I've just recently posted this: How do I use annotations to define different types of relationships in Hibernate 4 and Spring? to basically give myself a SO resource that I can use when answering people's questions about setting up Hibernate relationships using annotations because as I say in the comments, I'm sick of typing out the same object structure again and again when giving examples. I also see so many people

I was planning to do some other questions in a similar vein on things like transaction management best practices, how to create an effective DAO/Service layer in Spring with declarative transactions and how to deal with lazily loaded collections.

I realise that they would be helpful in the tag wiki, but

  1. I don't have the rep to edit tag wiki's without everything being reviewed and;
  2. I want to continue improving these over time.
  3. What new user ever reads the tag wiki?

I considered making my first one a Community Wiki. However, my intention is to provide a single resource for people to use rather than 25 answers from every TDH1 with a keyboard that people have to trawl through to find what is actually helpful.

Should I make these questions community wiki and just watch the answers closely or should I leave them as a self-answered Q&A style question? I was a little disheartened that I got a near instant VTC for "Not a Question", but I live in hope.

1Tom, Dick and Harry

1 Answer 1


That close vote probably came from the giant wall of bold-italic text that takes up 1/2 of the question yet has nothing to do with the question. And the fact that the question isn't actually a question, it is a blog post. You need to ask the question in question format. You didn't do that here.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but my suggestion is to spend less time wringing your hands about the system and just use it. We allow self-answered questions for a reason. If you have knowledge to share, Q&A style, you're encouraged to do it. See also: It’s OK to Ask and Answer Your Own Questions

Creating canonical questions with high-quality answers is a well-accepted practice and something you are to be commended for taking the time to do. You can make these community wiki if you want, but don't feel any pressure to do so. As long as the answer is mostly yours, you deserve the credit for creating it. Writing good canonical questions and answers is hard.

Aside from that, the standard rules about Community Wiki posts still apply. See also: Putting the Community back in Wiki

And there's nothing wrong with people who have something different to contribute posting new, separate answers, just like any other question. Obviously you don't want a proliferation of useless, wrong, or duplicate answers. But you don't ever want that on any question. The community already has tools to handle that situation, including protecting a question and downvoting/deleting these answers.

As far as the tag wiki goes, I'm not sure where the community stands on that. I remember a long while ago (back before the Meta SO/Meta SE split), there were suggestions that all kinds of canonical information be located in the tag wiki, but I think that died out after people realized the limitations of the tag wikis: primarily that they are not easily discoverable, that questions cannot be closed as duplicates of a tag wiki, they quickly get lengthy and unwieldy, etc. Various proposals to make tag wikis "richer" and more wiki-like have mostly fallen by the wayside. I take that as a sign that the community now feels it would be more appropriate to put this information into questions and answers. If you want to edit the tag wiki to link to the canonical questions, that would of course be appropriate. (You don't need 20k reputation to suggest edits to the tag wiki.)

  • Updated my question to try and rephrase the question part as an actual question, and removed the bold italics to a subscript disclaimer. I'll continue to improve it. Thanks for your help
    – JamesENL
    Commented Jun 17, 2014 at 8:42
  • The disclaimers seem like they belong in the answer to me. The answer is the thing that provides the examples you are disclaiming, not the question. The question should be something like "How can I…blah blah blah?"
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jun 17, 2014 at 8:42
  • Thanks for taking the time to point these things out
    – JamesENL
    Commented Jun 17, 2014 at 8:45

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