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In what cases is it acceptable to answer your own question? [duplicate]

When asking a question on SO, there is an option to answer your own question immediately (Answer your own question – share your knowledge, Q&A-style). In what cases it's acceptable to do so? I've ...
Svetlin Zarev's user avatar
15 votes
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Is seeding broad questions and self-answering with a form answer to create a FAQ acceptable?

I came across a user creating and self-answering a bunch of generic questions. For example, here (with 3 upvotes on the question and answer in 30 minutes?), here, and here. They all share the same ...
doelleri's user avatar
  • 19.7k
6 votes
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Second answer to own question

Yesterday, I asked a rather tricky question that was really bugging me. I found one solution that is strictly Standard-conforming, but also has severe limitations. Another user provided a solution ...
Alexander Vogt's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What to do when the OP comments his question with "Thanks I solved it"?

I came accross this question. The question hasn't received any answer and only one potentially helpful comment. Yet, the OP managed to find a solution on his own and commented his question with "...
DrHaze's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

"Answer your own question Q&A style" [duplicate]

So I came up with a question, did my research, and found no help on S.O. Eventually, I did find an answer to the question that I had. Since the question was nowhere on S.O., I figured that I would ...
Liftoff's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How Much Detail Should "Answer your own question" Questions Contain? [duplicate]

I just posted a wiki-style "Answer your own question" question here. It was almost immediately down-voted, and the first commenter told me what I already suspected - that the down-vote was probably ...
Sandy Gifford's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it okay to ask and answer a question that may help others? [duplicate]

A couple of days back someone asked a question on SO that he wanted to do X (show an array in a message box) in Y (console application) and the first answers it got told the OP that you can infact do ...
Syed Osama Maruf's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it appropriate to ask and answer your own question as a method of improving content? [duplicate]

This question was just asked and answered by the same contributor on SO: How do I print my Java object without getting "SomeType@2f92e0f4"? His comment: After much searching, I failed ...
Erick Robertson's user avatar
2 votes
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Guidelines for self-answered questions [duplicate]

I have started to write a question. As I was writing it, as I usually do, I continue my research, and I found the answer before I finished writing the question. Since I spent a few minutes on it, and ...
thomasb's user avatar
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Etiquette for accepting more detailed own answer based on original answer [duplicate]

A few days back I asked a question How to autowire default XmlMapper in Spring Boot application explaining what I was doing and what I was expecting to happen, and that it wasn't working, and the ...
ci_'s user avatar
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Asked question, I answered it myself, not sure answer has any value, though

I asked this question yesterday: Question. It got pretty long as I was probably not explaining well. It turns out the answer didn't have much to do with the question, or at least how I tried to ask ...
pixelmeow's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Was I wrong to answer my own question? [duplicate]

I found some information about the relationship between the System.Windows.Documents namespace and the Presentation Framework assembly which I thought was non-obvious because usually the namespace has ...
Matthew Sainsbury's user avatar
-6 votes
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Should self-answered questions be protected or marked as a FAQ? [duplicate]

I have noticed that a particular member has asked a question, and, straight after just answered and accepted his answer. I presume that this is acceptable, as it has not been closed. Should the ...
Phorce's user avatar
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15 votes
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Asking the same question on Stack Overflow and other online forums? [duplicate]

This is specifically for less popular tags like Jdbc , PL/SQL , Weblogic , WLST etc. I have asked questions related to the above tags and have noticed that the post receives very few and sometimes no ...
Chiseled's user avatar
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What do you do when the only answer to your question is not as helpful as one of the comments on the question?

Here's my question: ES6 generators- are they really an alternative to async/await? A user posted a comment on my question that answered the question for me: This may help:
Jeremy Danyow's user avatar
35 votes
2 answers

Can I turn a blog post into an SO question? [duplicate]

I've seen this Meta post on whether or not it's acceptable to turn SO questions into blog posts, but I can't seem to find anything on the reverse relationship, so here it goes: I am currently writing ...
Corey Adler's user avatar
  • 16.1k
25 votes
4 answers

What are the limits for self-answers? When are they (not) acceptable?

