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The Stacks Editor implementation of code formatting makes it much harder to edit questions in the Staging Ground

Just to be clear, I don't want a meta effect of votes on this question but it exemplifies the issue. I seemingly can't easily edit it back into shape like I used to be able to. The {} button has been ...
roganjosh's user avatar
  • 13.2k
-3 votes
0 answers

Was my suggested edit to "Android:Playing a mp4 Video file while downloading it using LAN is Possible?" incorrectly rejected?

I recently suggested this edit. The edit removed some thing that were useless and should be removed (ex.I'm a newbie, thank you, Edited:), fixed capitatlization and punctuation, and cleaned up the ...
Starship-On Discussions Strike's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't the user card have a blue background when a question asker edits another user's answer to their question?

Since question askers have a blue background in their user card for answers and comments they author on their own questions, as a matter of consistency I assume they should also have it on the user ...
nalka's user avatar
  • 2,320
-19 votes
1 answer

Old posts should be archived to prevent useless edits

CodePlex's icon This is a 9-year-old bug report. It was fixed. Meta is for bug reports; thus, it is not off-topic. I don't know who closed it and why; there might be another edit pending. I don't ...
klenium's user avatar
  • 2,597
-24 votes
2 answers

A user is removing tags from questions, that I edited

I'm editing questions from my past, and they become active on the tags. I do a substantial edits, so the tags editing is included to the finil revision. But BalusC is sitting on the active tag and ...
Roman C's user avatar
71 votes
3 answers

Edits that change the style/wording of questions

Disclaimer: I already flagged this behavior and the flag got rejected. I found a user who's been editing posts a lot. Great, so far. The edits fall into various categories, such as retagging, fixing ...
Christoph Rackwitz's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Able to avoid minimum character limit in SG

Apparently you can avoid the minimum character limit of a post, in the Staging Ground, by editing a post and then using a different option, such as "require major changes". I was editing ...
Thom A's user avatar
  • 95.1k
11 votes
0 answers

"Posts edited" and Copy Editor badge progress are inconsistent due to Staging Ground edits

I noticed that my "Copy Editor" badge progress and the "posts edited" numbers are different. The former is 333 while the latter is 340. I thought these count the same things. ...
Sweeper's user avatar
  • 266k
1 vote
0 answers

What’s with all the random [compiler-construction] tags? [duplicate]

I am curious. I see a lot of old posts being edited where the major change is removal of the compiler-construction tag. As yet, not one of those old posts has anything to do with compiler construction....
Dúthomhas's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Allow tag-only edits when the post is mostly images/code

I'm editing tags on posts according to this post: What should we do with all of these symfony tags?. Sometimes, when the posts are bad, I vote to close and/or downvote, but I still (sometimes) edit ...
Elikill58's user avatar
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10 votes
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Rewrite URLs

Judging from these edits I made (listed below), removing "docs" from the URL fixes the link. For example, becomes edit 1 edit ...
Laurel's user avatar
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5 votes
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Clicking 'Edit' on a revision on a Staging Ground post edits latest revision, not the selected revision [duplicate]

Normally, you are able to click the "Edit" link on a revision in the revision history of a post, next to "Rollback" and "Link". This allows you to edit that specific ...
CPlus's user avatar
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9 votes
0 answers

Please add the ability to edit posts in the discussion-space

While questions/answers in the discussion space are by design not held to the same rigorous standard of regular SO posts, the ability to edit posts should still exist, as people still: do errors when ...
A-Tech's user avatar
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51 votes
4 answers

Allow moderators to edit posts without going through quality filter

Sometimes people add some nonsense in their questions to bypass quality check that does not allow that post contains mostly images. Question cannot be posted and will trigger following error: Your ...
Dalija Prasnikar's user avatar
  • 28.5k
32 votes
1 answer

Why is editing a staged question so different from editing a posted question?

I tried to fix code formatting of this staged question I didn't manage to get the formatting right, because there is no preview, and the top bar ...
463035818_is_not_an_ai's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Duplicated answer after connection loss

I was editing my answer to this question when I lost my connection. After restoring connection and submitting the update, I have got a new answer appearing like if I duplicated my answer instead of ...
jlandercy's user avatar
  • 10.9k
15 votes
1 answer

False-positive "Your post is mostly images."

