested ...
GiamPy's user avatar
  • 3,550
17 votes
1 answer

The link for review queue is broken

I was trying out the new top bar and noticed that, the link for review queue is pointing at right now which should be ...
Dipen Shah's user avatar
  • 1,909
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Pop-up messages shown under the new top-bar

I got the new top-bar (even if I'm >34k rep). The issue is, pop-up messages such as the "successfully created job alert" one are displayed under the new top-bar. Tested with Vivaldi browser, so I ...
ken2k's user avatar
  • 48.9k
141 votes
3 answers

Unstick new navigation bar

Would it be possible to make the stickiness of the new navbar configurable? I understand that some people like to have the bar fixed on their viewport, but a) I don't, and b) now that the bar is ...
Kerrek SB's user avatar
  • 476k
-13 votes
4 answers

Position fixed navigation bar

I want to suggest making the top navigation bar in an fixed position. I would like to see this change for the following reasons: This would be beneficial while answering questions because you could ...
urnotsam's user avatar
  • 770