I just asked this question. It's a fake question used as an umbrella for a long answer where I tried to collect many common issues about Unicode text management and globalization stuff. In my ...
Adriano Repetti's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Editing self-answer out of question [duplicate]

This self-answered question contains the answer in the question body. In this way it shows the easiest (and probably the best) way of solving the problem in a highly visible place. At the moment this ...
Dennis van der Schagt's user avatar
22 votes
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Why can't you accept your own answer immediately?

Occasionally I ask a question for the sole purpose of sharing the answer (eg How can I tell which files have been marked as "assume unchanged" in git) It strikes me as odd that I can't mark ...
GreenAsJade's user avatar
  • 14.7k
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Should I ask a question I know the answer to, if I think it will be useful to others? [duplicate]

In answering questions, sometimes the new users don't know how to do simple debugging. I was thinking of creating a resource which would provide information on how to do that here on Stack Overflow. ...
DoubleDouble's user avatar
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How can I better address this question being flagged as "on-hold/opinion based"? [duplicate]

My SO question/answer I have reviewed both my question and answer multiple times and find no opinion in it. I'm also confused that the question is marked "on-hold/opinion-based" yet there is no ...
DonBecker's user avatar
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20 votes
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My question is downvoted but the self-answer is upvoted; should I delete the question?

I have posted a question. I have tried my best to explain what I need that is not available out of the box, and that I need to implement something new. But I received a series of downvotes, and then ...
Arindam Nayak's user avatar
4 votes
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Should/Can I post a question for which I already have an answer? [duplicate]

While answering a question about Why something doesn't work, I've come up with a workaround idea that is very unusual, and might be an innovating idea. I encouraged the OP to post a new question, ...
LcSalazar's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why are top-rated, accepted answers being rendered below other answers? [duplicate]

See Extreme wait-time when taking a SQL Server database offline The "best" answer is listed 5th on the page.
Jude Allred's user avatar
1 vote
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How to show answer has been given by creator of post

I had a question in which I figured out myself edited the post with the answer, how do I mark as solved? Link to post
Brian Stacks's user avatar
43 votes
1 answer

Can a self-answer be not-an-answer?

I came across this question, which was self-answered with an answer consisting solely of Solved: with no explanation. This question has (pre-meta effect) 959 views, ...
Jeffrey Bosboom's user avatar
0 votes
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How to deal with "obsolete" questions which have answers? [duplicate]

I observed that many of my questions either get a correct answer quite quickly (minutes to hours) or very late / never. In the latter case, I often end up somehow working around the problem (...
didi_X8's user avatar
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Is it OK to ask and answer your own questions and link to your wiki?

This question will be probably controversal, so please keep in mind that it is meant for discussion in the first place. I am currently thinking about writing a FAQ or "best practices" on a ...
lexicore's user avatar
  • 43.6k
3 votes
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Should Q&A questions be subject to the same rules about duplicate questions if the answer given is unique?

Put a lot of work into an in-depth tutorial of Java Filters, only to have it marked as a duplicate of a question about servlets and filters in which someone did a quick skimming post about Java ...
rainydaymatt's user avatar
-7 votes
2 answers

Can instant self-answer be automatically identified as such? [duplicate]

I posted a question with its answer on SO and within minutes got two negative votes on the question and a comment on the answer scolding me for posting my answer at the same time as my question: ...
Reid's user avatar
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37 votes
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Bug when submitting self-answered question without any tags

Found a bug in Stack Overflow. Fill out a question. Tick the "Answer your own question" check box. Try submitting without filling in tags. Result: System asks you for tags (correct behavior) "Post ...
yar1's user avatar
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7 votes
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Should you put an answer to your own question and mark it as the accepted answer or update your question? [duplicate]

This mainly relates to when you've asked a question, no ones given you a suitable answer and then you come up with it yourself. So my question is, if you have this situation should you post the ...
sr28's user avatar
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1 vote
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The order of answers does not work as expected [duplicate]

In most of the questions if the answers are ordered by votes, the accepted answer would appear first (no matter how many votes it had) and all other answers would then follow, ordered by votes. ...
Alexander Popov's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

When is it appropriate to post a question and answer it right away? [duplicate]

