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Amit Joshi's user avatar
Amit Joshi's user avatar
Amit Joshi
  • Member for 8 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
14 votes

Why would a question be deleted if it's on topic and not extremely low quality?

8 votes

Chat UI changes suggestions

6 votes

Lifting the Review Ban

6 votes

Resolving an ambiguous tag: [mri]

5 votes

Why am I still a trusted user?

4 votes

Delete [sprint-boot]

3 votes

Are questions seeking answers in either of two or more languages on-topic?

3 votes

Merging the FHIR tags

3 votes

Wikipedia like pop-over for Stack Overflow links

2 votes

Is there a way to know my "total" reputation before "Rewarding the Question Askers" change was applied?

2 votes

How to handle multiple old accepted/up-voted Low Quality Answers from same user?

2 votes

Please help with my missing question on meta

2 votes

Opinion-based close reason doesn't seem accurate for my question

0 votes

Why is my reputation not visible after the association bonus?