Linked Questions

7 votes
0 answers

Why are there so many pending close votes in Review? [duplicate]

Whenever I go to the review page I see thousands of Pending Close Votes for review while other queues are mostly 0 to a few hundred. Why are so many of them pending? Is it normal for Stack Overflow? ...
SMR's user avatar
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397 votes
14 answers

Please change the review icon back to a text link

It's become pretty clear by now that, whatever the other merits of the top-bar redesign, it has been a disaster for review: As a result, Triage isn't able to handle VLQ flags on questions, Low ...
Shog9's user avatar
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320 votes
14 answers

On large communities decaying over time, being nice or mean, and Stack Overflow

Wandering about the Internet, I stumbled across why online communities decay over time. This is a rather good article and should be read in conjunction with a group is its own worst enemy. I strongly ...
user avatar
225 votes
14 answers

More effective closing / downvoting of junk questions to help with the signal-noise ratio?

Signal vs Noise I find that when a question warrants a close vote, it usually violates a number of rules, sometimes a majority of the rules, and it is hard to decide which is the most appropriate. ...
user avatar
166 votes
6 answers

Thwart publishing duplicate and low quality questions

I had a thought when I was reading over this post and its interesting answers: Are high-reputation users answering fewer questions? specifically this answer. Why do we allow duplicates and low ...
Carrie Kendall's user avatar
36 votes
9 answers

Is a mod unilaterally reviewing/closing 1500 questions in a single day okay, or too much?

Over the last couple weeks, I've noticed a single user (a moderator) closing an inordinate amount of questions through the CV Queue every couple of days or so. This is quite obvious because not only ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
60 votes
4 answers

Question that can be solved using basic debugging [duplicate]

More often than never (that would be around several times a day, and about half the questions asked under the android tag), questions can be answered using basic debugging. Reading the stacktrace, ...
njzk2's user avatar
  • 39.3k
39 votes
7 answers

Does the broken window theory apply to closing questions?

Lately I've been seeing complaints that we've taken away valuable tools to fight the rising tide of low quality questions. The assumption often seems to be that it's harder to close questions, so the ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.4k
-25 votes
5 answers

Closing questions just makes people feel really bad - can we make it harder in general?

Just trying to start a conversation about this blog post .. which really resonated for me. I'm not heavily involved with Stack Overflow but I use it ...
utunga's user avatar
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49 votes
2 answers

Triage gray areas - what should we do when the question is borderline?

This was pointed out in an answer to the original topic thread, but could probably do with more extraction, as it can be viewed as quite subjective whether a question qualifies for "Looks Okay&...
Compass's user avatar
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45 votes
4 answers

Encourage user to review close votes

As you can see in reputation page there are more than 34k users having 3000+ reputation, who can cast close vote and review the close votes queue. ╔════════════╦═══════════╗ ║ Total Rep* ║ Users ║ ...
ketan's user avatar
  • 19.3k
41 votes
3 answers

Close voters call to arms: let's make this September welcoming

"It is September once again... and once again students are asking their homework problems..." How about we help site newcomers learn to properly ask questions by spending few minutes in review queue ...
gnat's user avatar
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50 votes
2 answers

Efficiency of review queues - too many "aged away" flags

There are similar questions asked too, however those are old and now the situation might be even worse. Why were my older close flags "aged away"? How many aged away flags are common? Are ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
28 votes
1 answer

Looking for stats on how frequency of skip actions correlates with audits failures rate and amount of reviews done by user

Related: Is this request for statistics of skipping in reviews hard to accomplish or does it somehow lack visibility? This is sort of a follow-up request based on stats of how many reviewers ...
gnat's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Is the flag ban of damocles waiting for me; or am I just wrong with triage queue

I find myself flagging a lot more posts mostly through the use of the triage queue. As a matter of fact, I flag so much posts I wonder if I'm doing this right. Until now I've been pretty on topic ...
Félix Adriyel Gagnon-Grenier's user avatar

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