I realise that it could be helpful to add a question that I know the answer to and post both. Although I have yet to do this I would like to know when and if this is acceptable.
Matthew Brown aka Lord Matt's user avatar
-23 votes
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I answered my own question, shouldn't I get the points? [closed]

Let's say that I posted a question and nobody bothered to reply to my post, and I answered my own question. Do I get the points for the question? I'll make the question even simpler: why shouldn't I ...
Joe_Hendricks's user avatar
2 votes
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How to handle questions, which are solved via edit? [duplicate]

I have seen a lot of questions, where the asker edited his question with a remark "solved" and described the problem. I have taken a look into this answer, which is for a similar problem with comments....
Christian Gollhardt's user avatar
1 vote
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Asking question and immediate answering [duplicate]

Is it good practice to "ask" a question (create new one) and immediately answer it? Background: I experiance some problem. Try to search some favorite sources for answer. I can't find any existing ...
sharpener's user avatar
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Answer question on behalf of OP

Many new OPs answer their own questions by editing them, such as this one here: Error creating JClouds SwiftApi: Provider org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.KeystoneApiMetadata could not be ...
Lukas Eder's user avatar
  • 220k
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How to deal with OP providing an answer in the question? [duplicate]

I came across this question, and felt that I should remove ' - resolved' from the title; this isn't a forum. However, the resolution is provided by the OP, and in the OP. If I remove it, obviously ...
OJFord's user avatar
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Should I clean up this old question?

This is very strongly related to Should I clean up my *old* lower-quality questions? However, I think this question of mine is more a grey area. It's two years old and has 462 views (as of this meta ...
Mike Guthrie's user avatar
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-1 votes
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If you figure out your own question yourself, should you take it off the site? [duplicate]

If you ask a question that later you realize you know the answer to, should you remove that question from the site? For instance, I asked a question about a game I was writing in Python but realized ...
electron1's user avatar
46 votes
4 answers

I have an answer to offer, but no one has asked for it yet

In the course of building my project, I discovered that it's possible to overload the addEventListener object - I've seen a few questions that asked the question about adding one eventListener to ...
NovaDev's user avatar
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2 votes
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Should I delete my own post if I find the answer, or I should answer in my own post? [duplicate]

As you can see, I recently posted a question. But after a day I found the answer myself. I'm confused about whether I should answer my own question, so that the answer can be helpful to other people ...
Balasubramani M's user avatar
6 votes
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What to do when an asker answers in his own question?

I was just poking around SO and I found this question. After reading through it so I could come up with a good answer for the asker, I came across the last thing he says: "Final solution thanks to ...
Matthew Haugen's user avatar
3 votes
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Should self answered question based on experience be encouraged?

Sometimes, I may encounter some problems, which doesn't have an answer in stackoverflow yet. And finally I found the solution, maybe through reading docs or other way? Is posting both such question ...
Alfred Huang's user avatar
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39 votes
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Why is the accepted answer not on top? [closed]

This question Is there a way to get the count size for a JPA Named Query with a result set? has an accepted answer, but it is drowned pretty drowned in other answers - even though it has positive ...
Zavael's user avatar
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5 votes
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Self Answer Questions being too broad [duplicate]

I'm planning to do another self-answer Q&A style question, but I just had a thought that if I came across this question asked in the wild without an answer, I would flag to close as too broad. ...
JamesENL's user avatar
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Tag Wiki vs Community Wiki vs Self-Answered Questions

I've just recently posted this: How do I use annotations to define different types of relationships in Hibernate 4 and Spring? to basically give myself a SO resource that I can use when answering ...
JamesENL's user avatar
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How to deal with a question that includes the correct answer in the question? [duplicate]

This is a rather bizarre one, where an old question (2008) was asked that includes what turned out to be the answer. Question: Good way to use table alias in Update statement? Now I found this ...
Tanner's user avatar
  • 22.7k
27 votes
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What to do when I answer my own poor, unanswered questions?

A number of my questions were fairly specific. They received no votes or answers, so perhaps they were too specific. I eventually solve my problems and answer my questions, selecting that answer so ...
ABMagil's user avatar
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