On Stack Overflow, the new top navigation bar seems to be designed exclusively for users who run their browser maximized. I miss inbox notifications all the time now because I need room on my screen for other things too, thank you very much.
The "Search ..." text field's width seems completely excessive here. Could the design be refactored to move it to the right of the supercollider menu, or make it much smaller (perhaps only expand it when you type something into it, i.e. for me practically never?)
By playing around with resizing my browser window (which I rarely do otherwise) I notice that window widths around 900 pixels are particularly problematic -- when you resize below a certain width, features are dropped from the nav bar successively, but at this particular size, the Search field is resized back to a larger size, and thus it pushes out the supercollider partially or completely. I would call this a bug in the resizing logic -- it seems the intent is to shrink the search field to accommodate other features, but it breaks at this point.
On Meta, I can see the supercollider and hamburger menu just fine, for the record -- we don't have Documentation here, so the (not really) tabs take up much less space.
My current browser is Chrome on macOS Yosemite. Quick experimentation with Safari seems to indicate that resizing works better there.