I've tried to improve formatting and fixing a typo in this question: Adding more than one reviewer to a GitLab merge request On save I got this error message: Your post is mostly images. Add ...
palacsint's user avatar
  • 28.8k
-59 votes
3 answers

How do I keep people from editing my posts?

This is quite straightforward, but I cannot seem to find anyone else asking this: How do I keep people from making edits to the body of my posts? While I somewhat see what Stack Overflow is going for ...
Dbdndbshzbzb's user avatar
3 votes
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Suddenly can't edit my own answer [duplicate]

I suddenly can't edit my own answer post. I get this error message: Comment Reserved for system use. Please use an appropriate comment. I tried some more specific messages and also tried to re-login ...
SyndRain's user avatar
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Just today, every edit comment I try to make is "reserved for system use" [duplicate]

I'm trying to submit a basic edit, but no matter what I type, the website says "Comment reserved for system use. Please use an appropriate comment." I've never had problems with edit ...
Frasher Gray's user avatar
40 votes
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"Comment reserved for system use. Please use an appropriate comment." when submitting an edit with an edit comment

When editing this question by replacing the supplied images of the formula with identical mathjax formulas I tried to supply a reason as shown in the image with "use mathjax instead of images&...
planetmaker's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Was the minimum character limit for questions increased to 300 recently?

I was trying to edit this question into shape. Due to removing some junk text the body became shorter and I got this error message when trying to save: Body must be at least 300 characters; you ...
mkrieger1's user avatar
  • 22.7k
7 votes
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Edit button on old revision doesn't edit right revision

I was on staging ground. I checked revision history, and I would like to get the text from some specific revision (not the actual one). So I clicked on the button "Edit this revision", and ...
Elikill58's user avatar
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Staging ground bug: editing post body does not work; edits silently discarded [duplicate]

I saw this post in the staging ground: After checking that it wasn't a dupe, I thought it could be a decent question with some editing improvements, ...
Scott McPeak's user avatar
  • 12.5k
23 votes
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Editing a post and publishing simultaneously doesn't apply the edit to the published post

I edited, and then decided that after cleaning up some repetition it was decent enough to publish so selected "Approve and post on main site"...
pppery's user avatar
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12 votes
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The question author in the Staging Ground can be affected by the reviewer lock, disallowing editing from them

When an SG item is in front of a reviewer, it applies an "In Review" lock to it, disallowing other reviewers from taking action on it, including editing. This is a good thing, as it tries to ...
Spevacus's user avatar
  • 614
6 votes
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Staging Ground edits don't have a grace period

I just edited a Staging Ground question's tags, then I noticed some typos and fixed them too, then noticed a typo I missed and fixed it. Each time I clicked the edit button created a new revision, but ...
wjandrea's user avatar
  • 32.6k
7 votes
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Should the review be skipped automatically if one wants to edit but the queue is full and the reviewer does not have full-edit privileges?

I know that there are already some similar questions here regarding the "problem", but I have not been able to find a discussion about this "solution": The answer to this question ...
Jan_B's user avatar
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33 votes
2 answers

Where do we draw the line on when an edit is reasonable and when the question needs to be re-asked?

Some background to clarify my question: This stems from a recent experience I had on SO where I absolutely made an error in my question statement and inadvertently flipped two terms that I had ...
Cam's user avatar
  • 587
-10 votes
1 answer

What to do if I find a question for my problem, but I have different thing to say? Why is editing the old question bad? [duplicate]

The questions What should I do if there is a question already made for my problem but has never been answered? (duplicate) and What can you do when the question you want to ask is a duplicate? don't ...
Ooker's user avatar
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3 votes
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What to do when an edit to a dated post duplicates existing answer?

I have had this happen to me and seen it happen to others multiple times and I am wonder what the appropriate response (if any) would be to the following scenario: Some answer will have posted code ...
LMc's user avatar
  • 18.5k
43 votes
2 answers

Dissent with a user on contents of a post

I wrote a question-and-answer-post. Another user edited my question. I don't agree with the changes. I would describe the dissent as being about style. I rolled back the edit. The user edited the ...
Jonathan Herrera's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Does this edit change the meaning of the question?

