As you can see in reputation page there are more than 34k users having 3000+ reputation, who can cast close vote and review the close votes queue.
╔════════════╦═══════════╗ ║ Total Rep* ║ Users ║ ╠════════════╬═══════════╣ ║ 100,000+ ║ 354 ║ ║ 50,000+ ║ 1,057 ║ ║ 25,000+ ║ 2,979 ║ ║ 10,000+ ║ 9,121 ║ ║ 5,000+ ║ 20,013 ║ ║ 3,000+ ║ 34,447 ║ ║ 2,000+ ║ 51,328 ║ ║ 1,000+ ║ 95,387 ║ ║ 500+ ║ 167,653 ║ ║ 200+ ║ 284,001 ║ ║ 1+ ║ 4,688,065 ║ ╚════════════╩═══════════╝
But as i notice today from last 9 hours there are only 1.6k+ reviews today. If you count as percentage depend on users it is only 5% of total users(rep having 3k+).
At the end of the day, I don't think it will go more than 10-12% of total users who do reviews:
║ need review ║ reviews today ║ reviews all-time ║
║ 6,650 ║ 1,621 ║ 3,186,688 ║
So, how can we encourage users to participate in review tasks and make the review queue smaller?
Currently we are getting a gold badge on completion of 1,000 review tasks. Thereafter we get no badge, so many users stop reviewing then after. Can we give a badge to users after completion of 5,000 or 10,000 review tasks? Or on every 1000 or 2000 review task?
To earn such a badge, users will review more tasks and decrease the queue.