While questions/answers in the discussion space are by design not held to the same rigorous standard of regular SO posts, the ability to edit posts should still exist, as people still:

  • do errors when tagging a post,
  • make typos,
  • are not always that good at English, making a post hard to read without fixing grammar/wording issues,
  • are sometimes not familiar with the markdown options, meaning the formatting has to be fixed.

Given the relative small amount of users active in the discussion space, I believe that a new suggest-edit review queue for discussions would not be feasible, nor adding discussion-suggest-edits to the regular suggest-edit queue. (As far as I understand if you edit your own post, there is no review if you are under 2k reputation points.)

Instead, I propose to only allow editing in discussions to users with the edit-privilege.

  • 2
    If not posts, then at least titles and tags.
    – Ryan M Mod
    Commented Aug 13 at 16:03
  • The downside to allowing more people to edit is that there are basically no tools for moderating Discussion edits (like locks on the main site, or even a rollback button) and the people doing the moderation usually aren't SO mods (and therefore have to request a user be banned).
    – Laurel
    Commented Aug 14 at 17:36


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