This question originally had the title: Keyboard shortcut suggestions in VScode User @starball posted an answer, then changed the title to: I want to learn VS Code keyboard shortcuts. How can I get ...
InSync's user avatar
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"There are too many pending edits" on a locked post [duplicate]

I tried to edit this question to remove the "best way" phrasing to make it less opinion-based, but when I try to do so I got this error: There are too many pending edits on Stack Overflow. ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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2 votes
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Invalid code in frequently viewed question

This PHP question is highly upvoted and frequently visited, yet the question's example code is not valid PHP. The invalid component of the code does not affect the question; in fact for such a ...
jla's user avatar
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13 votes
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How can we resolve this edit war where the OP continuously rolls back tag edits back to the wrong tag? [duplicate]

There are two questions from the same asker regarding Rust and the Cargo package manager, where they have incorrectly tagged the question cargo when it should be rust-cargo. The former tag is for a ...
kmdreko's user avatar
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-10 votes
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"dataframe" or "data frame" spelling in pandas? [closed]

What is the correct spelling of this word when it is used in the context of the Python pandas library: "dataframe" or "data frame"? Many Stack Overflow posts have different ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

What does 'Notice added' mean in the edit history of a question?

While going through the edit history of a question, I came across the following messages in the history: Notice added Reward existing answer by USER Notice removed Reward existing answer by USER ...
Dinux's user avatar
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12 votes
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Who can modify a locked post for me? I found an invalid URL that needs to be updated

The question is this: Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide There is a link to Git guide, but that does not work. It should be Git guide (without underscore) I have sufficient reputation ...
Natrium's user avatar
  • 31.2k
3 votes
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When a popular question's title and body are unclear, does it warrant a rewrite to match the popular answer?

I will be referring to this stackoverflow question: Get global variable dynamically by name string in JavaScript The title is clear, but I don't think most know what the body text is asking for. ...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

When editing a question to cleanup grammar and formatting issues, should links to images of text be left as links?

Note: The following does not in any way suggest that anyone should attempt to transcribe code from an image into text. I routinely clean up questions by fixing titles, tags, question grammar, and ...
HangarRash's user avatar
  • 14.7k
-28 votes
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How to avoid editing war [duplicate]

I have been answering questions about fairly specific technical topics and libraries - mostly ones for which I am a lead developer -- for several years. Over the past few days, one person (who I do ...
M Newville's user avatar
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-18 votes
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Important context removed from answer, why?

I wrote an answer to a poorly written question. I provided a possible answer but added a disclaimer to state that the symptoms described in the question can have many causes. And the only way to find ...
M.P. Korstanje's user avatar
-36 votes
3 answers

How do I get guidance that I explicitly asked for in my question when that request gets edited out by someone else?

In the original version of my question, I specifically asked In the early days of StackOverflow, all sorts of programming and computer questions were all lumped together in one subsite. As things ...
FKEinternet's user avatar
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23 votes
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How should links embedded into questions be formatted?

I ran into a debate on question edits just now. A question had 2 embedded links, in this format: I had this [question][1] which... <...> And for the [other question][2], [1]: https://...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.6k
2 votes
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How do I see which questions I've edited (by suggesting edits)? [duplicate]

I've edited several questions and had several edits accepted over the past week or so, but I can't seem to find my pending or accepted edits. Where can I see a list of questions I've edited?
neets's user avatar
  • 21
-13 votes
1 answer

Edit war for two questions with the [c++-faq] tag

The pre-history To give you the history leading up to this, I have recently asked about what the proper usage of the c++-faq tag is: What should we do about the [c++-faq] tag and its questionable uses?...
Jan Schultke's user avatar
  • 38.2k
-2 votes
3 answers

Should a question manually list duplicates or related questions? If not, should I remove the list (in part)?

The version of question What should main() return in C and C++? as I post is simple in terms of what it's asking, but quite a long question because it ...
Jan Schultke's user avatar
  • 38.2k
-6 votes
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Restoring the original intent of the author would vandalize the Q&A

The Q&A at Why do we need virtual functions in C++? is a dilemma. The author seems to understand virtual member functions to some extent, and their confusion is mainly caused by But earlier in ...
Jan Schultke's user avatar
  • 38.2k
31 votes
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How to add information missing in old answers

Recently, I posted an answer to an old question where my main goal was to show that a method that was posted years ago (.index()) is the "best" one using a benchmark. Now, the question ...
cottontail's user avatar
  • 22.3k

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